The dietary test of prawn was designed by means of the gradientmethod for cholesterone and phospholipid. The results showed that there were nota-ble effect both of them on promoting the growth and survival rate of the prawn. Thecholesterone is the essential adding nutrient in the formulated prawn diet. Accor-ding to the need for growth and survival and the amount of cholesterone in muscle oftesting prawn, 0.5% of cholesterone content in the diet will be enough for the nu-tritional requirement. Phospholipid is also very important in the prawn diet. It notonly affects the survival rate, but also promots the content of cholesterone in muscleof the prawn. In this test, when the diet contains soyabean oil 3%,fish oil 2.5% andcholesterone 0.5%, the optimum content of phospholipid is 3% satisfied the mutr-itional requirement.