• Volume 43,Issue 12,2019 Table of Contents
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    • >PAPERS
    • Effects of difference of individual size on beak morphology of Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis in the Xisha Islands of South China Sea

      2019, 43(12):2501-2510. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20181211569

      Abstract (866) HTML (0) PDF 999.97 K (1454) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Beak is an important hard tissue of Cephalopoda which is usually used in the study of fisheries biology such as population identification, growth and stock assessment and so on. Based on the 860 samples of Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis collected by light falling-net fishery during May to August in the year of 2017 in the Xisha Islands waters of the South China Sea, the morphologic growth of beak impacted by gonad maturity and individual size was analyzed. The result of principal component analysis of twelve morphologic indices indicated that the upper hood length (UHL), upper crest length (UCL), upper rostrum width (URW), upper lateral wall length (ULWL), lower hood length (LHL), lower crest length (LCL),lower rostrum length (LRL) and the lower lateral wall length (LLWL) could be used to describe the length growth features of beak, and the HL/CL, URW/UCL, LRL/LCL, LWL/CL and WL/CL could be used as the indicators of entire growth of beak. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the least-significant difference (LSD) indicated that there were significant differences in the morphologic growth between sexes, gonad maturity and different mantle length, however, the values of HL/CL, URW/UCL, LRL/LCL, LWL/CL and WL/CL were nearly constant with the change of sex, gonad maturity and mantle length. This study suggested that there are significant effects of gonad maturity and individual size on beak morphology and the mantle length of 121mm to 150 mm, and the gonad maturity of Ⅲ stage seemed to be the inflection points of the morphologic growth of beak of S. oualaniensis.

    • Body condition and reproductive investment of Dosidicus gigas in the equatorial waters of eastern Pacific Ocean

      2019, 43(12):2511-2522. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20180611323

      Abstract (895) HTML (0) PDF 1.28 M (1446) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Extant cephalopod species are characterized by the lag of sexual maturation, when compared to their body growth. And they have evolved a range of flexible reproductive strategies, which are associated with different characteristics of body growth and reproductive investment, and the latter is vital to understand their reproduction. In this study, the specimens of Dosidicus gigas, collected from equatorial waters of eastern Pacific Ocean during a jigging fishery period from February to April 2017, were used to explore their body condition and reproductive investment, by applying methodologies of morphometric measurement and residual index analyses. Both female and male individuals were found isometric growth, according to weight-length relationship analysis. Female D. gigas attained maturation from mantle length (ML) of 270 mm and body weight (BW) of 766 g; whereas, males were found maturity from 270 mm ML and 479 g BW. Both female and male individuals had the lowest rate of zero stomach fullness degree (FD), with the majority being found at FD of 1-2. Along with the sampled months, D. gigas showed a better body condition, which was the worst during the sexual maturation period. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) was measured a mean value of 2.26%±1.33% for sexual mature females, and nidamental index was estimated at 34.34%±18.62%. Mature males had a mean GSI of 1.31%±0.35%. The body condition indices, measured as the standardized residuals of body weight and mantle length relationship, and reproductive investment indices, measured as the standardized residuals of reproductive system weight and mantle length relationship, showed a decreasing trend with sexual maturation. When corresponding to stomach fullness degree, the body condition index showed a decreasing trend, whereas the reproductive investment index increased with higher stomach fullness degree. However, there was a significantly positive relationship between indices of body condition and reproductive investment. Therefore, these evidences indicated that D. gigas continue feeding during sexual maturation, and the energy sourcing for reproduction is mostly from food intake. Meanwhile, energy reserve in the muscle tissues might be mobilized to meet the high energy demand during gonadal development.

    • Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of Priacanthus spp. resources in the northern South China Sea

      2019, 43(12):2523-2532. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20190111648

      Abstract (874) HTML (0) PDF 1.40 M (1542) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It’s helpful to know the formation of fishing grounds by the center of gravity of fish resource density and temporal and spatial heterogeneity. The traditional economic fish resources are declining owing to the impact of overfishing, environmental change and other factors. Priacanthus spp., the main catches in bottom trawls in the South China Sea, are important ecologically. But few studies on their spatial-temporal patterns of distribution are available, and spatial autocorrelation of data is also scarce in the studies. Analysis of temporal and spatial heterogeneity on the distribution of Priacanthus spp. in the northern South China Sea has been essential for sustainable development and rational management of the fishery. To investigate temporal and spatial distribution of Priacanthus spp. resource density, we used the data of bottom trawl fishery in the northern South China Sea by a fishery information network from 2009 to 2014, for spatial analysis of center of gravity and semivariogram plots to investigate temporal and spatial distribution of Priacanthus spp. resource density. The results showed that the resource density of Priacanthus spp. decreased gradually and the differences were extremely significant (P<0.01) from 2009 to 2014. The maximum value of resource density was (26.69±7.34) g/h/kW/nets in 2012. The center of gravity of the resource density which was distributed between the 50-m and 100-m isobath in the middle part of the survey area, had no significant difference (P>0.05). The spatial distribution of Priacanthus spp. showed a well-organized structure, with strong spatial autocorrelation in 70–90 km. Spatial heterogeneity in resource density of Priacanthus spp. appeared to be caused less by randomness than by structural variations. The spatial distribution of Priacanthus spp. showed weak spatial autocorrelation when the distance exceeded 90 km.

    • Target strength measurements of tethered live purpleback flying squid (Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis) at sea

      2019, 43(12):2533-2544. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20180611318

      Abstract (882) HTML (0) PDF 1.06 M (1398) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Knowledge of target strength (TS, dB) is essential for accurate assessment of fish abundance using acoustic methods. In order to investigate acoustic scattering characteristics of purpleback flying squid Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis, 25 squid specimens were collected by jig in the open sea in the northern South China Sea in September 2017 near geographical position 18°42.9'N 113°05.5'E. The TS of 25 specimens were measured respectively one by one using Simrad EY60 split-beam scientific echosounder with 120 kHz and self-made tethering-controling device. In this paper, we primarily explored the impact of different parameters on the single target detection for S. oualaniensis, and the parameters included pluse length determination level (PLDL, dB), min normalized pluse length (min NPL), max normalized pluse length (max NPL) and maximum standard deviation of minor-axis angles (MIA). Then we analyzed comprehensively the stochastic nature of single TS which was highly variable, and concluded the mathematical regression relation between TS of S. oualaniensis and mantle length (ML, cm). The results showed: (1) As the PLDL increased, the number of single target of squid detected increased firstly and then decreased, and the number was the largest when PLDL was 6 dB, while the average TS of all single targets increased monotonously. With increase of min NPL, the number of single squid target decreased; in the range of min NPL<0.7, the average TS of all single targets presented increasing obviously. When the max NPL was less than 1.2, the number of single squid target increased as the max NPL increased, but the average TS decreased; when the max NPL fell between 1.2 and 1.8, the number of single squid target presented increasing slowly, but the average TS remained relatively stable. As the MIA increased, the number of single squid target increased, but the average TS decreased; (2) In this study, the optimum parameters settings of single target detection were as follows: PLDL=6.00 dB, Min NPL=0.7 dB, Max NPL=1.8, MIA=0.8°; (3) The maximum and minimum values of the average single TS of live Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis specimens were respectively −48.6 dB and −63.63 dB, and the corresponding mantle length of Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis were respectively 25.2 cm and 12.4 cm. The mathematical regression relation between TS of Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis and mantle length (ML) was concluded as follows: TS=34.22 lg (ML)−98.23 (N=16, R2=0.603). This TS measurement was the first attempt to investigate the acoustic scattering characteristic and TS of live S. oualaniensis using tethering controlling method at sea by field work. The results of this paper not only accumulated important information and experience for further investigating the acoustic scattering characteristics and improving the acoustic estimation precision of S. oualaniensis, also provided the reference for measuring TS of other squids or fishes by tethering method at sea.

