• Volume 40,Issue 5,2016 Table of Contents
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    • >PAPERS
    • The estimation of dynamic energy budget (DEB) model parameters for scallop Patinopecten yessoensis

      2016, 40(5):703-710. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150810028

      Abstract (2354) HTML (754) PDF 749.48 K (2278) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory is a mechanistic theory on metabolism that captures the flows of energy and matter through out the entire life cycle of an organism. A DEB model of an individual organism describes the rates at which the organism assimilates and utilizes energy for maintenance, growth and reproduction, as a function of the state of the organism and of its environment. The DEB model assumes common physiological processes across species and the only difference is in parameter values. It achieves this through a relatively high degree of abstraction, with the pragmatic consequence that the state variables and core parameters are not directly observable. In this paper, both laboratory and field experiments were designed to collect datasets for parameter estimation of scallop Patinopecten yessoensis. 5 basic parameters, such as shape coefficient (δm), Arrhenius temperature (TA), volume-specific maintenance costs per unit of time ([ρM]), volume-specific costs for growth (EG) and maximum storage density (EM) were measured and calculated in this paper. And the advantages, disadvantages and precautions of these methods were analyzed. By the method of line regression of shell length and soft tissue wet weight of Patinopecten yessoensis to calculate the shape coefficient; With static method to measure the oxygen consumption rate of scallop at different temperature conditions, and then to calculate the Arrhenius temperature; by starvation meathod to get the parameters of [???], [EG] and [EM]. The lab-based starvation experiment was done over 60 days. Changes in body flesh weight were monitored and the oxygen consumption rate was measured. The experiment was finished when the oxygen consumption rate and the dry weight of the soft tissue remained constant. The results showed: (1) The regression relationship between shell length (SL) and soft part wet weight (WW) is WW=0.0118SL3.4511 (R2=0.9365). According to the formula V=(δmL)3, the soft tissue wet weight of the cube root and shell length linear regression, the slope is the shape coefficient. The various estimates by means of weighted regression were highly significant (R2=0.8776, p<0.05). δm value was 0.32, which was in the range of reported results for other species of bivalves. (2) TA was calculated on experiments on oxygen consumption as function of temperature. The mean value of TA was (4160±767) K. (3) Soft tissue DW and oxygen consumption rate decreased by 56% and 81% respectively over the starvation experiment. Ash free dry flesh weight was proportional to the dry flesh weight, with coefficients of 81.4% and 53.0% respectively at the beginning and late stages of the experiment. [???], [EG] and [EM] were estimated to be 25.9 J cm-3 d-1, 3160 J cm-3 and 2030 J cm-3, respectively. These results have laid the foundation for the construction of the DEB model of scallop.

    • Stock assessment and harvest control rules simulation for jack mackerel (Trachurus murphyi) in the southeast Pacific

      2016, 40(5):807-819. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150609934

