Abstract:pectoral fin long, reaching vent;caudal fin shorter than the length of the head; body with 9 dark transverse bands;ventral fin dusky with a bright yellow, broad median stripe;caudal fin with 9--10zigzag bands above. While the present species has 6.3--6.4 (female) or 7.4--7.8(male) in depth, head 4. 3--4.7; pectoral not reaching vent; caudal 1. 2 times longerthan the length of the head; body without clear spots or bands; ventral plain, withouta bright yellow, broad median stripe; caudal without zigzag bands. Holotype no. SN--0431 (male), length without caudal 69 mm., collected fromNanhui, Shanghai, On May 12, 1980. Kept in Dong Hai Fisheries Research Institute. Paratype 5: nos. 60-1637, 60--1638, 60--1779, 43637 43637, length 60--65 mm.from off Zhejiang Province in Feb. 1960. Kept in Dong Hai Fisheries ResoarchInstitute and Shanghai Fisheries College. 2.Acanthogobius luridus Ni et Wu sp. nov.(Figure 2)D. Ⅷ--Ⅸ, Ⅰ--10--11; A. Ⅰ-10;P. 20; V. Ⅰ--5. L1. 34--35, Ltr. 8--10; Predorsal scales 13--16. Gill-rakers 2--3 + 8--9. 4.6--5.8 in Depth, head 3.5--3.8. Snout 3. 1--3.5 in head, eye 5.2--5.5,interorbital 7. 8--9. 1. This new species is allied to the Acanthogobius jacoti (Fowler) recorded fromQingdao, China, but the second dorsal fin of the latter with 15 rays, 28 longitudinalscales, while the present species having 10--11 dorsal rays and 34--35 longitudinalscales. Holotpe: no. SN--1286, length without caudal 61. 8 mm., collected from Yangtzeriver off Baozhen, Chongming, Shanghai, kept in Dong Rai Fisheries Research Insti-tute. Paratype 10: nos. 56--3, 61--2, 61--100, (61) 9977,(61) 0413, 75f--0661, 75f-0733, SN-1289, SN-1294, length 50--63 mm., from Wusong, Jinshan, Chongming,Chuansha, Shanghai, in 1956--1982. Kept in Dong Hai Fisheries Research Instituteand Shanghai Fisheries college.