A reaonant frequency equation of the unsymmetrical end-plate megnetostrictivetransitting trsnsducer has been derived. From the solution of wave equation by applyingof this equation to five different contructed megnetostrictive transducer after rearrangingand modifing five corresponding formulae have been developed some of which were notreported before. It is proved that this resonant frequency equation can be regarded as ageneral basic equntion of all megnetostrictive transducers of different construtions. For the convenience of calculation, a group of curves showing the relation betweenresonant frequency and dimensions of a T--shaped transducer is plotted. By using the electro--mechanieal analogy and its fundamental definitions, the equa-tions for calculating the acoustical efficiency of the unsymmetrical end-plate megnetos-trictive unidirectional transmitting transducer and its sound radiating power arediscussed.