• Volume 43,Issue 3,2019 Table of Contents
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    • >PAPERS
    • Spring nekton community structure and its relationship with environmental variables in Hangzhou Bay-Zhoushan inshore waters

      2019, 43(3):605-617. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20180511303

      Abstract (1914) HTML (1280) PDF 1.51 M (1868) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Hangzhou Bay-Zhoushan inshore waters are the home of many commercial fish species, providing a good place for spawning and habitats. The environments in these areas significantly affect the marine species and its structure. According to the bottom trawl survey, covering 80 stations, in these areas during spring, 2016, we studied the fish and macro-crustacean species assemblage and its spatial distribution. The canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to reveal correlation between functional traits of fish and macro-crustacean species (abundance and size) and environmental variables. The results showed that all the marine species can be divided into five ecological groups (dominant group-Amblychaeturichthys hexanema, demersal fishes, pelagics, shrimp, and crab), with the average abundance 546, 213, 83, 316 and 15 individuals hour, respectively. The average size for these ecological groups was 0.29, 2.19, 4.96, 0.36 and 6.66 g/individual, respectively. According to five ecological group abundance, bottoms temperature, bottom salinity and surface turbidity, the waters were clustered into two areas: Hangzhou Bay and Zhoushan inshore waters. Abundance of most of the ecological groups significantly differed in two areas, while the size of most groups was not significantly different. As affected by the mixed waters of fresh water runoff and offshore waters, the large abundance of marine communities gathered in Zhoushan inshore areas, which was characterized by high primary production. The CCA analysis showed that environmental variables in the first two axes explained around 25% of the total variation of abundance, and only 11.7% of the total variation of the average size, indicating that the environmental variables played a more important role in explaining the spatial distribution of abundance than in explaining spatial distribution of average size.

    • Nutrient analysis and nutritional evaluation of fatty acid composition in three precious aquarium fishes

      2019, 43(3):618-627. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20180511274

      Abstract (1719) HTML (1466) PDF 670.48 K (1817) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Anarrhichthys ocellatus, Arapaima gigas and Carcharias taurus are three precious fishes, the adults of which are cultured in some aquariums. However, the studies on the nutrient compositions for the adults of the three fishes are still limited. In this study, we measured the compositions of main nutrients (moisture, ash, crude protein and fat content) and fatty acids in muscle and liver tissues in adult A. ocellatus, A. gigas and C. taurus, and their corresponding feed, which were all collected from the aquarium. Furthermore, the correlation of fatty acid composition between the feed and tissues were calculated. The results showed that, the C. taurus had the highest crude protein content among the three fishes in muscle and liver, which was 26.84% and 24.03% respectively. A. ocellatus had the highest crude fat content among the three fishes in muscle and liver, which was 41.96% and 32.27% respectively. The ash content of muscle and liver in A. gigas was higher than the other two fishes, which was 4.95% and 5.51% respectively. The muscle and liver of C. taurus contained higher saturated fatty acids (SFA) content than the other two fishes, while A. ocellatus had higher monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) content than the other two fishes. Besides, A. gigas had higher amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in muscle and liver and UFA/SFA ratio in muscle than the other two fishes. The correlation index showed that the fatty acids composition in feed and tissues (liver and muscle) obtained the highest similarity in C. Taurus. The correlation coefficient of fatty acid composition between feed and muscle and between feed and liver were 0.972 and 0.861, in C. taurus, respectively, and 0.912 and 0.846 in A. gigas, respectively, and 0.760 and 0.681, in A. ocellatus respectively. These results demonstrate that additional EPA and DHA could be supplemented in the feed of A. gigas, and additional MUFA should be added in the feed of A. ocellatus. For the first time, the present work presents the nutrient composition of the adults of the three precious fish species, and also provides valuable suggestions for the feed formulation in aquariums.

