Abstract:This present paper studied the technological characteristics of seawater treated by sand filtering , net filtering and reserve2water disinfection. The results showed that after treatment the average filtering ratio of phytoplankton was 89. 98 % , and that of zooplanktonwas89.5%; thatitcanisolatetheotherspeciesofshrimpandcrabbythefilteringnetof morethan40mesh,anditwas difficult for Copepoda to pass through the filtering net of more than 60 mesh ,so it can block the horizontal disseminate pathway of WSSV ; and that 6 ?10 6 of the efficient chlorine can kill Copepoda but most aquatic creatures were dead in the water treated by 10 ?10 6 of the efficient chlorine , and it can transfer algae after killing the harmful creatures by using bleaching powder when there was reserve water. The result of water culture for 4 days , in out2seawater and the water treated with sand filtering or net filtering of 60 mesh or 6 ?10 -6of efficient chlorine , showed that the species and quantity of plankton were the most by out2sea2water culture , and it reduced respectively in the water treated by filtering with 6 mesh ,sand filtering and 6 ?10 -6 of efficient chlorine.