Abstract:T his paper deals w ith the effects of different lig ht intensity on the growth, development and feeding of larval L imanda y okohamae. The result s are as follows: Light has important inf luence on the grow th, development and feeding of larval Limanda yokohamae. The body length and height of every group of larvae on the twenieth day all show s fair evident difference. Duncan New Mult iple Range T est show s: Under the light intensity rang ing f rom 40 to 60 lx , the grow th and development of larvae are the best. Within the lig ht intensity of 40 to 7000 lx , the stronger the light intensity is, the worse the grow th is, the lower the surv ival rate is, the more the abnormal larvae are. The larvae under complete darkness and under the lig ht intensity of 3 to 6 lx are all dead on the 12th day because of starvation. In the yolk-sac stage, the g row th of every group of larvae is not influenced by the ex ternal env ironment and is similar to all. From the 4th to 20th day, the grow th of body length of 5 groups of larvae under 40 to 7000 lx show straight line relat ion to age, and the g row th of body height show s exponential funct ion relat ion to age. From 40 lx to 7000 lx, the feeding intensity ( 10: 00- 14: 00) of larvae is discreased w ith the increase of light intensity. If the appropriate lig ht intensity is g iven between 18: 00 and 22: 00 , the larvae can also have fair feeding intensity . The suitable light intensity for larvae before the 20th day is 40- 600 lx.