    • Optimum dietary valine requirement of juvenile sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus

      2019, 43(3):628-638. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20180111124

      Abstract (1593) HTML (1281) PDF 715.34 K (1861) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An 8-week feeding trial was conducted to determine the dietary valine requirement of juvenile sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus with initial body weight (9.20±0.12) g. Six experimental diets were formulated with the graded valine levels (0, 0.80%, 1.60%, 2.40%, 3.20% and 4.00% dry diets, respectively). The six trial diets were determined to contain valine of [0.61% (D1), 1.14% (D2), 1.46% (D3), 1.73% (D4), 2.17% (D5) and 2.64% (D6) dry diet], respectively. The results showed that: ① No significant differences in the survival rate (SR) were found among dietary treatments ; the weight growth rate (WGR) and the specific growth rate (SGR) increased with increasing levels of valine up to 1.73% diet, and thereafter, declined. ② There were no significant effects on ratio of intestine weight to body wall weight (IBR) and ratio of intestine length to body length (IBL) of sea cucumber. ③ Crude protein and crude lipid of body wall increased initially, then decreased, and crude protein of diet D4 was significantly higher than that of any other groups. Dietary valine significantly increased His, Val, essential amino acids (EAA) and total amino acids (TAA) contents of body wall, but decreased Leu, Ile and Tyr contents. ④ Total superoxide dismutase (T-SOD) and total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC) increased with the increasing of dietary valine levels and those of D1 were significantly lower than other groups. Malondialdehyde (MDA) content decreased with increasing levels of valine up to 1.73% diet and then increased, and MDA of D4 was significantly lower than those of other groups. ⑤ Protease and lipase increased initially and then decreased, and protease of D3 was significantly higher than that of other groups, however, there was no significantly effect on amylase of dietary valine. In conclusion, appropriate dietary valine improved significantly growth performance and immune response and modified chemical composition and amino acid contents of sea cucumbers. With WGR as evaluation indicator, regression analysis of broken-line model showed that the optimum dietary valine of sea cucumber with body weight 9.20 g was 1.79% (9.18% diet protein).

    • Effects of different carbon sources on the biofloc formation, nutritional ingredients and bacterial community and water quality in Litopenaeus vannamei culture tank

      2019, 43(3):639-649. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20171211099

      Abstract (1756) HTML (1374) PDF 986.95 K (1962) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to study the suitable carbon source required by the biofloc formation in Litopenaeus vannamei culture tank, 3 groups added with 3 carbon sources (glucose group, starch group and sucrose group) were designed. Each treatment group set up 3 replicates. The culture period was 20 d. The experiment analyzed influences of adding different carbon sources on biofloc formation, nutritional ingredients, microflora and water quality indexes. The findings showed that when carbon additive amount was 80% of feeding, the biofloc formation could effectively regulate water quality and reduce ammonia nitrogen and nitrite nitrogen level in water body. The concentrations of ammonia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen concentrations in three carbon sources addition groups were significantly lower than those of control group. The ammonia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen concentrations in the starch group were significantly higher than those of the glucose group and sucrose group. The survival rates of the glucose group, starch group, sucrose group and control group were 72.9%, 54.2%, 69.8% and 44.3% respectively. The biofloc settling volume (BFV) in the starch group was significantly lower than the glucose group, while BFV in the sucrose group was the highest. After 13−15 d, three groups tended to be stable. Crude protein contents in glucose group and sucrose group were significantly higher than that of the starch group. There was no significant difference in the glucose group and sucrose group. The essential amino acids-histidine, arginine, methionine and the nonessential amino acids-aspartate, glusate, alanine in the starch group was lower than the glucose group and sucrose group. The essential amino acid index (EAAI) in the glucose group, starch group and sucrose group was calculated at 0.93, 0.89 and 0.92, respectively. The high-throughput sequencing results showed that there were more than 18 species of bacterial community at the phylum level. Proteobacteria and Bacterioidetes in three types of Biofloc had the highest ratio. In the starch group, Bacteriodetes content was significantly higher than other groups, while Planctomycetes and Actinobacteria contents in the sucrose group were obviously higher than the glucose group and starch group. Therefore, different additions of carbon sources in the L. vannamei culture tank affected the biofloc formation, nutritional ingredients, microbial community structure and diversities and improved water quality in different degrees. With the EAAI as the evaluation index, glucose and sucrose can be used as the suitable carbon source choices for L. vannamei culture pond.

