Abstract:This paper deals with the data of file fish yield(aboat 182000 tons)belonged to Marine Fisheries Corporation of Jiangsu Province from 1974 to 1989 inthe East Ohina Sea. In order to analyze their distributions, it was relative to thewater temperature of fishing grounds. The distributions of the fish Stocks havebeen discussed as well and the results are summarized as follows.1. During the winter season,in this widely regional sea the distribution of thefilefish exists obviously geographical differences.2. There are three local stocks in the East China Sea,namely,the East ChinaSea stock, Yellow Sea stock and the stock belonged to Sea of Japan.3. The fishing features of the East China Sea stock reflected the changes ofthe compositional strueture among the annual catches. In the 1970's the surpluscolony was the main part of the catch composition, and in the late of 1980's the recruit colony was the major part of the catch component.4. The adjacent waters of Diaoyu Dao Island is the spawning ground of the fishfor East China Sea stock. The protection measures for this spawning ground arethe task of top priority.