Abstract:The scale under pectoral f in is selected for the ag e determinat ion material of L utianus r ussell i in the lit toral w aters of Zhangjiang. The relat ionship betw een the leng th of the scale( R) and the body leng th ( L. mm) is L = 19. 815 9 + 63. 369 6R ( r = 0. 991 6) . The relat ionship betw een body length or body w eight (W. g ) and age can be described by the grey dynamic grow th model ( GDGM) and Von Bertalanffy grow th equat ion ( VBGF) . The grow th models are as follow s: Lt 1= 474. 0- 342. 6e - 0. 236t , Wt 1= - 1 594. 4 1 656. 2e - 0. 123t , 1 期 陈 刚: 勒氏笛鲷年龄、生长和生活史类型的研究 11 Lt= 441. 8[ 1- e- 0. 319 1( t 0. 955 2) ] 1 0. 643, Wt= 2 539. 7[ 1- e- 0. 319 1( t 0. 955 2) ] 3. 065 1 0. 643 , Lt= 469. 8[ 1- e - 0. 242 5( t 0. 376 2) ] , Wt= 3 366. 6[ 1- e - 0. 242 5( t 0. 376 2) ] 3 . According to the ty pical characterist ics of r and k select ion and the given values of seven ecolog ical parameters, namely, asymptotic body-length( L) , asymptot ic body-w eight ( W) , growth coeff icient ( k) , instantaneous natural mortality( M) , primary reproduct ive age ( T m) , max imum age ( Tmax ) and populat ion fecundity( PF) , it is concluded that the life-history pattern of L . r ussell i tends to r-select ion. Equilibrium yield model is applied to calculate the f ish y ield. When the instaneous fishing mortality( F) is changed, the yield curve has a w eaker peak at relat ively low value of F, and beyond the value of F, the yield inreases to a max imum value at t c= 1. 5years and then decreases greatly w ith raising t c. Analysis of yield curves also demonstrates that the life-history pat tern inclines to r-select ion. As a st rategy of fishery management , the harvest ing age can be decided above three years of age , the strength of f ishing can not be more than 1. 5. Under the condit ion of artificial raise, the cycle of cult ivat ion can be determined at tw o to three years of age.