Abstract:In this study part andtrogentic 3n= 156 allogynogentic silver crucian carp( 3n AASCC) using Carassins auratus eggs artif icially fertilizing with normal sperm from 3n= 156 allogynogenetic silver crucian carp ( 3n= 156 ASCC ) were produced . The 3n ASCC fed in pond can not only rearch sexual maturity , but be reproduced. Meanwhile, backcrossing females 3n AASCC ( F1 - similar to ASCC) to faternal parent 3n= 156 ASCC could produce f irst backcross generat ion ( B1 ASCC being very similar to faternal parent ASCC) . These have the same chromosomal numbers, e. g. 3n= 156, and volume of the erythr ocyte nuclei is about 1. 6 time whichis as big as that of C. auratus . On the other hand, genetic variat ions in females C. auratus , males 3n= 156 ASCC, 3n AASCC, backcross generation B1 and red common carp ( Cypinus carpio red variety) were detected using random amplifies polymorphic DNA(RAPD) markers. The result of molecular genetic markers indicated by the RAPD- PCR is consistent with that of the studies on cyto logy and cytogenetics ( chromosomes) . Therefore, androgenetic 3n= 156 ASCC exists in the part of F1 of C . auratus .. .. 3n= 156 ASCC .. .