Abstract:All the lakes of the Huang Gong District of Hu--bei Province had, prior to the time of the liberation of China, been improperly used in fish production, and nothing had been done for fish management. This led to a gradual depletion of the fish resource. At that time, the annual production of those most productive lakes never exceeded ten eattres Per mow, Since the time of lihcratioai, the prvviucial fishery bureau changed its policy, and adopted some fish management programme, suvlt as fish docking, the protection of spawners and spawning ground of some desirable fish populations, introduction of fiah fries and fingerlings fro m Yangtze Piver into the lakes. These operativns have cffcrtively raised ilre fish production of the lakes.Far example,Lakc Zhu Lin with a surface area of 6,600 maw, in 1963 the annual yield reached 124.5 vatties per mow, and Lake Zhang Du with a surface area of 110,000 mows, produced 29.2 eatties per mow in 1961. For yeaxs of experience and practice, same conditions arc recognised to be importans in increasing fish production in the lakes. (1) The composition of species and density of fish populations should be suitable to the feeding capacity of the lakes. (2)The size of fingerlings of the deairablc species (Mylophugodon piccus,Ctenophyryngodon idcllus,Hypophthalmiehthys molitrix,Aristriehthys nobilis,etc.)to be planted in the lakes must be as large as pvssibie. (3)To those lakes with favorable conditivns,it is desirable to slock the fingerlings in the bays or coves of the lakes for a short lime, and then release them into the lakes wilhin the months of January to March. This process is beneficial both to the survival and the growth of the fingerlins. (4)It is of great significance that the yield of native stacks in the lakes attain 37.5% of the total production. Therefore, pravtical regulations concerning the restriction of the catchahle sixe,creel limits, protection of the spawners and the apxwning ground axe necessary to be set up in order to protect the native stacks in the lakes. (5)Inflow and outflow through the locks between the lakes and the river will draw a certain amount of fishes into the lakes to increase the production o, the lakes. Prohlema concerned, with controlling and utilizing the predstaxy fishes, xeformotion of the lakes,and the efficiency of fishing effort are also briefly discussed.