






The comparative pharmacokinetics of chloramphenicol in Oreochromis niloticus

tic Genetic Resources and Aquaculture Ecology Certificated by Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery Pathogen Collection of the Ministry of Agriculture, Shanghai Fisheries University, Shanghai200090,China

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    建立了尼罗罗非鱼血浆内氯霉素的反相液相色谱测定法(RT-HPLC),并研究了以50 mg?kg-1剂量的氯霉素单次给药后,不同水温、不同年龄尼罗罗非鱼血浆中药代动力学的差异.结果表明,RT-HPLC法检测血浆中的氯霉素基线走势平稳,药峰与杂质峰分离良好,在空白血浆样品中添加0.25,2.5和12.5 μg?mL-1标准品,3个水平的平均回收率可达(90.47?3.42)%,且变异系数小于10%;日内精密度和日间精密度均较高,平均变异系数分别为1.199%和1.770%.研究揭示,水温和年龄对氯霉素在尼罗罗非鱼血浆中的药代动力学有一定的影响.水温升高,氯霉素在罗非鱼血浆中吸收、分布和消除速度则明显加快,26℃下T1/2 ka仅为18℃的1/3,T1/2α和T1/2β也明显缩短,Tp不到18℃的一半,CLs是18℃的1.74倍;氯霉素在一龄罗非鱼血浆中的吸收速度比二龄罗非鱼快,达峰时间短,消除速度明显减慢,但分布半衰期和曲线下面积(AUC)大小二者比较接近.鉴于CAP毒性强,在对水产品中的CAP残留进行监控时,应以养殖水温较低、年龄较小者作为监控的重点,以确保水产品的安全.


    A high performance liquid chromatography ( RT-HPLC) method for detection of chloramphenicol ( CAP) in the plasma of nile tilapia ( Oreochomia niloticus) was described and the effect of different water temperatures ( 18e and 26e ) and age of fish ( 1 year old and 2 years old) on the pharmacokinetics of CAP in nile tilapia after oral administration at a single dosage of 50 mg#kg - 1 body weight was examined in this study . The results showed that with RT-HPLC base line was smooth and the object peak of the drug was utterly separated from the impurity . The method was validated with blank samples fortified at 0. 25, 2. 5, 12. 5 Lg#mL- 1, and the mean recovery rate of CAP in plasma was ( 90. 47? 3. 42)% and the co efficient of variation was below 10%. The average intraday precision and inter- day precision were perfected, and the coefficient of variation were 1. 199% and 1. 770%, respectively. The pharmacokinetics of CAP had some relationship with water temperature and age. With the rise of water temperature, the speed of absorption, distribution and elimination of CAP in plasma accelerated. Not only the half- time of absorption ( T1/ 2kA) of the 26e group was about one third that of the 18 e gro up, but also the half-time of distribution ( T1/2A) and the half- time of elimination ( T1/ 2B) less than those in the 18e group. The time to peak concentration ( Tp) of the 26e group was less than half that in the 18e group, and the body clearance ( CLs) of the 26e gro up was about 1. 74 times greater than that in the 18e group, indicating that CAP was more rapidly cleared in higher water temperature. The speed of absorption in the 1 year old group was significantly higher than that in the 2years old gro up, and Tmax in the 1 year old group was significantly shorter than that in the 2 years old group, but T1/ 2kA and the area under concentration ( AUC) in the 1 year old gro up were close to that in the elder gro up. The speed of absorption in one years old group was much higher than that in tw o years old group, however, the speed of elimination of the former was much slower than that of the latter. Therefore, in view of the toxicity of CAP, it is important to be concerned about the pollution of CAP in aquatic animal food, and more attention should be paid to aquatic animals with relatively small age those live in relatively low water temperature in order to assure safety of aquatic food product.



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  • 收稿日期:2014-03-13
  • 最后修改日期:2014-03-13
  • 录用日期:2014-03-13
  • 在线发布日期: 2014-03-13
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