Abstract:The shrimp, Penaeus chinensis used in this test was bought f rom Yellow Sea in March, 1995, for the collection of egg..water EW, as well as the autumn shrimp was bought in October of the same year. The shrimp was raised in marine laboratory and fed with Polychaeta and shellfish, the sand filtered sea water was used in the experiment . The egg..water EW was collected and the characters were examined and reported as well. The results were composed of the collection, storing, life..span of the egg..water, and the response of sperm isolated f rom different parts of male reproductive system and mated female. The results are ordered as follows. 1) The activating ability could be kept for 7 months or more as stored in liquid nitrogen or stored in refrigerator ( - 20 .. ) after inflicted in liquid N2( - 196 .. ) ; and it would lose the ability in normal temperature after 8..10 hours. It is a useful character on sperm quality checking in production. 2) The parallel examination indicates that EW is the only eff icient inductor to activate sperm, compared with sea water, ovary wash liquid, ovary isolated liquid and distilled water. 3) The ultraviolet absorbancy of EW has high peak on 213. 2 nm and a little peak on 268. 0 nm. 4) The initial interval of sperm isolated from mated female responding to EW was 5..8 minutes in autumn but immediate in spring. 5) The activating rates of sperm induced by EW varied in 30%..80% in autumn, and superior to 90% in spring. There has been a 7%..13% space act ivation induced by sea water without EW. 6) The life..span of sperm isolated from thylcum of autumn mated female was 10- 10. 5 hours limited under natural temperature( 9. 5 .. ) bathed in sea water, and 6. 0- 8. 5 hours in 17. 0 .. 1 .. . The life..span of sperm had no significance in male and female in autumn.