Abstract:Five batches of turbot, Scophthalmus maximus L., imported from 2003 to 2005 was collected to initiate the genetic breeding program. The five batches of turbot were Spain (S), Chile (C), Denmark (D), England (E) and France (F) respectively. The unbalanced nest design was adopted and five cross combinations (thirty one fullsib families) were obtained by in vit ro fertilization. Sample of fifty individuals was randomly collected from each f amily, and body length (cm) and the body weight (g) of fry on 25 days and 80 day s were analysed by variance analysis, correlation analysis and cluster analysis. The results showed that there was significant difference in body weight of fry on 25 days and 80 days. Leastsignificant difference for comparisons of multi average in body weight showed the fastest growth rate occured in the cross betwe en the Danish batch and the French batch. The results of the cluster analysis in dicated that five cross combinations could be divided into two groups. The first group including two cross combinations (D×C and D×F) was better than the othe r groups including three cross combinations (D×S, D×E and E×S) on growth rate . The families with better growth rate were found in each cross and the ANOVA an alysis for body weight showed it was significantly different among the cross com binations. The data sorting of body length and the body weight on 25 days and 80 days ranked different in most cross and families. The results of the correlatio n analysis showed that the correlation index (0.132, 0.096) and determination co efficients (0.017, 0.009) were small between the body length and the body weight of fry on 25 days and 80 days. It was clear that the growth time gave slightly indirect effect on body weight from 25 days to 80 days. The early growth traits varied in different hybrids cross combinations of the imported turbot. The resul ts of this study imply the need and efficiency for turbot genetic breeding, by h ybridization and selection based on Best Linear Unbiased Prediction, for the imp orted Scophthalmus maximus L.