Abstract:To investigate the basic physiological data of saury Coilia ectenes, which were collected from the Changjiang River of Anqing in Anhui, the watches were fixed using Bouin's solution, and developmental condition of the gonad was observed. The results showed, when the saury swan into Changjiang River at February and March, its gonad was in Ⅱ-Ⅲ phase, after 3-4 months, the saury got into the Changjiang River of Anqing in Anhui, and the gonad developed into Ⅳ-Ⅴ phase. Moreover, the results also indicated that the developmetal phase of ovary of different saury population were different, however, more than 90 percent male saury had arrived at mature. Furthermore, shape of oocyte in developmental phase were also observed.