Abstract:The Changjiang (Yangtze) River Estuary in Shanghai Region is covered an areaabout 2,750 thousand mu and lengthened a little over than 100 kilometers. It is famousfor abundance on fisheries resources and is the most important fishing ground of theestuarine fishery in China.As a result of the past few years' investigation, the fishes of the area, as knownat present, are represented by 106 species. According to the ecological features of thespecies, they may be referred to four types, viz. the freshwater, the brackish water,the marine and the diadromous. The freshwater species are 24 in number, about 22.64%of the total;the brackish water species 32 in number, about 30.19%;the marine species44 in number, about 41.51%;the diadromous species, including the anadro mousand the catadromous, 6 in number, about 5.66%. Acute-nosed anchovy Coilia mystus(Linnaeus ), long--tailed anchovy Coilia ectenes Jordan et Seale and ice fish Hemisalanxprognathus Regan are the major commercial species. Besides these, gray mulletMugil cephalus (Linnaeus), red--eyed mullet Liza haematochila (T. et S.), Japanesesea perch Lateolabrax japonicus (C. et V.), long-nosed catfish Leiocassis longirostrisGunther, Chinese paddle-fich Psephurus gladius (Martens), sturgeon Acipenserdabryanus (Dumeril), hilsa herring Macrura reevesii (Richardson ) head-spinedcroacker Colichthys lucidus (Richardson), Japanese eel Anguilla japonica T. et S.,striped puffer Fugu xanthopterus (T. et S.), dusky puffer Fugu obscurus (Abe) and sting ray Dasyatis navarrae (Steindachner), etc are with more commercial signifi-cance.There are a little more than 20 apecies of shrimps and crabs in the same area,among them, Palaemon (Exopalaemon) annandalei(Kremp) and Eriocheir sinensisH. Milne--Edwards are the major species and with most commercial value. As regard tofish fry and megalopa larva of commercial crab, it is noticed that elvers of Anguillajaponica T. et S. and the megalopses of Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne--Edwards areabundant and of commercial importance for inland water stocking.In recent 24 years since 1959 to 1982, the average annual catch of the aquaticanimals mentioned above is 4, 587.68 tons, 4,047.2 tons in 1960s, 5, 089. 9 in 1970s.The highest catch is 7,483 tons in 1971, the lowest catch is 2,921.5 tons in 1962. It isworried that the annual catch of both 1981 and 1982 is less than 4,000 tons. The annualcatch of commercial crustaceans is inereased, but that of all major fisheries fall down.It is obviously caused by the influence of water conservency works, water pollution,and the fish recources damaged by overfishing.The annual catch dynamics of the major commercial aquatic animals are introdu-uced and analysed in the present paper. In addition, some problems concerned to theprotection and propagation of the fisheries resources of the Changjiang Estuary areherewith discussed.