The scyphistomae of Rhopilema esculenta were cultivated under different untritional conditions from well-fed to starveling in laboratory. The effects of nutrition on the strobilation of the medusa were observed. It was shown that the strobilation rateand the number of ephyrue formed were closely related to nutrient level of scyphistomaeduring low preconditioned temperature (12--7℃) and folowing the induction of risingtemperature (22±1℃). In the absence of nutriment during either period, the strobila-tion would be inhibited or deferred. The strobilation rate usually reached 100% andcach strobila could produce eight ? nine ephyrae in average under sufficient fecding,but the strobilation rate would fall?nd each strobila could only produce two to threeephyrae in malnutrition. After starved for a long time, the organisms became verysmafl and could not be induced to otrobilate generally. It was observed that variouscolours which appeared in the soyphistomae were related to their different proy.