      Abstract (1879) HTML (633) PDF 1.32 M (1968) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Observation errors and process errors are the main source for the uncertainties of the biomass dynamics model. These errors are harmful to fisheries management because they can lead to biased estimation for some key management quantities such as biomass, fishing mortality and their related biological reference points. Simulation approach has been widely used to examine the effects of observed and process errors and evaluate the ability of the stock assessment model for providing robust catch advice. In this study, we use simulation approach to examine and quantify the impacts of observation and process errors on the population dynamics, assessment and management of Chilean jack mackerel in the southeast Pacific. Based on the biomass dynamics model and real catch and catch per unit fishing effort (CPUE) data, the operating model was built to describe the "true" population dynamics and fisheries for jack mackerel stock, and generate "true" time-series CPUE data. Assuming errors in CPUE has lognormal distribution, 100 sets of simulated time-series CPUE data were generated respectively by adding low level and high level random errors to the "true" CPUE. The assessing model was also based on the biomass dynamics model but low and high level process errors were added by setting low and high coefficient of variation, CV. We refer to the assessing model as "high" error when both observed and process errors were subject to high level and "low" error when both errors were subject to low level. Relative errors (RE) of biomass, fishing mortality, BMSY and FMSY were used to measure the disparity between the operating model and assessment model. Constant fishing mortality rate was considered as harvest control rules. Four constant fishing mortality scenarios with current level (F2014) and at 1.25, 0.75 and 0.5 were input to operating model and assessing models to do projections respectively. The results of the projections of the operating and assessing models were compared to analyze the impacts of random observed and process errors on the "true" and simulated population dynamics. The management advice derived from the assessing models, i.e., values of a certain level of F2014 estimated by the assessing models, was employed to the "true" population and the projections were done again to predicted biomass and total allowable catch (TAC). We refer to these predicted biomass and TAC as the theoretical biomass and TAC. The "true" population dynamics and fisheries showed that jack mackerel biomass was less than 50% BMSY during the period of 1997-2014 while fishing mortality rate was greater than FMSY except the last three years. The estimated parameters instantaneous growth rate r and hatchability coefficient q by assessing model were greater than those by operating model, but carry capacity K and biomass of the first year (B1997) were smaller than that by the operating model. Median REs of biomass and BMSY were negative while median REs of fishing mortality rate and FMSY were positive, and absolute value of these median REs were proportional to the error level. These results indicated that BMSY and time-series biomass were overestimated, and FMSY as well as time-series fishing mortality rate were underestimated because of the observed and process errors, and the degree of over- or under- estimation related to the error level. The projections of operating and assessing models showed that simulated biomass trend in the future ten years (from 2015 to 2024) will increase for all the four fishing mortality rate scenarios, but the increase rate or the recovery rate of jack mackerel biomass will decrease with the fishing mortality rate increasing, i.e., the stock needs more time to reach the level of BMSY. The predicted biomass and TAC in future by the assessing model were overestimated when compared to the "true" future biomass predicted by the operating model. Furthermore, the predicted annual TAC, biomass and the 80% confidence intervals of biomass by the high error assessing model were greater than those predicted by the low error assessing model. When the values of the four level F2014 estimated by the lower and high error assessing models were input to the operating model, the predicted theoretical biomass, ratio between biomass and BMSY and TAC in future ten years were less than their simulated and "true" values. The projection results of low and high error assessing model indicated that the fishing mortality rate was set to 0.5F2014 (equal to 0.073 and 0.074 for the low and high error assessing model respectively) in future was best for the jack mackerel stock. Under this fishing mortality rate (0.073 and 0.074), jack mackerel biomass is lower than the simulated and "true" biomass. Although the theoretical value will still increase, the rate of increase will be slow and the stock can recover until the year of 2023. On the other side, the theoretical TAC which means the actual catch for the fisheries, are higher than the expected TAC (i.e., the simulated TAC). Moreover, the higher the error level is, the bigger differences between the theoretical and simulated biomass and TAC are, and this can result in the increase of risk that the jack mackerel stock will be overfished with overfishing.

    • Phytoplankton community structure and its relationship with environmental variables in summer in the Yellow River Estuary and its adjacent waters

      2016, 40(5):711-720. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150509884

      Abstract (2818) HTML (669) PDF 2.01 M (2072) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the data collected from the surveys in June and August 2013 in the Yellow River Estuary and its adjacent waters, the species composition, dominant species and species diversity of phytoplankton assemblage were studied, and the spatial structure of phytoplankton assemblage and its relationship with environmental variables were examined by canonical correlation analysis (CCA). A total of 88 phytoplankton species belonging to 4 phyla and 40 genera were collected, among which Bacillariophyta was the most abundant phylum, which included 30 genera and 66 species, accounting for 74.2% of total taxa, followed by Phrrophyta, which included 6 genera and 16 species, accounting for 18.2% of total taxa. The third phylum was Chlorophyta, which included 3 genera and 5 species, accounting for 5.7% of total taxa. And the least abundant phylum was Chrysophyta, which had only 1 species belonging to 1 genus. Chaetoceros curvisetus and Coscinodiscus subtilis were the dominant species in June, while the dominant species were Ceratium fusus and C. curvisetus in August. The Margalef species richness index(D), Shannon diversity index (H') and Pielou evenness index (J') of the phytoplankton community were higher in June than those in August. CCA suggested that the main factors affecting the phytoplankton community structure in June were nitrate, nitrite nitrogen, dissolved oxygen and transparency; the main factors influencing the phytoplankton community structure in August were dissolved oxygen, silicate, ammonium nitrogen and transparency. The changes in diluted water and abundant nutrients resulting from the sand-washing operation of Yellow River might the primary factors causing the difference in the spatial structure of the phytoplankton assemblage between June and August.