    • Cloning and expression of glutamine synthetase from giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii)

      2019, 43(3):549-562. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20180511271

      Abstract (1905) HTML (1670) PDF 1.54 M (1982) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Glutamine synthetase (GS) is a widely distributed enzyme in animals and plants, which is involved in various cellular activities. In crustaceans, GS plays a major role in the regulation of energy metabolism and osmotic pressure. In the present report, a full cDNA of the GS gene with 1 965 bp in length was obtained from giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii ). The open reading frame (ORF) encoded a 361 amino acid (aa) polypeptide with the predicted molecular weight of 40.75 ku. Analysis of amino acid sequences showed that the GS of M. rosenbergii contained 5 conserved regions that belong to the GS Ⅱ group of invertebrates. Phylogenetic analysis of GS of M. rosenbergii shared the highest identity within the clade of GS from Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, and Fenneropenaeus chinensis with 95% similarities at aa level. Polyclonal antibody against GS of M. rosenbergii was generated. Furthermore, we detected the expression profiles of GS mRNA and proteins in various tissues of M. rosenbergii by quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) and Western blotting. GS mRNA was differentially expressed in 8 detected tissues of M. rosenbergii before molting in the order of hepatopancreas > muscle > stomach > intestine > gill > heart > brain > haemolymph. The expressions of GS in different tissues were compared before and after molting. The results showed that, except in hepatopancreas, the mRNA expression of GS was up-regulated in the other 7 tissues in the order of brain > gill > stomach > intestine > muscle > heart > haemolymph. By Western blot, the expressions of GS protein in the gill and muscles were up-regulated after molting, which was identical with the expression profiles at mRNA level. In addition, the activity of GS enzyme and the concentration of glutamine were decreased in hepatopancreas after molting, and by contrast, they were increased in the gill, muscle and haemolymph. These results were also identical with the GS mRNA expression. The differentiated expressions of GS gene in different tissues before and after molting suggest that it might be involved in the regulation of energy metabolism and osmotic pressure during the molting.

    • Effects of light intensity, temperature, and N/P ratio on parthenogenesis of Pyropia haitanensis

      2019, 43(3):650-660. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20180411221

      Abstract (1708) HTML (1477) PDF 1.16 M (2228) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To explore the influence of the external environment on Pyropia haitanensis blades, the effects of different light intensity, temperature, and ratios of nitrogen to phosphorous on the growth and parthenogenesis of thallus were studied through microscopic observation and statistical analysis. When the light intensity is 10-40 μmol/(m2·s), the algae grow slowly, mature late, and parthenogenesis also occurs later; When the light intensity increased to 60-80 μmol/(m2·s), the algae growth accelerated, maturation became early, and parthenogenesis also advanced. When the temperature is 17-20 ℃, the algae grow slowly, mature late, and parthenogenesis is postponed; When the temperature rises above 23 ℃, the algae growth begins to be inhibited, but the high temperature promotes the maturation of the algae, and parthenogenesis also occurs in advance. The treatment group with a nitrogen to phosphorous ratio of 16∶1 grew faster than other treatment groups (1∶1, 4∶1, 32∶1 and 64∶1), the slowest rate of thallus growth was observed in the 64∶1 ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus, but it is easy to mature and prone to parthenogenesis. Therefore, at the high light intensity, high temperature and high ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus conditions, both the maturation and parthenogenesis of the algae were improved. Culture conditions have important effects on parthenogenesis of P. haitanensis.

    • Preparation of live recombinant Lactococcus lactis vaccine expressing Sip protein of Streptococcus agalactiae isolated from tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and immunogenicity analysis

      2019, 43(3):661-670. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20171111035

