Abstract:The development rates of the clams at various stages fromembryoes, planktonic larvae and spats to adult as well as the growth features and the development of gonad have been studied in this experiment. Fertilized eggs wereobtained from artificial induced breeding of Ruditapes philippinarum in laboratory,spats were collected in the sea area each year,and biological measurements and histolo-gical study of gonad were conducted It was found by 3-year temporal culturing expe-riments(1978-1981) that gonads of parent clams could remain unproducing withinthree months by temporal culturing in pools. At the end of September under cruciallycontrolled ecological conditions, this prolonging of time makes convenient to theinduced breeding and spating in batches. Experiment indicated that all parent clamsfrom 1-year to 3-year could propagate, but the 3-year clams were better.