花生四烯酸 (ARA)对凡纳对虾亲本繁殖、免疫及脂质代谢的影响




S 963.72


国家自然科学基金 (41676161);中央引导地方科技发展专项 (2020L3011)

Effects of arachidonic acid (ARA) on reproduction, immunity, and lipid metabolism of Penaeus vannamei broodstocks

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    为探究花生四烯酸 (ARA)对凡纳对虾亲本繁殖、免疫及脂质代谢的影响,实验根据实际亲虾培育与幼体生产模式,选取6月龄,大小规格一致的雄虾与单侧眼柄切除的雌虾,随机分为5组,雌雄分开养殖,分别投喂含有不同含量ARA (0.03%、2.70%、4.99%、10.63%)的软颗粒饲料 (分别命名为Z1~Z4组)与纯生物饵料 (沙蚕)的生产组 (Z5)。结果显示,摄食饲料的雌虾增重率 (WGR)比生产组显著提升,亲本肝胰腺指数 (HSI)随着ARA含量的增加呈现先升后降的整体趋势,在4.99% ARA影响下亲本肝胰腺发育良好,孵化率最高,幼体产量最多质量最好,且卵巢发育相关基因 (VtgVtgRVASAFAMeT2)表达最高;4.99% ARA添加量还可影响雌虾肝胰腺脂质代谢水平,提高脂质利用与转运相关基因 (PLSREPBFATB)表达,进而影响受精卵中脂肪酸成分变化,显著增加功能性脂肪酸DHA含量,同时影响其中∑n-3 PUFA与∑n-6 PUFA含量及其之间比值。因繁殖与免疫的拮抗关系,造成该ARA含量下抗氧化应激与非特异免疫水平下降。研究表明,饲料中添加不同ARA能够影响凡纳对虾亲本生长与繁殖、免疫及脂质代谢能力,在优先考虑繁殖性能下,建议在亲虾饲料中保持4.99% ARA更能促进卵巢发育与幼体生产。


    Pacific white shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) is a staple in aquaculture due to its rapid growth cycle, adaptability to both freshwater and saltwater, broad temperature tolerance, minimal nutritional needs, and high meat yield. It is recognized the Chinese shrimp (P. chinensis) and black tiger shrimp (P. monodon), as one of the three most important shrimp species for global aquaculture. The industry's sustainable growth hinges on the development of superior feed, breeding of high-quality stocks, and the provision of premium seedlings to enhance the reproductive performance and quality of the Pacific white shrimp's offspring. The research investigates the impact of arachidonic acid (ARA) on the reproduction, immunity, and lipid metabolism of the Pacific white shrimp's broodstock, offering insights for selective breeding and feed formulation. Males at six months of age and unilaterally eyestalk-ablated female shrimps were selected to reflect actual breeding practices. They were randomly assigned to five groups, with females and males reared separately. The groups were fed with different levels of ARA (0.03%, 2.70%, 4.99%, 10.63%) in pelleted feed (designated as Z1-Z4) and a control group with natural feed (clam worms) (designated as Z5). Findings indicate that the weight gain rate (WG) of female shrimps on the pelleted feed was significantly superior to the control. The hepatopancreatic index (HSI) of the broodstock showed an initial increase followed by a decrease with escalating ARA concentrations. At an ARA concentration 4.99%, optimal hepatopancreatic development, peak hatching rate, and superior larval yield and quality were observed, along with heightened expression of genes pivotal to ovarian development (Vtg, VtgR, VASA, and FAMeT2). This ARA level also modulated lipid metabolism in the female hepatopancreas, enhancing the expression of genes associated with lipid processing and transport (PL, SREBP and FATB), thereby influencing the fatty acid profile of fertilized eggs. Notably, it elevated the functional fatty acid DHA content and adjusted the ratios of ∑n-3 and ∑n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Due to the antagonistic relationship between reproduction and immunity, this ARA concentration led to a reduction in oxidant stress and non-specific immune responses. In conclusion, different ARA levels in feed significantly influence the growth, reproductive success, immune function, and lipid metabolism of the Pacific white shrimp's broodstock. To prioritize reproductive performance, an ARA content of 4.99% in the broodstock feed is recommended for its positive effects on ovary development and larval production, offering valuable guidance for the ARA application during the breeding phase of the Pacific white shrimp.


钟箫,徐斌,刘嘉欣,王艺磊.花生四烯酸 (ARA)对凡纳对虾亲本繁殖、免疫及脂质代谢的影响[J].水产学报,2024,48(9):099605

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  • 收稿日期:2023-12-26
  • 最后修改日期:2024-03-20
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-09-05
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