Abstract:Carinozacco Zhu. Wang et Ni, gen. nov.Genotype: Aspius spilurus Gunther Diagnosis: Abdomen with a naked fleshy keel behind ventrals to vent. Medianpart of the upper jaw deeply notched, that of the lower projecting and fitting into thenotch, lateral sides of both jaws slightly curved. Barbels none. Lower pharyngealwidth about 4 in its length, anterior limb as long as the posterior; pharyngeal teethin 2 serics, 2-3, 4-5/5-4,3-2. Lateral line complete, broadly curved down abovethe pectoral and running along the lower part of the body. Scales without basal radii,about 44 to 51 in lateral line. The third simple ray of dorsal soft and smooth behind.Air-bladder in two chambers. The present genus is obviously different from Aspius Agassiz (1835) in having afleshy koel behind ventrals to vent, scales without basal radii, lower pharyngeal muchshorter, and the median part of the upper jaw deeply notched, that of the lowerprojecting and fitting into the notch. It is similar to Opsariichthys Blocker (1863) andZacco Jordan et Evermann (1902) but differs from them in having a nakod fleshykeel behind ventrals. Carinozacco spilurus (Gunther) emend. (Fig. 1) Depth in length 3.3-4.4; head 3.2-3.7. Snout 3.0-3.9 in head, eye 3.5-4.5,interorbital 2.8-3.3. Depth of caudal peduncle 1.2-1.6 in its length. D. 3,7;A. 3, 11-13; P. 1, 15; Ⅴ. 1,7. Scales in L. 1.44-51. Gill-rakers 8-9. Abdomen with a distinct naked fleshy keel behind ventrals to vent. Snout slightlylonger than eye. Postorbital part of head longer than snout. Mouth large, terminal,median part of the upper jaw deeply notched, that of the lower projecting and fittinginto the notch, lateral sides of both jaws slightly curved. Lateral line complete, broadly bent down above pectoral and running along thelower part of the body. Scales moderate, about 44-51 in lateral line, without basalradii, apical radii 6-12. Lower pharyngcal width about 4 in its length, anterior limbas long as the posterior; pharyngeal teeth in 2 series, 2-3, 4-5/5-4,3-2. Origin of dorsal slightly behind base of ventrals, the third simple ray soft andsmooth behind. Anal origin slightly behind baso of dorsal. Pectorals nearly reachingor reaching ventrals, the latter nearly reaching vent. Caudal forked, lower lobeslightly longer. Vent immediately before origin of anal. Peritoncum silvery, with some small dark spots. Intestine coiled twice, shorterthan the body length. Air-bladder in 2 chambers, the posterior longer. Colour blue brownish on back, sides of body silvery and with many irregularblue brownish vertical bars, median part with a blue brownish longitudinal band,more distinct posteriorly and terminating in a large spot at base of caudal. Dorsal findark grayish, pectorals and ventrals orange. Twenty specimens were examined, body length 70-102 mm., collected from Zhangzhou and Yunxiao, Fujian Province; Dinghu Mountain of Shaoqing City,Lianhua Mountain of Haifeng County, Nanya Reservoir and Shilu Reservoir,Daibian, Wenqu, Shibi and Chengbo of Hainan Island, Guangdong Province.