An opizootio, which is locally called "blind disease",occurred among the penaeid shying ponds at Fengxian county in Shanghai during July to October 1983. Eight strains were isolated from the eyebulls and hemolymph of moribund shrimp (Pesaaeus orientalis Kishinouye). It was demonstrated by injecting the bacterial isolates to the eyestalk and by infecting in immersion cultured that the strayins were tha cause of the epizootic. The bacterial isolates were all gram-negative,short rods axis curved. Mortility was by a singlo polar flagellum. Oxidase was positiva. The isolates were non-pigmented,non-lunixzed. Glucose was fermented without the production of gas. Hydrogen sulfide was not formed (TSI). Sucrose was fermented. Arabinose and inosit.ol were not fernented.Fermentation test of mannose was not obvious.Lysine was decarhoxylated in the MΦeller medium but neither arginine nor ornithine was. Growth took place in the peptone water without NaCl. All strains were sensitive to the vibriostatic agent 0/129(10μg),and were not agglutinated by 0-1 antiserum of cholera vibrio.Thus the present isolates were identified as Vibrio cholerav (non-O1),