Abstract:Since 1957,an experiment on utilizing domestic setvagr water for fish culture has been carried on by the municipality of irhang Sha,A total surface area of 7,235 mows are used, which utilise completely or partially savage pollution for fish culture.The average amount of sewage water used daily is about 51,000 tans, and up to the present, more than 3 million tattles of pond fishes have been produced. The productivity of so me ponds has exceeded 1,000 tattles per mow. The desirable shape and size of the fish pond should be rectangular and slightly curved with a surface area of 100一300 mows. The inlet and outlet openings of the pon d should not be located an a straight course, an d the elevation of the inlet must be slightly higher than that of the outlet, and the depth of the water is preferably 2 meters. The irrigation of the sewage wafer into the ponds must be frequent and in small flow and long duration. To handling the sewage flow, situations of seasonal climate,water temperature, quality of water, eic.,should also be considered. The species of fish for culture are mainly plankton feeders,they are Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and Aristichthys nobilis and some supplemental species are the Mylopharyngodon piceus,Ctenopharyngodon idellus,Cyprinus carpio,Carussiua auratus,Parabramis pekinensis,Xenocypris argentea, and Meyalobrama termindis. The density of the fingerlings planted is generally 1,000一1,200 individuals of body length 13一16 cm.,or 500一600 individuals of body weight 250 g. per mow.Density may be iu-creased to 15-20%,if the process of planting and catching are alternately applied. It is of importance to treat the ponds regularly with unalaked lime, which will help to increase the productivity of the pond. The benefits of using sewagr water for fish culture are; the increase of the productivity of the fish pond; iha less cost and more profit; easy transportation and the freshness of the fish gvvdsa and at same time the polluted vrater gets to be purified.