1996, 20(3).
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Acquired St ra ins, w hich wer e iso lated f rom naturally infected so f t-shelled
turt les and identif ied by the bacter io logical metho d, w ere Aeromonas hydr op hila. D isease d
sof t-shelled tur tles we re letharg ic and appe ared hyperaemia in neck, mouth, nose, the t ip
of tongue, and ser ious hyperaemia, haemo rrhag e, ulcers, scar s in the abdomen. Mo uth
and no se w ere running f luid w ith bloo d. Liver, kidney and spleen w ere oedema, with some
necro t ic foci. Histopatholo gical changes: Many bacter ia invaded lung, kidney, spleen,
blo od, heart and muscle, causing haemor rhage and extensive t issue damage, w here cells
appear ed oedema, granular degenerat io n, hya line degener atio n and necroly sis. Blo od
vessels wer e serio usly damaged, and their epithelial cells were necr osis and fel l aw ay. A
large number of erythro cy tes in the bloo d v essels a nd t issues w ere deformed, bro ken and
haemo lyzed, w hich led to haemo lyt ic a nemia. The number o f leuco cy tes decreased in the
blo od, and ther e w as no inf lammator y r espo nse aro und the necro t ic fo ci. Ex tensive ly
damaged blo od cel ls, hear t t issue a nd se riously ne cr ot ic lung a f fected oxy gen ex cha ng e,
deseased so f t-shelled turt le s died due to dif f icult br eathing. Necro t ic Liv er, kidney and
spleen lo st the ir funct io ns, w hich facilitate d the death o f diseased sof t-she lled turt les.
Histopatho logical co urse show ed that the disease w as septicaemia. Thera py of ser iously
diseased so f t-shelled turt les was tha t their external ulcer s w ere sw abbed w ith ..YU TAI-8"
dr ug, and ..Z HI BIE LING-2" dr ug w as injected into their hind legs. Slight ly dise ased so f tshe
lled tur t le s w ere fed by the foo d inco rpor ated w ith ..ZHI BIE LING-1 " drug .
Meanw hile, w ater quality wa s impro ved. The to ta l cure r ate w as ov er 90%. Lastly , the
comprehensive prevent ive measur es aga inst so f t-shelled tur tle disea se w ere mentio ned.