    • ScHsc70 gene SNP markers screening and correlation analysis for high temperature resistance of Sinonovacula constricta new variety “Shenzhe NO. 1”

      2019, 43(12):2439-2448. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20181111527

      Abstract (962) HTML (0) PDF 755.75 K (1445) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To obtain single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers of heat shock protein 70 (ScHsc70) gene related to heat tolerance traits in Sinonovacula constricta, the full-length sequence of ScHsc70 gene was cloned by direct sequencing. The results showed that the ScHsc 70 gene was 4 048 bp, including 6 introns and 7 exons, and the coding region was 1 950 bp. The high temperature resistance group and control group from a new variety of razor clam were established, and six potential SNPs Rs1 (g.588 C > T), Rs2 (g.840 C > T), Rs3 (g.885 T > A), Rs4 (g.1233 A > G), Rs5 (g.1467 T > G), Rs6 (g.1482 T > C) were screened from the exon region of ScHSc70 gene by PCR product direct sequencing. SNPs genotyping was performed on the high temperature tolerant population and the control population of the new variety “Shenzhe No.1” by Sanger sequencing. The results of genetic diversity analysis showed that the polymorphism information content (PIC) of the two populations was between 0.111 2 and 0.371 8, and the average polymorphism information content of the control population was 0.267 0, which is higher than that of the high temperature resistant populations (0.236 5). Association analysis results showed that the genotype frequency and allele frequency of Rs1, Rs3 and Rs4 were significantly different between control group and high temperature tolerant group. Haploid linkage disequilibrium analysis showed that SNPs markers of ScHsc70 gene could form 2 haploid blocks and 7 haplotypes, among which CCT haplotypes were significantly correlated with high temperature tolerance traits. It was found that Rs2 and Rs3 were in a linkage state (r2 = 0.86, LOD = 25.56, Dx = 1.0), and could be used as SNP markers for the Genetic breeding of S. constricta for high temperature tolerance. In summary, Rs1, Rs3, Rs4 and haplotype CCT can be used as candidate auxiliary molecular markers for high temperature tolerance breeding of razor clam, which lays a theoretical foundation for the subsequent functional verification of resistance-related SNPs.

    • Dietary vitamin B6 requirement of juvenile sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus)

      2019, 43(12):2545-2553. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20180911449

      Abstract (885) HTML (0) PDF 734.24 K (1485) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The present trial was conducted to investigate the dietary vitamin B6 requirement of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicas Selenka juveniles. The experimental diets were formulated with graded levels of vitamin B6 (1.23, 5.29, 9.35, 17.47, 33.71, 66.17 mg/kg), and named D1, D2, D3, D4, D5 and D6 groups. Each diet was randomly assigned with triplicate sea cucumber juveniles with initial body weight (12.23±0.11) g for 12 weeks. The results showed that weight gain rate and specific growth rate presented increasing first and then decreasing afterwards, and got maximum in D5 group. Crude protein of body wall was increased first with dietary vitamin B6 and then decreased, and crude protein of D6 group was significantly lower than other groups; Crude lipid of D1 group was significantly lower than other groups. All of activities of glucose 6-phosphatede hydrogenase, isocitrate dehydrogenase, acetyl coA carboxylase, and nitric oxide synthesis were increased first and then decreased afterwards, activity of D6 group was significantly lower than other groups. With the increasing of dietary vitamin B6, both protease and amylase were increased, and cellulase was decreased with dietary vitamin B6, while the height of villus, MC and the thickness of muscularis were increased significantly. With the weight gain rate as the evaluation indictor, regression analysis showed that the optimum dietary vitamin B6 requirement for sea cucumber juveniles was 45 mg/kg.