      Abstract (1715) HTML (1383) PDF 1.01 M (1856) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Streptococcosis is a serious disease that threatens the development of Oreochromis niloticus industry in China. In order to make a vaccine of Streptococcus agalactiae with high immune efficiency and simple operation, we constructed a recombinant shuttle-plasmid pNZ8124-Sip which could express Sip protein of S. agalactiae. The recombinant plasmid was electro-transferred into Lactococcus lactis NZ9000 after being identified by enzyme digestion and sequencing analysis. The SDS-PAGE was used to obtain the optimumly induced concentration of nisin and induction time. The Sip protein was purified by Ni-chelating affinity chromatography and tested by Western blot. O. niloticus was vaccinated orally by gavage with different concentration of the recombinant L. lactis NZ9000-pNZ8124-Sip. The ELISA was used to test the change of serum antibody. The relative percent survival (RPS) was obtained by artificial abdominal injection with S. agalactiae.The SDS-PAGE showed that the molecular weight of expressed protein was 48 ku, which is equal to the expected protein size. The recombinant protein mainly existed as soluble protein and inclusion bodies. The concentration of purified protein could reach 7.65 mg/mL. The optimal condition was induction with 100 ng/mL nisin for 6 h. Western blot results showed that the recombinant Sip protein could be specifically combined with the mouse anti-His tag antibody. Oral immunization showed that the serum antibody and the resistance to S. agalactiae were significantly improved in the middle concentration group (2.24×1010 CFU/mL) and the low concentration group (2.24×109 CFU/mL). The RPS of the middle concentration was 41.0%, which was the highest. This study can lay a foundation for research on oral vaccine of O. niloticus against S. agalactiae and has a broad prospect of application.

    • Application of imaging flow cytometry in studies of the classification and phagocytic function of Eriocheir sinensis blood cell

      2019, 43(3):563-572. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20180711373

      Abstract (1903) HTML (1497) PDF 1.02 M (2309) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to make more accurate classification of crustacean blood cells and understand their phagocytic function more clearly, an imaging flow cytometry-based automatic method for Eriocheir sinensis blood cell classification was established, and this new method was further compared with microscopic observation for evaluating their abilities in classifying blood cells through characteristic differences of cytoplasmic granular structure in cells. On this basis, 7.5×108 of Thermo Fisher carboxylate-modified yellow-green fluorescent microspheres with 1 μm diameter were injected through the heart of E. sinensis of (10±3) g weight; proportions of cells containing engulfed microspheres in hemolymph were measured by imaging flow cytometry at 2, 4, 6 and 24 h after injection to analyze the phagocytic efficiency and foreign-body-removing ability of blood cells. The results showed that both microscopic observation and imaging flow cytometry-based classification methods could distinguish 4 blood cell populations from hemolymph of E. sinensis, but the population proportions from both methods were different. The possible reasons might be that populations in microscopic observing classification were divided based on the observable granular structures in each cell, but populations got from imaging flow cytometry method were distinguished by all measurable granular structures in each cell. However, due to lack of quantified specific classification standard, the identification results from microscopic observing were fluctuant and what’s more, this work was also time-consuming and laborious compared with automatic methods. On the contrary, imaging flow cytometry measured all detectable intracellular particulate matters. With updated detection module, redesigned flowing system, and, what’s more, innovative integration of photographic function for each detecting channel, imaging flow cytometry could offer a high-throughput detection, and the data were more objective and reliable than those of manual distinguishing and counting. According to the flow cytometry analyzing, non-granular hemocyte, small-granular hemocyte, intermediate-granular hemocyte, large-granular hemocyte accounted for 40.62%±2.65 %, 36.68%±6.84 %, 7.80%±1.16 % and 16.51%±5.60 % separately of total blood cells from E. sinensis. Lack of transition dots between populations means there are no cell type transformations among 4 cell populations. Phagocytic function of E. sinensis blood cells was analyzed by both of above methods. According to microscopic observing results, all 4 kinds of blood cells could engulf fluorescent microspheres. The less the number of granules in the blood cells, the stronger the phagocytic capability of the blood cells. So, the non-granular hemocytes were the main phagocytic population. From the results of imaging flow cytometry method, proportion of blood cells containing microsphere went up in 2 hours after injection, and quickly reached a peak of 5.69%±0.44% at 4 hours, then followed by a rapid decline during 4–6 hours after injection, which means that E. sinensis blood cells were effective in removing foreign matter from the hemolymph. As it is known that fluorescent microspheres are difficult to be degraded by enzymes in cells, the declining proportion of cells containing microspheres is likely to be caused by such mechanisms as agglutination and immobilization of cycling cells, which help cells leave the E. sinensis’s circulatory system. Imaging flow cytometry is suitable for the classification researches and functional studies of E. sinensis blood cells, it would be more effective when combined with microscopic observation. The blood cells of E. sinensis have strong phagocytic ability. Probably through cell agglutination, E. sinensis could quickly remove invaded foreign matter, which, usually, is difficult to be degraded. These results provide new and important references for related researches, and will facilitate to understand the functions of blood cells in crustaceans more clearly.

