Abstract:Font heavy metals-copper, zinc, lead and cadmium rovers found in.discharged water from the Iead and zino smeltry. These four heavy metals remain a rather high content in the water all the year around. Most of them was deposited in the silt of the riverbed., it is considered to be the potential harmfulness to fish. These heavy metalsmd/Ldually accumulate in plan;tons and then transfer to the fish bodyThe coefficient of accumulaticn zs respectively. The cantent of lead and cadmium in th) fish body is not less than 1.00. The ratio of the eorxtent of the four heavy metals in the body of the deformed fish is Zn:Cu:Pb:Cd=59:1:3:1. The content of cadmium in the deformed fish was eighteen. times higher than that in the controlled group. This shows that the high concentration of cadmium may be the causal factor of the deformation of fish. The egperiruent has proved that the pernicious heavy metals in the waste water disctzarged from the smeltery have toxin effects on fish. ly'hen the water contains 1.4g in volume, the TLM of the oxperinzental fish is 4g. ZGThen the content of zinc is hiaboe 1.5mgjl, fish will dia in acute poisoniizg and the rantent of zinc and cadmium reach to25mg/L a,nd 0.0125mg/L, respectiS-ely, the symptoms of ataxia in swimming, paralysis and deformation will appear. Zinc has a quick topic effect, always cause high mortality. Cadmium has.great effect on deformation. The mised, solution of Zn and Cd hues.combined effect an fish.