Abstract:The carpogonial branches of Solieria robusta consist of three cells and oceasianal-ly four in number, the branches are situated in the oorteg pointing to the centre of the thallus. First, the trichogune of the carpogonium extends toward the medulla,and then bends vutwxrd through the cortex to the thallus surface. From the lateral side of the fertilised carpogonium issues a tube, which extends to connect with the nearby auxiliary cells and transfers the fertiLiaed nucleus of the carpogonium into the augiliary cells for development.The stained auxiliary cell bears a deeply stained nucleus in the centre of it. The auxiliary cell together with these deeply stained inner cortical cells cozuprise the auxi-liary cell complex.The auxiliary cell haring accepted the fertilized nucleus, the inner cortical cells give rise to many protective filan}entary cells at its periphery. At the same tame, the auxiliary poll splits toward the interior o# the thallus, producing an initial gonimohlast cell, from which many gonimoblast are produced further. The auxiliary cell, the gonimoblast base cells and the supporting cells fuse together into a larger fusion cell, In later stages, at the periphery of the fusion cell, a terminal car-posporangia is produced as a result of the splitting of the ganimoblast cell rood among the carposporangias numerous sterile filaments extend outward, connecting the fusion cell and the involucre to form a pratective tissue for the cystocarp. The cystocarp is spherical, buried in the thallus, which opens an ostiole outward.