    • L-cysteine improves the susceptibility of Aeromonas hydrophila to florfenicol

      2019, 43(3):671-678. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20171011013

      Abstract (1603) HTML (1543) PDF 767.43 K (1886) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Antimicrobial agents play an important role in the prevention and treatment of bacterial infections. However, the extensive use of antimicrobial agents, particularly the misuse of antibiotics in the aquatic animal breeding, has led to various issues, such as antibiotic resistance, pollution of breeding environments, and presence of drug residues in livestock, which need to be addressed urgently. In this paper, the effects of exogenous L-cysteine on the susceptibility of Aeromonas hydrophila to florfenicol were studied. The in vitro bactericidal assay found that 4.00 mmol/L L-cysteine could significantly improve the bactericidal effect of florfenicol by 1.9-11.1 times and that the bactericidal effect increased with increasing L-cysteine concentration and exposure time. Tissue bacterial eradication experiments showed that the combination of L-cysteine and florfenicol could significantly eliminate A. hydrophila in liver, spleen and kidney tissue by 4-16 times compared to florfenicol alone. Oral administration or injection with L-cysteine or/and florfenicol showed that the combination of L-cysteine and florfenicol greatly increased the survival rate of infected fish. Moreover, we also found L-cysteine played a certain role in tissue bacteria eradication and fish immune protection. At last, we found that 1.00-4.00 mmol/L L-cysteine increased the susceptibility of A. hydrophila to florfenicol by 2-4 times. We speculate that L-cysteine may enhance the susceptibility of A. hydrophila to florfenicol and increase the bactericidal effect of florfenicol. In summary, L-cysteine as a synergistic agent of florfenicol, can not only improve the bactericidal effect, but also significantly reduce the use of antimicrobial agents. Therefore, we present a novel approach in fighting against A. hydrophila with practical application value.

    • Effects of temperature on energy metabolism andantioxidant enzyme activities of Scapharca broughtonii

      2019, 43(3):573-583. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20171111061

      Abstract (1793) HTML (1303) PDF 851.90 K (1964) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The energy metabolism and antioxidant enzyme activities of Scapharca broughtonii at different temperature levels (20, 23, 26 and 29 ℃) were studied in the laboratory. The results showed that the ingestion rate and the faecal egestion rate of S. broughtonii decreased with the increase of temperature. One-way ANOVA showed that temperature significantly affected the ingestion rate of S. broughtonii, but had no significant effect on the faecal egestion rate. The oxygen consumption rate and the ammonia excretion rate of S. broughtonii first increased and then decreased with the increase of temperature. Through the energy balance equation, we found that the temperature affected the energy allocation of S. broughtonii. Under the condition of 20 ℃, the energy of respiration was accounting for 13.71%, 1.89% in excretion, 22.94% in defecation, and 61.47% in growth. However, when the temperature was above 20 ℃, the ingested energy could be significantly decreased. Even negative growth occurred. The analysis of variance showed that the temperature had significant differences on the feeding capacity and growth capacity of S. broughtonii. The activities of antioxidant enzymes in the mantle membrane, gill and hepatopancreas of S. broughtonii were sampled and tested at 0, 4, 8, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h after the treatments of temperature. In the range of 20–29 ℃, the activity of T-AOC first increased and then decreased, and it was significantly lower at 29 ℃ than those at any other temperature groups. The results suggested that the short-term high-temperature stimulation promoted the activities of SOD and CAT, but decreased them beyond 24 h. The activities of SOD and CAT in gill and hepatopancreas were significantly affected by temperature, however, they were not significantly affected by temperature in mantle membrane. GST activity increased significantly with the increase of temperature within 4–12 h, but decreased significantly beyond 24 h, especially when the temperature rose to 29 ℃. Our studies have speculated that high temperature may lead to the reduction of antioxidant capacity in the organism, which has a serious impact on the energy metabolism and immune capacity of S. broughtonii. This may be an important reason for high death rate of S. broughtonii in summer. All the results suggest that the temperature for the actual production of S. broughtonii should be maintained below 23 ℃. It will generate a large amount of energy consumption of S. broughtonii if the temperature exceeds 26 ℃.