    • The role of Hyriopsis cumingii shell silk-like matrix protein gene silkmaxin in the shell and pearl biosmineralization

      2019, 43(12):2449-2458. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20181111542

      Abstract (931) HTML (0) PDF 1.09 M (1451) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Shell matrix proteins control the nuleation, size and crystal phase of calcium carbonate during the biomineralization of pearl, and they are related to pearl quality. In order to study more about the molecular mechanism of nacre formation, we cloned a novel shell matrix protein silkmaxin (accession No. MK188932) from freshwater mussel Hyriopsis cumingii. With the gene expression detected by RT-PCR and in situ hybridization, silkmaxin was specially expressed in the pallial epithelial cells of mantle outer fold, which indicated that silkmaxin is a nacreous layer matrix protein. The amino acid sequence of silkmaxin featured high proportion of Gly (33.0%) and Ser (10.4%) residues, and the second structure is mainly composed of β-folds. The high structure prediction indicated that silkmaxin is a silk-like protein. In addition, the expression of silkmaxin was detected in the early stage of pearl formation by real-time quantitative PCR. The results indicated that silkmaxin played important roles in the transition of the calcium carbonate disordered deposition to ordered deposition in the early stage of pearl formation. The study of shell by silkmaxin RNAi treatment indicates that silkmaxin gene is essential for the correct growth of aragonite tablets, including the size and shape of the newly formed calcium carbonate crystals.

    • Isolation, identification and pathogenicity studies on visceral granulomatous disease in Acanthopagrus schlegelii

      2019, 43(12):2554-2566. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20181011489

      Abstract (893) HTML (0) PDF 1.27 M (1568) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A serious disease occurred in black seabream, Acanthopagrus schlegelii, cultivated in runway fish culture pond of mariculture farm in Taizhou, Zhejiang province, in April, 2017. The diseased fish showed sluggish swimming, anorexia and ulceration on surface. Moribund fish were dissected with symptoms of massive ascites and swelling of liver, spleen and kidney, with white granulomatous nodules, especially in spleen. The bacteria were isolated with tryptone soybean agar, and all the fish with typical symptoms showed the pure culture of grayish white colony with Gram negative rods. The bacterial strain AS15, from the spleen of fish with most serious granulomatous, was chosen for challenging test to healthy black seabream by injection intraperitoneally. Mortality was recorded with similar symptoms to native infected seabream, with the median death dose of 6.5×104 CFU/ind. AS15 was identified as Edwardsiella tarda with API 20E biochemical bacteria identification system as well as 16S rDNA sequences blasted on NCBI, with 99% similarity to reference strains. With phylogenetic analysis for 16S rDNA, AS15 belonged to the same cluster with ETT883, LADL05-105, E. piscicida according to new classification for genus E.dsiella, and same cluster to LADL05-105 and NCIM2056, E. piscicida-like, the new recommended species of the genus, with 100% similarity on gyrB phylogenetic tree. The species-specific primers for genus E. dsiella were used for PCR test, and AS15 showed positive to EPL, the species primer for E. piscicida-like, and PCR negative to all other three primers of E. tarda, E. piscicida and E. ictalur. Ten pathogenic genes, including four fimbrial genes, and sodB, citC, esrB, mukF, katB, the related virulence genes were analyzed by PCR. The strain AS15 showed positive to all four fimbrial genes and other virulence genes except gene gadB. It could be considered that AS15, E. piscicida-like bacteria, the first pathogenic strain isolated and reported from marine cultivated seabream, was the pathogen of serious outbreak case of visceral granulomatous disease in black seabream in runway pond culture system.

    • Comparative chromosome mapping of 45S rDNA in four species of abalone

      2019, 43(12):2459-2467. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20181211591

