Abstract:The appropriate protein content, fat content and calorie-protein ratio in the diet for the freshwater shrimp have been studied. The experimental diets were composed of casein, dextrin, mixed.oils, mixed vitamins and. minerals.The shrimp used in the experiment were 1.77 ±0.23 gRams in weight, and reared at the water temperature of 21 and 25℃. Talking the weight gain, food conversion and α--amylase activities of liver-pancreas as evaluation indexes, the results of the experiment indicate that 36.8--42.27% protein content, 6-12% fat content about 8 Kcal/per gram protein calorie-protein ratio (C/P) and 3006-3561 Kcal/Kg in the formulated diet seems suitable. When the total calorie of the formulated diet is given a certain range, the a-amylase activities of liver-pancreas are enhanced with the increase of carbohydrate content in the diet.