Abstract:Based on the data of eoological surveys made in 1988--1990 in fishponds d Zhenlai fish farm of Jilin Province, the abiotic enviroments, biotio co-mmunities. primary and secondary productions, organic carbon balance, flow ofenergy and the biologica energy budgets in the fish pond ecosystems were describ-ed and discussed in this paper. By the estimation of organic carbon balance from 7 ponds, total input were 6804--10329kgC/ha and the output were 3732--5020.5kgC/ha. There were about28. 3--51 .4% input organic carbon to be deposited on the bottom in the year. Totalfish yields were 2369.5--10290kg/ha which about 4.7--10.2% of total input ener-gies. Yields of silver carp and bighead were 1107--4159.5kg/ha, which about5.1--13.7% of phytoplankton gross productions. Yields of carp were 468.5 6480kg/ha,which about 6.5--13.1% of input artificial diets.According to the anylysisof biological energy budges in two ponds, 55.2--81.4% energy of phytoplanktonand bacteria were utilized by zooplankton, 18.4--22.4% by silver carp and big-head, only 0 .2% by zoopbeathos.