Abstract:The monthly 1ength-frequency data of Collichthys lucidus collectedduring 1986 in Pearl River Estuary was analysed by applying the ELEFAN Ⅰand Ⅱtechnique (Pauly et al., 1981). The growth parameters were estimated to be K=1.8,L∞=171mm and t0=-0.12, and the approximate longevity to be 1.5 years. A length-converted catch curve was then constructed, from which total mortality, Z=7.36,and mean sclection length, Lc=82mm, were calculated. Natural mortality, M=2.68,was estimated by using the empirical relationship between M, the growth parametersand mean environmental temperature (Pauly, 1980), and the exploitation rate, E= F/Z=0.636, was then obtained. Yield-per-recruit analysis and the value of yield-per-recruit analysis indicatedthat the stock of Collichthys lucidus in Pearl River Estuary is moderatly exploited.An increase in yield-per-recruit and the value of yield-per-recruit may be expected ifthe size of first capture have a moderate increase. However, no significant increase inyield-per-recruit and value of yield-per-recruit could be expected from regulating offishing mortality. This analysis also provided the optimin management alternative forthe short-lived fishes in the tropical waters. A recruitment pattern in the Collichthy lucidus stock was derived when using theELEFAN Ⅱ technique, and its appropriateness was discussed.