The Distributions of Saxidomus purpurarurs (Sowerby) have been reported from the provinces of Shandong, Liaoning in China and Kyushu, Shikoku, Honsuh, etc. inJapan. It is distributed mainly along the coast of North Pacific (30-40°N.). It is alarge type of economic bivalve with delicious taste. Peoples of many countries like it.Its largest body weight reaches to 0.5 kilogram. It is ecology and breeding habit has been studied in recent years. This article describes its living environment, food habit and growth. Saxidomusperpuratus (Sowerby) lives at a depth of 4-20 meters, with water temperature2-28℃ and salinity 20-30‰. It mainly feeds on diatomes. The Spawning season is in June to September. Its embryonic development is alsodescribed in this article.