Abstract:Naturally the habitat of the sea cucumber (Stichopus japoicus Selenka) is in thenorthern China Sea. Experiments were carried out to transplant them to the southern China (Xiamen) for the purpose of culture and artificial breeding. They were able tolive in the indoor concrete tanks, both adults and juveniles developed very well attemperature 27-29℃ in summer. After four months the adults attained sexual maturity. They spawned twice in Ap-ril 1978. The fertilized eggs hatched and developed into more than twenty thousandsjuveniles. A part of them were reared in indoor tanks, In August, juveniles grewto about cm2. in length. Food of the larvae mainly consists of Dicrateris shanjiiangensis, Platymonas,Nitzschia, Bunaleilla and Torulopsis, among them Dicrateria is the most favorableone.