Abstract:The catches of the year-class and the mature spawners of the prawn (Penaeusorientalis) in spring are used as indices of the recruitment and the adult stock, and therelation between them is here discussed. It is considered that their relationship can bedescribed with Beverton or Ricker reproductive models in the range of the spawnersrecorded. The values of the parameters in Beverton's and Ricker's models area = 2.092×10-4 b = 4. 187×10-2 (r= 0 .60, p0.05) and a= 24.43 b = 3. 565×10-3(r= 0.58, p0.05) respectively. By the use of mathematical analysis, it seems thatBeverton's models is more suitable to deseribe thier relationship than that of Ricker's. According to the values of the Amax (number of mature spawners needed for themaximum recruilment), R_(max) (maximum recruitment) Msy (maximum sustamableyicld) and the sizes of the maximum recruitment and adult stock recorded by the prawnfishery, it is certain that the number of the mature spawners is too scarce, If the valueof the mature spawners is adjusted to be 250--300 from being 112 (the average valueof 16--year classes) the yield of year-class will be increased approximately 50--70% andthe value will be increased from 1700 (the average value of 16--year-classes) to 2500-3000. The maximum yicld of year-class would attain to 4000, if the conditions shouldbe satisfied.