      Abstract (926) HTML (0) PDF 838.33 K (1534) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abalone is not only precious seafood in China, but also important mariculture shellfish. In recent years, the genetic breeding research of abalone has made rapid progress, but the research data of cytogenetic analysis are still lacking. Therefore, this study used the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to compare the distribution of 45S rDNA clusters in Haliotis discus hannai, H. gigantea, H. fulgens, and H. diversicolor. In H. discus hannai, 83% of the metaphase had 2 pairs of 45S rDNA sites, located at terminal of the long arm ends of chromosomes 13th and 16th, respectively. In H. gigantea, about 75% of the metaphase had 3 pairs of 45S rDNA sites, located at the terminal of the short arm of chromosome 6th, and at the terminal of the long arm of chromosomes 14th and 17th, respectively. In H. fulgens, about 85% of the metaphase cells detected three pairs of 45S rDNA sites, located at the terminal of the long arms of chromosomes 4th, 6th, and 8th. In H. diversicolor, about 65% of the metaphase had 3 pairs of 45S rDNA sites, located at the terminal of the short arms of chromosomes 3th, 4th, and 12th. In addition to the main mode, there were other low-frequency modes in all the 4 species of abalone, suggesting that these abalone may have several unstable 45S rDNA sites besides the unambiguous sites. The number and the location of 45S rDNA loci in abalone showed a high level of intraspecific variation in general. These findings may enrich the cytogenetic research data of abalone and provide basic data for the further studies of genetic breeding in abalone.

    • Isolation, identification and of an infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus isolated from Oncorhynchus mykiss at Penzhou city, Sichuan province

      2019, 43(12):2567-2573. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20180511284

      Abstract (904) HTML (0) PDF 1019.68 K (3055) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An outbreak of an infectious disease occurred amongst farmed Oncorhynchus mykiss at Penzhou city, Sichuan Province, in October 2017 with heavy mortality of 90%. Major symptoms of the diseased fish included darkening of the body, yellow mucoid fluid fecal casts on anal. Internally, the symptoms were hemorrhage in the swim bladder and peritoneum, gastric distention, enteritis and hydropericardium. Bacteriologic test was negative. Histopathologically, the spleen showed typical coagulative necrosis with marked degeneration and necrosis in the haematopoietic tissue. Hepatocytes showed degeneration and necrosis and edema in some areas. After filtration treatment, the tissue suspension was injected intraperitoneally into 60 O. mykiss. The O. mykiss displayed similar clinical symptoms as fish that were naturally infected. The O. mykiss died acutely in the trial group (cumulative mortality rate of 85%), while there was no abnormal fish in the control group. After filtration treatment, the spleen tissue suspension was inoculated to the Fathead minnow cells (FHM). The typical cytopathic effects were observed after three blind passages in FHM. RT-PCR assay of tissue filtrates from the fish naturally infected, the fish artificially infected and diseased cells were IHNV-positive. The amplification products shared 98.2% identity to that of IHNV nucleoprotein gene at nucleotide level. Phylogenetic analysis based on the G gene showed that the viral isolate was classified into Asian isolates, and belonged to the JRt genotype.

    • Transcriptional expression and prokaryotic expression analysis of haloalkane dehalogenase gene from Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis

      2019, 43(12):2468-2475. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20181011496

      Abstract (960) HTML (0) PDF 1.02 M (1511) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Haloalkane dehalogenase (HLD) is a kind of enzyme that can degrade halogenated aliphatic compounds. In order to provide information on the possible use of the algal HLD for the degradation of halogen compounds in the environment, we used bioinformatics, quantitative real-time PCR and pET28a system to study the characteristics and prokaryotic expression of HLD in the macroalga Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis (Rhodophyta). The open reading frame of HLD in G. lemaneiformis (recorded as GlHLD) was 969 bp, and its theoretical molecular weight and isoelectric point was approximately 36.33 ku and 5.53, respectively. The GlHLD amino acid sequence was identical with an HLD sequence of G. chorda (PXF45553.1), and was close to G. chorda and Chondrus crispus in the phylogenetic tree. The high temperature, substrate 1,2-dichloroethane and phytohormone salicylic acid all promoted the expression of GlHLD gene with an increment fold of 3.64, 2.64 and 2.43 times, respectively. Finally, the recombinant vector of pET28a-GlHLD was transformed into E. coli BL21 (DE3), and the recombinant protein displayed a dehalogenase activity. The optimal induction conditions were 16 ℃ and 0.1 mmol/L IPTG treatment for 12 h. And then, the HLD protein was preliminarily purified by nickel column. This study will lay the foundation for further understanding of the algal HLD family and the acquisition of high purity HLD enzyme.

