Abstract:The weight incrcase of "cis-cross" F1--Cyprinus carpio var. wuyuanensis ♀×C.carpio yuankiang ♂ is fast than parent C. carpio var. wuyuanensis by 30.05-38. 57%, P<0. 01, fast thah perent C. carpio guankiang by 21. 2--23. 2%,P<0. 01. The weight increase of "trans-cross" F1--C. carpio yuankiang ♀×C. carpio var.wuyuanensis♂ is fast than parent C. carpio Nar. euyuanensis by 14. 33--19.62%,P<0. 01;fast than parent C. carpio yuankiang by 14. 14%, P<0.01. The weight increase of "cis-cross" F1 is fast than "trans--cross" F1 by 5. 2--23.8%, P<0.01 or P>0.05. Among the four backcross carps,the backcross carp B8--C. carpio yuankiang ♀×(C. carpio var. wuyuanensis ♀×C. carpio yuankiang ♂) ♂ is the best. The weightincrsase of backcrossB3. is fast than "cis--cross" F1 by 14%, P<0. 01. The weight increase of F1 is almost the same with that of F2, P>0. 05. Their dif-ferance is not obvious. The catching rate and survival rate of "cis-cross" F1, "trans-cross" F1, backcrossand F2. are relatively high. "Cis-cross" F1 and backross carp B3 are two .fairly good rearing species whichhave higher econolnical bcnefit and are worth while to popularize in fish farming.