



S 985.1;TS 254.9+3


江西省现代农业产业技术体系建设专项 (JXARS-03-2023);江西省水产品加工及安全控制工程研究中心开放课题 (2022KFJJ016);江西科技师范大学横向课题 (H20230911155618000007,H20230214110039000002)

Preparation and physicochemical properties of Aristichthys nobilis bone collagen polypeptide

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    为提高鳙鱼骨的高值化利用,实验以鳙鱼头骨粉为原料,胶原多肽得率为指标,筛选最佳水解蛋白酶,进行鳙鱼头骨胶原多肽的工艺优化,并对骨胶原多肽的氨基酸组成、相对分子质量、粒径、电位、显微结构等理化性质进行分析。结果显示,胰蛋白酶为最佳水解酶,骨胶原多肽的最佳酶解工艺为:初始pH 8,酶添加量2.5%,酶解时间5 h,酶解温度50 °C,料液比1∶10 (g/mL),胶原多肽得率为52.19%。骨胶原多肽水解后含有17种氨基酸,总含量为76.15 g/100 g,其中酸性氨基酸含量较高。鳙鱼头骨胶原多肽相对分子质量主要在5 000 u以下,占比高达97.81%,表明主要为小分子肽,其平均Z-粒径为(399.90±2.70) nm,多分散指数(PDI)为0.40±0.01,表明物质分布较均匀,并且骨胶原多肽粒子表面呈负电荷状态,具有疏松多孔的结构。研究表明,鳙鱼头骨胶原多肽营养物质较丰富,其小分子肽易于人体吸收,疏松多孔的结构也有利于肽钙螯合物的制备。本研究不仅为鳙鱼骨类产品的精深加工提供理论依据,也为新型钙制剂的制备提供优良原料。


    Collagen is an important biomass resource, which has the characteristics of low antigenicity, hypoallergenicity, biodegradability, excellent biocompatibility and promoting cell proliferation and differentiation. Collagen peptides are generally composed of short sequences of 2 to 20 amino acid residues with a relative molecular mass of less than 10 ku. Through hydrolysis of macromolecule collagen, small molecule peptides are generated, which not only contain all amino acids of collagen, but also have better absorbability and processing characteristics than collagen, and are easier to be absorbed and utilized by the human body. In recent years, a variety of bioactive peptides have been isolated and identified from collagen peptides, such as antioxidant peptides, antihypertensive peptides, antibacterial peptides and so on. China is not only rich in aquatic resources, but also a big consumer of aquatic products. According to statistics, in 2022, the output of large-scale freshwater fish aquaculture in China is about 20.26 million tons, accounting for 62% of the total freshwater aquaculture in the country, of which the output of bighead fish aquaculture is firmly in the top three, reaching 3.27 million tons, and shows an overall growing trend, while the processing by-products of aquatic products are also increasing. In order to improve the high value utilization of Aristichthys nobilis bone, the best hydrolysis protease was selected with the A. nobilis head bone meal as raw material and the yield of collagen polypeptide as index, and the process of A. nobilis head bone collagen polypeptide was optimized. The amino acid composition, relative molecular weight, particle size, potential and microstructure of A. nobilis head bone collagen polypeptide were analyzed. The results showed that trypsin was the best hydrolysis enzyme for A. nobilis head bone meal, and the optimal hydrolysis process of bone collagen polypeptide was as follows: initial pH 8, enzyme dosage 2.5%, enzymolysis time 5 h, enzymolysis temperature 50 °C, solid-liquid ratio 1∶10 (g/mL). At this time, the yield of bone collagen polypeptide was 52.19%. The hydrolyzed polypeptide of A. nobilis head bone collagen contained 17 kinds of amino acids, among which the contents of glycine, proline, glutamic acid and alanine were (18.68±0.22), (10.06±0.09), (8.94±0.13) and (8.01±0.12) g/100 g, respectively. In line with the typical composition characteristics of collagen amino acids, the acidic amino acid content was 14.15 g/100 g, which had a high content and strong calcium binding ability. The relative molecular weight of A. nobilis head head collagen polypeptide was < 180 u, 500-180 u, 1 000-500 u, 2 000-1 000 u, 3 000-2 000 u and 5 000-3 000 u. The proportion of u was 2.26%, 21.04%, 44.40%, 22.02%, 4.86% and 3.23%, respectively, and the proportion of peptides below 5 000 u was as high as 97.81%, indicating that the products of enzymatic hydrolysis were mainly small molecular peptides with high absorption rate and high affinity for stomach and intestines. The average Z-particle size of A. nobilis head bone collagen polypeptide was (399.90±2.70) nm, and the polydispersion index (PDI) was 0.40±0.01, which was between monodisperse system and medium disperse system (0.30-0.50), indicating that the substance distribution was uniform, and the intercept was close to 1, indicating that the particle size distribution curve was well fitted. The surface of A. nobilis head bone collagen polypeptide particles was negatively charged. The A. nobilis head bone collagen polypeptide is loose in structure, porous and uneven in size, and has a lamellar structure. Studies have shown that A. nobilis head bone collagen polypeptide is rich in nutrients, its small molecule peptide is easy to be absorbed by the human body, and its loose porous structure is also conducive to the preparation of peptide calcium chelates. This study not only provides theoretical basis for the intensive processing of A. nobilis bone products, but also provides excellent raw materials for the preparation of new calcium preparations.



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  • 收稿日期:2024-01-11
  • 最后修改日期:2024-04-04
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-07-16
  • 出版日期: 2024-07-01