    • Effects of unfrozen liquid treatment on the quality and shelf life of grouper in normal temperature direct-sale logistics course

      2019, 43(12):2574-2583. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20181011509

      Abstract (848) HTML (0) PDF 1.14 M (1729) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to understand the quality change and shelf life of high quality cultured grouper (♀Epinephelus fuscoguttatus×♂E. lanceolatue) after the treatment of unfrozen liquid in the normal temperature direct-sale logistics course, in this paper, the fresh grouper was treated with unfrozen liquid, and its muscle microstructure, the change of temperature curve, sensory evaluation, total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N), the total number of colonies and K value were determined, and compared with the results of air freezing treatment and the control group. The results showed that the treatment of fresh grouper with unfrozen liquid not only can maintain the quality of fresh fish, but also can extend the shelf life of normal temperature logistics, and the logistics time can reach 80 h. At this time, its TVB-N reached 26.88 mg/100 g. The K value was 47.965%, the colony number was 5.88 lg (CFU/g), the fish muscle fiber structure was intact, close to fresh fish meat, and the sensory evaluation was good, which was 10 hours longer than the still air freezing group and 30 hours longer than the control group. This research can provide new fresh-keeping, fidelity and quality assurance technology for high-quality groupers, and also provide technical support for the current grouper’s normal temperature logistics demand from the direct production of the grouper to the consumer’s home.

    • Histological and morphological observations of the gill and swim bladder development of Lateolabrax maculatus

      2019, 43(12):2476-2484. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20180711362

      Abstract (1099) HTML (0) PDF 1.33 M (2224) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to elucidate the development of gill and swim bladder of Lateolabrax maculatus, in this study, histological section technique and morphological observation were used to systematically study the occurrence and development of gill and swim bladder of L. maculatus from 1 to 45 days. The results showed that the post-embryonic development of the gill of L. maculatus juvenile can be divided into four stages, including the appearance period of gills primordium (0-3 d), the differentiation period of filaments (4-14 d), the differentiation stage of lamella (15-25 d) and the completed period of gills (26-45 d). At the water temperature of 15-18 ℃, the primordial filament was observed at 1 d, and the lamella structures formed from the pseudobranch were firstly observed at 15 d. After 25 d, the lamella structures were widely distributed in each juvenile gill arch. After 45 d, a well-developed gill structure of juvenile fish was clearly detected and identical with adult fish. According to the observation results, the development stages of the swim bladder organ of L. maculatus were divided into four stages: formation, expansion, aeration and degeneration. The appearance of swim bladder primordium was not observed on the newly hatched larvae, but after being hatched for 1 day. After 5 d, the swim bladder cavity of larvae became larger and longer. The inflation of the larvae swim bladder was completed at 11 d. Finally, the degeneration of swim bladder of larvae began to occur after 13 d.

    • Research trends and hotspots of fisheries science in major fisheries countries in the world

      2019, 43(12):2584-2596. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20191012023

      Abstract (891) HTML (0) PDF 896.04 K (1580) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The study aimed to reveal the trends and research hotspots of fisheries science in major fisheries countries in the world. Based on the data collected in InCites and Web of science Core Collection database from 2000 to 2018 and we used the method of bibliometrics analysis to review documents related to the study on fisheries science. We firstly created descriptive statistics of the number of articles published annually and the journal frequency distribution. Then, the methods of author, institution cooperation network and keyword based knowledge mapping were used to explore the research hotspots of fisheries science in the world. Descriptive statistics suggested that the number of documents in USA has maintained at a high level and showed a dynamic fluctuation, with a slight downtrend in recent years. The documents number in China Mainland has basically increased exponentially, showing a steady upward trend, approaching the documents number in the USA by 2018. The other countries have shown a relatively stable dynamic fluctuation. Researches in all countries are increasingly focusing on cooperation among countries, institutions and authors. The journals distribution is consistent with the law of literature dispersion proposed by Bradford. Most of the top 20 journals in major fisheries countries in the world are top journals, which have great academic influence. Marine and freshwater biology, veterinary medicine, oceanography, zoology, immunology, limnology, biochemistry and molecular biology are the dominant disciplines of fisheries science in the world, but the key research areas of each country are different. The research hotspots are: 1) fishery management and protection research based on biological reference points; 2) fishery resources evaluation and management strategy research; 3) basic biology research of fishery resources; 4) management measures and policy objectives research based on ecosystem. And all the research hotspots are highly integrated and promote the development of comprehensive interdisciplinary.