    • Establishment and application of indirect in situ polymerase chain reaction for detection of Ostreid herpesvirus-1 (OsHV-1)

      2019, 43(3):679-687. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20180511283

      Abstract (1665) HTML (1790) PDF 919.92 K (2663) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To detect the localization of Ostreid herpesvirus-1 (OsHV-1) in tissues of shellfish host, a sensitive method was first established based on indirect in situ polymerase chain reaction (ISPCR) technology. Then the method was employed to investigate OsHV-1 distribution pattern in different types of organs of Scapharca broughtonii. To establish the detection method, suitable PCR primers and amplification cycles for indirect ISPCR were selected, which could generate stable and specific amplification of viral DNA in fixed tissues on sections. The concentrations of proteinase K for digesting different types of tissues were also optimized. Finally, in situ hybridization was conducted with digoxigenin-labeled nucleic acid probes prepared using the same primers, and the distribution of OsHV-1 in the sample tissues was shown by immunoenzyme labeling technology. The results showed the optimum number of amplification cycles was 20, and the optimum concentration of proteinase K was 20 μg/mL. We used the optimized indirect ISPCR method to detect and analyze the distribution pattern of OsHV-1 in five different tissues of ark shells (mantle, gill, hepatopancreas, foot and adductor muscle). The results showed that the virus positive signals were mainly distributed in infiltrated hemocytes and fibrobalsts in connective tissues of the mantle, infiltrated hemocytes in hepatopancreas and gills, necrotic muscle cells in foot and adductor muscle. These results showed that the established indirect ISPCR method for detecting OsHV-1 had the advantages of high sensitivity and specificity in fixing the viral position. The method could be used for studying the distribution of OsHV-1 in different tissues and targeted cell types by investigating positive signals of viral nuclear acid in tissue sections. The method could be used for confirmatory diagnosis of OsHV-1 infection, the tissue tropism, invasion routes and pathogenic mechanism of OsHV-1.

    • Optimization of key procedures for fish tagging and releasing with its application to yellowfin seabream (Acanthopagrus latus)

      2019, 43(3):584-592. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20171010991

      Abstract (1746) HTML (1412) PDF 729.57 K (1952) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Tagging and releasing techniques are commonly used to obtain information on behavior and assess the effects of stock enhancement in marine fishes, which is based on the sampling of tagged population. However, the lack of the field protocol on fish tagging techniques undoubtedly leads to the tag loss or even the death of a large quantity of tagged fish. In this study, Acanthopagrus latus, one of the main stocking species in northern South China Sea, was employed to conducted the 40 days experiment using T-bar anchor tags. Three factors in the key tagging procedures were considered: (a) anesthetized or not (anesthetized or unanesthetized); (b) tagging locations (anterior dorsal muscle or posterior dorsal muscle) and (c) implanted angles (45° or 90°). According to a 2×2×2 factorial design, the experiment was divided into 8 tagged groups and 1 control group, with 3 replicates per group and 30 juvenile A. latus [initial average body length (10.05±0.39) cm] per replicate. Rates of growth, survival and tag retention were evaluated quantitatively by multifactor analysis of variance. The results showed that there was no significant difference in the specific growth rate among groups. Anesthetized or not was the factor that produced very significant difference in survival rate. Tagging locations and implanted angles produced significant difference in tag retention rate. Tagging by T with 45° into the anterior dorsal muscle of A. latus was the optimal procedures, which had the highest survival rate of 95.56% with tag retention rate of 98.89%. Finally, the field protocol suggestion was proposed: ① the fish should be reared no less than 3 days before being tagged; ② the tagging equipment should be sterilized using 75% alcohol for 5 minutes; ③ the fish should be anesthetized using 30 mg/L eugenol solution or MS-222 until they could not maintain equilibrium; ④ the fish should be tagged with angles of 45° into the anterior dorsal muscle; ⑤ the fish should be sterilized using 5% povidone iodine or KMnO4 for 30 minutes; ⑥ the tagged fish should be then reared for 7 days before being released. This study will provide basic data for fish tagging studies in the future.