    • Use of different sampling tools for comparison of fish-aggregating effects along horizontal transect at two artificial reef sites in Shengsi

      2016, 40(5):820-831. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150709996

      Abstract (2102) HTML (576) PDF 1.88 M (2347) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Fishes and macro-invertebrates were sampled at two artificial reef sites in August of 2014 using sampling tools (gillnet, cage, trawl) to find out the horizontal boundaries of fish aggregating effects by deployed artificial reefs (AR) as well as sampling efficiency of the applied sampling tools. Fish are the most abundant species for tra mmel nets catch. It took 51.1% of the total gillnets catch; trawls was the most efficient tool for collection of arthropod, followed by fish, accounting 41% and 37.7% respectively of the total catch. Catch of cages did not show any significant difference on species abundance or biomass between different species types along the selected transects. Trawls acted as a better tool on species diversity investigation than trammel nets and cages, while the combination those three tools can draw a most complete picture for local species composition status. For the abundance, biomass and diversity indices, both trammel nets and trawls had the highest density and diversity at core area of sampling AR sites, decreasing slowly along the selected four transects. Based on that, we extracted a distance of 200 m as the effective radiation range of Sanheng AR area while 200-300 m of Dongku AR area. It is concluded firstly that different sampling tools have different advantages on fish and macro-invertebrate evaluation, thus the combination of different tools is needed to reveal the most complete and accurate status of AR aggregating effects. Secondly, the effective range of fish aggregating function by deployed AR could be restricted in a very narrow area less than 1000 m and it is 200 m for this study.

    • Impacts of mortality factors and uncertainty on the population and biological reference points in stock Chinese shrimp fishery

      2016, 40(5):721-730. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150609921

      Abstract (2271) HTML (694) PDF 1.22 M (2062) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to evaluate the factors affecting the yield of released fishery resources and impact of their uncertainty on the amount of resources and catch, as well as on biological reference points (Fmax and F0.1), The uncertainty was introduced into the parameters about growth and mortality, and based on the developed yield per recruit (YPR) model, and the dynamics of released Chinese shrimp was simulated, and difference index was applied to evaluate the difference between based scenario and other scenarios. Four factors influencing mortality, i.e., environment change, predation, intake sea water and illegal fishing, were shown to have similar influence on resource biomass. They had greater impacts on resource reduction when the mortality was high. At the same mating death rate, the impact on catch quantity was greater when the mating occurred earlier. Contrast to scenario 1, when four factors influencing mortality are at low level and the mating death occurred later, the BPR at the beginning and end of fishing, and accumulated YPR at the end of fishing increased by 14.38%, 24.88% and 17.28%, respectively. In the absence of uncertainty, the level of mortality factors occurring before fishing did not impact the biological reference points; after the introduction of uncertainty to mortality factors and the parameters in length-weight relationship, as well as VBGF, although F0.1 and Fmax did not display the certain specific trend with the uncertainty increasing, they were possibly underestimated when the age-structure YPR model was used. And the effects of introduced uncertainty on the mean and median of biological reference points are different, the mean and median of Fmax, and the median of F0.1 did not change obviously with the uncertainty, and the max mean of F0.1 is 3.52 times the min mean. Additionally, the C.V. F0.1 is between 392.15% and 630.28% at the three levels of uncertainty, and then the C.V. Fmax is from 24.99% to 48.48% under the same conditions. So, the better technigues were applied to improve the effect of stock Chinese shrimp fishery, and the impact of mating must be taken into consideration in formalating the fishing strategy. Compared with mean of BRP, the median has an advantage in resisting disturbance of uncertainty introduced into mortality and parameters of VBGF when stock assessment was made.

