Abstract:Based on the hydrographic and commercial catch data during1960--1989 in the Zhejiang offshore waters, some feature of interannual variationof the sea surface temperature and salinity, and fishery condition were discussed.The results of spectal analysis show that the variation of the SST, the SSS, therunoff of Changjiang River and fishery condition in this waters have 2. 5 yearsvariational period. There are close correlations in the SST and SSS betweenmarine observation stations and fishery condition at this period and associatepartly with El Nino events. In the period of an El Nino, anomaly change of thesea surface temperature, salinity, runoff of Changjiang River, the fishery conditionwould be occured. The long-term changing tendency of the SST, the SSS and therunoff of Changjiang River can be served to predict the change of fishery condition.