Abstract:1.The ovary of pond-cultured Cirrhina molitorella at the age of sex maturity undergoes the following charges in the year: From middle vi' September to beginning of February the next year, the nary consists wholly of primary and secondary vocytes, maturity coefficient being minimum during this period. From beginning of FeLruary to txiddle of March, the primary and aerandary nocytes pass into the third phase and take up the major part of the section showing thereby an increase in the maturity coefficient. This pariod is short,cvvering approximately 50 days. Front end of March to middle of July, Oocytrs of phase Ⅳ take up by far the geeater part of the acction area, those of phase Ⅲ seem to exist only at the beginning of phase Ⅳ. This period shows a maximum maturity corffeeient. The best results of induced spawning, are vhtainahie from middle of May to July. from beginning of August to middle of September, the ancytea degenerate with a corresponding drcrcaae in maturity coefficient. 2.The ovary of pond-cultured Cirrhina molitorella spawner, whether or not artificially indnoed remains in phaso Ⅱ during winter. The ovary of pond-cultured Cirrhina molitorella spawners will develop as far as phase Ⅳ and will not attain phase Ⅴ, unless artificially induced. 4. Cirrhina molitorella spawners ovulate only once during the spawning season. 5. The maturity coefficient of pond-cultured Cirrhina molitorella milters is minimum during the period from January to March, when the pectoral fins show no secondary sex character and there are only prim ary and secondary spermatocytes and aperlinatids in the spermary. The maturity enefficient is maximum for a period fxnm May to August, when the apermary is fall of mature spermatnxoa and the pectoral fina show apparent secondary sex character. The m aturity coefficient decreases appreciably after August,when small quantities of spermatncytcs of various stages constitute the major part of the contents of the sperrnary. The secondary sex character on the pectoral fins disappears after patober.