    • Effects of dietary fiber sources on growth, plasma biochemical indexes, intestinal antioxidant capacity and histology of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides)

      2019, 43(12):2485-2493. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20190511814

      Abstract (930) HTML (0) PDF 723.94 K (1778) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to compare and evaluate the differences in nutritional and physiological functions of fiber sources in fish feed, we observed the effects of dietary fiber sources on the growth, plasma biochemical, intestinal antioxidant capacity and histology of M. salmoides. Fish [initial weight of (21.59±0.12) g] were fed four isonitrogenous and isolipid experimental diets containing same fiber content soybean dregs fiber (SF), fermented soybean dregs fiber (FF), carboxymethyl cellulose (CF) and microcrystalline cellulose (MF) for 8 weeks. The results indicated that the CF group showed significantly lower final body weight (FBW), specific growth rate (SGR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) compared with other groups, while feed conversion ratio (FCR), heparsomatic index (HSI) and liver lipid content were significantly higher than other groups. The activities of alanine amiotransferase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and the content of triglyceride (TG) in plasma of CF group were significantly higher than other groups. At the same time, the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and Na+, K+-ATPase of CF group were significantly lower than other groups, while the content of malondialdehyde (MDA) was significantly higher than other groups. The content of nitric oxide (NO) was the highest in FF group. Compared with the other groups, the liver appearance became white and liver cells were vacuolated seriously with aggravation of mechanical damage of the hindgut villi in CF group. The results showed that dietary fiber source could significantly affect the liver and intestinal health and then affect growth performance of M. salmoides, and the feasibility of carboxymethyl cellulose as pellet binder should be re-evaluated.

    • Study on interaction of autophagosome and microtubule during autophagy process in Cherax quadricarinatus

      2019, 43(12):2494-2500. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20180811406

      Abstract (850) HTML (0) PDF 771.25 K (1477) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Insect research suggests that autophagy plays an important role in virus infection and proliferation, while shrimp autophagy research reports are rare. Understanding the autophagy of shrimp cells will open up new ideas for shrimp disease immunity research. Autophagy related protein LC3 is a marker protein of autophagy, existing in the membrane of autophagosome during the whole autophagy process. Our bioinformatics analysis found that Cherax quadricarinatus LC3 (CqLC3) and α-tubulin (Cqα-tubulin) had the interaction relations. To further reveal transport way of autophagosome during autophagy process, in this study, recombinant plasmids pET-HIS-CqLC3 and pET-GST-Cqα-tubulin were constructed and induced for protein expression in vitro. Then HIS and GST tagged fusion proteins HIS-CqLC3 and GST-Cqα-tubulin were purified by using affinity chromatography respectively. Recombinant proteins HIS-CqLC3 and GST-Cqα-tubulin were found binding each other by the GST pull-down assay. In order to further reveal the role of microtubules for autophagosome transport, C. quadricarinatus cell microtubules were depolymerized by vincristine which was a microtubule inhibitor, then the autophagosomes were detected by MDC staining. The results showed that autophagic reaction was incomplete, and autophagosomes increased after microtubule depolymerization. Therefore, the autophagosomes in C. quadricarinatus cells can interact with microtubules through CqLC3, and microtubules play an important role in autophagosome transport during autophagy process. This paper for the first time revealed the transport pathway of autophagosomes in shrimp autophagy, and the results laid the foundation for the study of autophagy in shrimp cells.

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