The behavier of shrimps is that they keep hidden at day while active at night, sothat the yield of the traditional shrimp catching at night is much higher than at day- time. For the purpose increase yield at the daytime, fishing engineers in our countryand abroad attempt to improve the fishing gear by the combination of electrical deviceswith nets. It seems effective in shrimp catching. By analysing the data derived from tbe electrical experiments of more than 700Penaeut mesquiensis, this article emphatically deals with the physiological response ofshrimps to different electrical strength and it is found that the optimal electrical intensityfor driving shrimps from substratum is a D. C. pulsation at 1--5 IIz (frequency) and theelectrodes are apart 0. 2--1. 0 M (width); but it is variable with the length of shrimps andthe angle of direction in electrical field. Other aspects relate to electrical device withdifferent powers, and the information of distribution in field intensity caused byelectrodes are also discussed