Abstract:This paper analyzes the energy ut ilization efficiency on every sectio n in dif ferent main cultivated f ish ponds .In the pond of main cultivated g rass carp , its transforming eff iciency of the to tal supplement energy 、photo-synthetic energy and creature energy were 9 .86 %, 6 .92 % and 10 .10 % respectively .Meanw hile , the consumed energy of culturing one to n fish yield was 46 .64GJ , 66 .46GJ and 45 .54GJ respect ively .In the pond of main cultivated silver carp and big head carp , the appropriate data were 8 .43 %, 3 .75 %, 8 .66 %, 46 .99GJ , 105 .52GJ , 45 .73GJ respectively .As the dif ference of main function in tw o ponds, there w as some diversity for utilizat ion the radiation by silver carp and big head carp .The net conversion ef ficiency w as almost equal, w hich was f rom the primary productivity to the crops of the filtered food f ish .The coeff icient w as 1 .45 % and 1 .43 % in main culturing grass carp fish pond and in main culturing silver carp and big head carp fish ponds .Based on the eco-economic index EY , the producing style of main cultivated grass carp was superior to that of main cult ivated silver carp and big head carp .