    • Effects of simulated acid rain on the photosynthetic physiological characteristics in Ulva fasciata under salt stress

      2016, 40(5):731-739. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150709955

      Abstract (2381) HTML (802) PDF 1.28 M (2034) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Ulva fasciata, an extremely rich wild seaweed in natural resources, has a high agricultural and medicinal value. They can also absorb large amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and other nutrients, and can be used for aquaculture wastewater treatment and the culture environment improvement. With the rapid economic development, industrial pollution gradually increased, the effects of acid rain on terrestrial ecosystems and their harm have received widespread concern, while the effects of acid rain on the photosynthetic physiology of macroalgae in the intertidal zone have barely been studied. This study was to examine the effects of simulated acid rain on the physiological characteristics, including growth rate, chlorophyll content, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, soluble protein and carbohydrate contents, and antioxidant activities, in hyposaline-grown alga Ulva fasciata. Three salinities (5, 10 and 25) and two levels of pH (4.4, 8.1) were set in the experiment. The water-pulse amplitude modulated fluorometer, liquid oxygenelectrode, and NBT, coomassie brilliant blue G250 and anthrone colorimetric method were used to determine the combined effects of simulated acid rain and salinity on the macroalgae U. fasciata. (1) The growth of U. fasciata was significantly inhibited by simulated acid rain (pH 4.4), and also affected by salinity of seawater. U. fasciata grown under moderate hyposaline (salinity 10) and normal pH(pH 8.1) showed the highest growth rate. The suppressive effect of simulated acid rain was enhanced by higher salinity. (2) Simulated acid rain (pH 4.4) significantly inhibited the maximum photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm) and the effective photochemical efficiency (Fv'/Fm') of U. fasciata, but the salinity showed no significant effects. The inhibitory effects of simulated acid rain and hyposalinity on the maximum relative electron transfer rate (rETRmax) of U. fasciata have had also been observed. (3) Simulated acid rain (pH 4.4) reduced the dark respiration and photosynthesis oxygen release rate of U. fasciata, but showed no significant difference between salinity treatments. (4) Under normal salinity (25) and pH (pH 8.1) conditions, U. fasciata showed the highest SOD activity. Under relatively high salinity (10, 25) treatment, simulated acid rain inhibited the SOD activity of U. fasciata, while under salinity 5 treatment, simulated acid rain increased the SOD activity. (5) Compared with the treatment of pH 8.1, simulated acid rain significantly reduced the soluble protein content of U. fasciata, but the soluble polysaccharide content increased significantly, especially under hyposaline conditions. The effects of simulated acid rain on the physiology of U. fasciata were regulated by seawater salinity. Under the global climate change scenario, the increase of acid rain and salinity might influence the ecosystem of macroalgae grown in the intertidal niches, nearshore ponds and the estuaries.

    • Effects of dietary lysozyme supplementation on serum biochemical indices, antibacterial properties and liver antioxidant capacity of GIFT tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) under ammonia-nitrogen stress

      2016, 40(5):740-750. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150810032

      Abstract (2558) HTML (971) PDF 602.36 K (2229) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This study was designed to investigate the effects of dietary lysozyme supplementation on serum biochemical indices, antibacterial properties and liver antioxidant capacity of GIFT tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) under ammonia-nitrogen stress. Juvenile tilapia with the initial weight of (11.35±0.08) g were fed with six experimental diets (labeled as L0, L18, L36, L54, L72 and L90) which were supplemented with graded lysozyme levels (0, 18, 36, 54, 72 and 90 mg/kg) in basal diet for 60 days. After that, a 24 h ammonia-nitrogen stress test with ammonia chloride was conducted to the experimental fish above. The results showed that: ① After stress, fish serum biochemical indices presented a significant difference and the fish showed different feedback responses among groups (P < 0.05). The fish in L54 group could reduce damage from ammonia-nitrogen stress through stimulating the immune system and regulating protein metabolism; while mainly through regulating the dynamic variation between high/low density lipoprotein cholesterol, cholesterol and triglyceride in L72 and L90 groups. ② Serum antibacterial test showed that there was the maximum resistance ability to Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Aeromonas hydrophila in L54 and L72 groups and higher inhibiting ability to Vibrio alginolyticus in L36~L90 groups (P < 0.05), while lysozyme supplementation was helpful for the proliferation of Bacillus subtilis (P < 0.05). ③ Liver superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase activity after ammonia-nitrogen stress were generally enhanced with increased dietary lysozyme level and the highest value was presented in L54 group (P < 0.05); Malonaldehyde content in each lysozyme supplemented group was significantly lower than the control group (P < 0.05). In summary, our results indicate that ingestion of a basal diet supplemented with 54 and 72 mg/kg lysozyme could produce a most positive and effective regulatory response on serum biochemical indices, antibacterial properties and liver antioxidant indices under ammonia-nitrogen stress, so as to improve fish anti-stress ability.

