Abstract:The scales of the striped mullet, Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, used for age de-termination were collected from Xinglin Wan of Xiamen, a brackish water bayinclosed by dam, during the period from September 1961 to October 1962. Thedistinction between the true annulus and the false annulus has been described. It isconfirmed that breaks were formed annually, dividing the scale into zones whosedimensions were related to tbe growth of the striped mullet. New annuli began toappear mostly in the months of October and November. The striped mullet matures at3 years old and the growth rates decreased after the adult stage. The length--weight relationship formula was calculated to be W= 6.492×10~(-5)L~(2.7768), the relationship between the scale length and standard length was expressed tobe R= 0.031 L-0.8359, where W, L and R represent body weight (excluding gutand gonads) in grams, standard length in mm and scale length in mm respectively. Itwas found that the growth of the striped mullet in Xinglin Wan corresponds to vonBertalanffy's growth equation, then we obtain W_t = 4864(1 - e~(-0.818(t+1.171))~a, L_t = 685. 1 (1-e~(-0.818(t+1.171)).Here W_t is body weight (excluding gut and gonads) in grams at the age of t, and L_t isstandard length in mm at the age of t. In order to increase the production of thestriped mullet in Xinglin Wan, it is necessry to prohibit the capture of young fish,suggested minimum legal harvestable age and size of this fish may be 2.5 years old,450mm in length and 1500 grams in weight.