Abstract:The result, which comes from the measurements and analysis duringthe purse seiner hauling, shows that the maximum outer force is up to 7140kg whileall rings were gathered and hung on the davit at the port-side during the end ofpurse line hauling stage. The moment of outer force, which shows the influence ofouter force on the vessel, is affected by the position of each hauling and lifting eq-uipment and the relative position of the point where the net and rope come out ofthe water surface, in another word, which has relation with the direction and posi-tion of outer force. The author pointed out that for the checking and examining thestability of the purse seiner, it is not accurate and sufficient enough to choose theinclining moment only in purse rings lifting and netting hauling stage. The maxi- mum of inclining moment througbout the hauling procedure should be carefullychosen, which occurs at the end of purse line hauling stage.