    • Effects of dietary protein level and feeding frequency on growth and some physiological-biochemical indexes of GIFT strain of juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

      2016, 40(5):751-762. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150710007

      Abstract (2446) HTML (739) PDF 10.42 M (1863) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Protein is a crucial nutrient in fish diets, and must be supplied in sufficient amounts to assure healthy growth processes and cell renewal. Feeding frequency is important to the survival and growth of fish, especially at early life stages. A few studies reported the relationship between feeding frequency and the dietary protein level, and supported that protein level required for maximum growth may be related to the feeding frequency. But how dietary protein level and feeding frequency affected growth and health of fish was still not clear. Therefore, this study was to estimate the effects of dietary protein and feeding frequency on the growth and health of fish. A 6-week feeding experiment was conducted to determine the effects of dietary protein and feeding frequency on growth, body composition, serum indexes and hepatopancreas structure of the GIFT strain of juvenile Nile tilapia,Oreochromis niloticus. Three replicate buckets of fish [average weight of (16.13±0.13) g] were fed to visual satiety with either 36.27% or 26.02% crude protein (CP) dietary, at different feeding frequencies (one meal per day, two meals per day or three meals per day). Each bucket was stocked with 15 fish. At the end of the feeding trial, with increasing dietary protein levels, there was significant increase in the final body weight (FW), weight gain rate (WGR), specific growth rate(SGR), feed efficiency(FE), condition factor(CF), the content of eviscerated whole body crude ash (EWA),  viscera moisture(VM) and the level of serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) of the fish, while there was remarkable decrease in protein efficiency ratio(PER), feed intake(FI),  viscerasomatic index (VSI), feed cost(FC), the content of eviscerated whole body crude fat (EWF), viscera crude fat (VF) and hepatopancreas crude fat (HF)(P < 0.05). As feeding frequency increased, FW, WGR, SGR, hepatosomatic index(HSI), CF, FC, EWF, VF, HF, the level of serum total cholesterol (TCHO), HDLC, low density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDLC), total protein(TP), triglyceride (TGK) increased significantly (P < 0.05), while FE, PER, VM, EWA hepatopancreas moisture (HM) decreased significantly(P < 0.05). Significant interactions between dietary protein level and feeding frequency were found in FW, WGR, SGR, VM and HDLC (P < 0.05). The liver cells of the fish fed with 26.02% protein dietary were swelling, vacuolated and the nucleus offset, but the cells in the fish fed with 36.27% protein dietary had distinct cytoplasm, less vacuolated. Considering all the indexes, the dietary protein content of 36.27% was fit for GIFT strain of juvenile Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, and the appropriate feeding frequency was more than 2 times/d, which can be adjusted according to the tilapia market situation.

    • Effects of dietary arachidonic acid on the immune-related gene expressions and Vibrio-resistant ability in Litopenaeus vannamei

      2016, 40(5):763-775. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150609949

