The flexible wing-type float is made of canvas without any rigid frame. It isbound to the bosom of headline of the trawlnet. After the net is cast, the float lashedby the rushing current will take its shape similar to the rigid wing of an aeroplaneand produces lifting force to start the upper taut of the trawlnet floating. The hydrokinetical performance of the model of the float was tested in the water trough and wind tunnel to obtain the qualitative and quantitative analyses, then theexperiment was carried out in the sea to use real floats for trial catching of fish toprove the result. The use of flexible wing-type float instead of ball floats brings about the changeof specific property that the height of the net opening is inversely proportional tothe velocity of dragging and reduces the total resistance of the trawlnet to a certainextent. The flexible wing-type floats posseses the following features: large liftingforce; no problem about the pressure to the airtight container; suitable for operatingin any depth of water; good stability; no tangle between the float and the net; simpleand easy in operation of casting and hauling the trawlnet.