    • Preservation effect of complex biological preservative combined with ice temperature storage on Takifugu rubripes

      2019, 43(3):688-696. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20171211077

      Abstract (1481) HTML (1378) PDF 1.56 M (1799) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The aim of this paper was to optimize complex biological preservatives consisting of citric acid, thymol and sodium alginate using three-variable, three-level Box-Behnken design to prolong the shelf life of Takifugu rubripes. A quadratic polynomial regression model was established with total plate counts as the response value. The preservation effects of complex biological preservatives were verified by measuring pH, drip loss, TVB-N, TBA, total plate counts and Pseudomonas sp.. The result showed that the optimal ratio of the complex biological preservatives at ice temperature is as follows: 0.68% citric acid, 1.45% thymol and 1.94% sodium alginate. In that condition, the lowest total plate count was 5.50 lg (CFU/g) on the 30th day. What’s more, citric acid and thymol, citric acid and sodium alginate, as well as thymol and sodium alginate had a significant interactive effect. The optimal complex biological preservatives could significantly inhibit the growth of microorganisms, and reduce the contents of TVB-N and TBA. It was proved that the complex biological preservatives could effectively delay the deterioration of T. rubripes, prolonging the shelf life of 15 d to 30 d.

    • Distribution forecasting of habitat of chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) during the climate change in the coastal waters

      2019, 43(3):593-604. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20170510832

      Abstract (1763) HTML (1869) PDF 1.89 M (2131) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The change of surface water temperature affects the habitat distribution of pelagic fishes. According to the chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) fishery-dependent data from July to December during 2003 to 2012 in the Chinese coastal waters, and sea surface water temperature (SST) from remote sensing,the suitable index (SI) from the fishing effort and the catch per unit effort (CPUE) based on SST were established by using the method of normal distribution. The halntat suitability index (HSI) were estimated by taking the average. The latitude distribution and area change of the most suitable habitat (HSI > 0.8) was analysed when the monthly SST increased and declined respectively by 0.5 ℃, 1 ℃ and 2 ℃. Results showed that the coastal chub mackerel had an obvious southward shifting tendency when the SST increased, and the most suitable habitat area changed from –73.1% to 44.7% during July to December. There was also an obvious northward shifting tendency when the SST dropped and the most suitable habitat area changed from –54.9% to 123.4% during July to December. The area also had different developing trends. The research suggests that the findings of this article can be used to predict the coastal chub mackerel habitat and its fishing ground under El Nino or La Nina, as well as changes in offshore water in the future.

    • Structure and creep properties of UHMWPE/GR fishing nanocomposite fibers

      2019, 43(3):697-705. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20171111041

      Abstract (1637) HTML (1598) PDF 948.16 K (1915) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE)/graphene (GR) nanocomposite fibers were prepared by melt-spinning. The effects of GR contents on the structure, thermal properties, mechanical properties and creep properties of UHMWPE fibers were studied. The results show that the GR in UHMWPE fiber matrix is uniformly disperse at nanometer-scale thickness. When the graphene content increase to 5‰, the GR shows large agglomerates in UHMWPE fiber matrix. Compared with that of pure UHMWPE fiber, the tensile strength and knot breaking strength of GR-modified nanocomposite fibers are significantly increased. Introducing a certain content of GR can effectively enhance the creep resistance of UHMWPE and reduce its creep rate. When the nano-graphene content is 3‰, the breaking strength increases by 31.9% and the creep rate decreases by 27.3%. When the nano-GR was being introduced to UHMWPE, the interaction between the nanoparticles and the polyethylene segment was enhanced, and the limited amorphous regions near the grain boundary increased, and the α transition peak increased and broadened gradually. The nano-modification technology can significantly improve the mechanical properties and creep resistance of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fibers. The results provide a theoretical basis for the high performance of fishing materials.

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