Abstract:By manuring to reproduce food organisms in the pond of mullet fry in order toraise survival rate of the fry has been successful. 648,462 fingerlings of 23.2---49.83nm in 1980 and 426,902 fingerlings of 25.45-27.85 nzm in 1981.were ubt,ined. The method of spxead maxzure cultivates suitable sire of living feud for the mulletfry. Froth the species axed quantity can he enough to meet the needs of fbe fry duringthe larvae and fingerling stages. Tho feeding habits of mullet a.rc shanged with growth. At the body length heluw2t1 rnm. they mainly Feed on ooplanhtum; the body length between 20-6q nim,theirfeed arc oohenthos and benthie. algae; body leagt.h m er 60 mm, their feed are mainlybenthic algae. The growth of mullet fry is elosaly related with the azuount of foodsupply in the pond.