Abstract:The specimens for biological study were collected from the spawning and feeding ground of Ammodytes personatus and the A . personatus fishing condition data for the f ishery management were collected in 1999- 2003. The compositions of food organisms of A. personatus in the coast of southern Shandong peninsula include the Copepoda, Chaetognatha , Amphipoda, Decap oda and Euphausicea. From summer season to the spawning stage, A. personatus distributed in the northern Yellow Sea do not take food. The absolute majority of A. personatus mature during their first year of life and this f ish spawns once a year. The main spawning season is f rom the end of October to November. In the earlier stage, the temperature for the spawners is about 11. 8bC and salinity is about 31. 686. The individual absolute fecundity ( eggs) ranges from 0. 45 @ 104 to 5. 10 @ 104( mean 1. 79 @ 104 ) . The relation equation between absolute fecundity and net weight ( g ) is E = 1867. 7129610 W1. 209953873. The relation equation between absolute fecundity and body length ( mm) is E = 0. 000175549 L 3. 70261414 . The catch of A. personatus consists of 3 year classes, from age group . to age group ? , excluding the age group 0. The otolith was used for age determination. To cite 2002 as example, the length-weight relationship is calculated to be W= 0. 001906 L3. 17039. The faunal characteristics of f ishes of the Yellow Sea is quite different in composition from the other parts of the China Sea. Almost 90% of the Yellow Sea f ish belong to warmtemperate and warm-water fishes, only a few species belong to cold-temperate species. As a cold-temperate species, A. personatus is valuable legacy of ecosystem evolution of the Yellow Sea. In view of the above, sustainable utilization of this fish species is more important .