      Abstract (2272) HTML (629) PDF 1.03 M (1976) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to assess the effect of dietary arachidonic acid on the immune-related genes expression and Vibrio-resistance in white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei, two series of isonitrogenous and isoenergetic experimental diets based on either fish oil or blended vegetable oil, both with the equivalents of saturated fatty acids(SFA), mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), and n-3/n-6 ratios, were fed to the white shrimp respectively for six weeks. Then the mRNA expression levels of Toll receptor, IMD and lysozyme in gills of all shrimp before and after Vibrio alginolyticus challenge(24, 36 and 42 h), and Vibrio-resistance of all the shrimp were investigated.The results showed that: ① The mRNA expressions of Toll receptor, IMD and lysozyme in gills of the shrimp fed diets based on fish oil (containing 5.85 mg DHA/g diet and 3.83 EPA mg/g diet), first increased, then decreased along with the increasing dietary ARA level. Compared to the other treatments, the shrimp in treatments of 0.56 mg ARA/g diet (B group) and 0.87mg ARA/g diet (C group)displayed significant higher lysozyme mRNA expression levels(P < 0.05). The mRNA expressions of Toll receptor, IMD and lysozyme in gills of the shrimp fed diets based on vegetable oil (containing 3.28 mg DHA/g diet and 1.87 mg EPA/g diet), increased along with the dietary ARA level. The Toll receptor mRNA expression level in treatment I(1.44 mg ARA/g diet) was significantly higher than F group(0.19 mg ARA/g diet)(P < 0.05). ② The mRNA expressions of Toll receptor, IMD and lysozyme in gills of all shrimp changed significantly when the shrimp experienced Vibrio challenge. For the shrimp fed diets based on fish oil, the peak of mRNA expressions of Toll receptor, IMD and lysozyme appeared at 24, 42 and 24 h respectively. The maximum expressions of all the three genes appeared in B treatment(0.56 mgARA/g diet). For the shrimp fed diets based on vegetable oil, the peak of mRNA expressions of Toll receptor, IMD and lysozyme appeared at 24, 42 and 36 h respectively. For the shrimp fed diets based on vegetable oil,the maximum expressions of all the three genes appeared in I treatment (1.44 mg ARA/g diet). ③ There was no significant difference in cumulative mortality among the different ARA treatments when the shrimp were challenged with V. alginolyticus for 96 h. It is therefore suggested that dietary ARA level could regulate the expressions of these immune-related genes of the white shrimp, and ARA's regulation on immune related genes could be affected by dietary DHA and EPA levels.

    • Functional studies of Figla in the ovarian differentiation and maintenance in Nile tilapia (Orechromis niloticus)

      2016, 40(5):665-672. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150309781

      Abstract (2260) HTML (745) PDF 19.58 M (1663) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Figla (factor in the germ line, alpha), encoding a germ cell-specific transcription factor, is a central regulator of oocyte-specific genes. In order to explore the potential role of Figla in fish gonadal differentiation, tilapia Figla gene was successfully targeted by TALENs (transcription activator-like effector nucleases) in XX individual and confirmed by genomic PCR and subsequent enzyme cleavage and sequencing. Consequently, the morphological and molecular changes in XX gonads were observed by H.E, IHC. Meanwhile, the alterations of E2 and 11-KT were also determined. From screening of different mutant genotypes with bases deletions (4, 8, 20, etc.), it was revealed that the efficiency of Figla gene targeting by TALEN was about 56.76%. Furthermore, deficiency of Figla gene in XX fish led to development of abnormal ovaries with severe degeneration or complete loss of oocytes and ectopic proliferations of somatic cells. Amazingly, IHC in Figla-deficient XX gonads revealed that male specific marker gene (Cyp11b2) for 11-KT production in leydig cells was expressed in the cells surrounding oocytes, however, Cyp19a1a was barely detectable which is strongly expressed in follicular cells of normal ovary. Notably, Figla deficiency led to dramatic decrease of E2 serum level along with augmentation in serum 11-KT level. Taken together, our data indicated that Figla might play an essential role in the ovarian differentiation and maintenance in tilapia fish.

    • The mRNA and protein expression of gene SOST during ossification process of intermuscular bone in crucian carp (Carassius auratus) in Qihe River

      2016, 40(5):673-680. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150710000

      Abstract (2829) HTML (668) PDF 29.56 M (1619) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To explore the function of gene SOST in intermuscular bone ossification of Carassius auratus in Qihe River, a modified whole bone staining method was firstly used to investigate ossification development of intermuscular bone. Then, the qRT-PCR, Western Blot and immunohistochemistry methods were employed to detect the mRNA and protein expression of gene SOST in different ossification stages. The results showed that the ligaments were found in myoseptum at 24 dpf (day post fertilization). The earliest epineural bones appeared at 25 dpf, and the epipleural bones were subsequently found at 28 dpf. At 33 dpf, the epineural bones began to bifurcate. Until 45 dpf, all intermuscular bones were fully developed in myoseptum. The gene SOST was expressed in various ossification stages of intermuscular bone and the lowest was at 23 dpf (P < 0.05). The mRNA abundance of gene SOST was increased along with the ossification development and reached a maximum level at 45 dpf (P < 0.05). The relative expression level of SOST protein at 45 dpf was significantly higher than at 23 and 27 dpf (P < 0.05), but had no obvious differences with other ossification stages (P > 0.05). The expression of gene SOST protein showed the similar trend with the mRNA and both of them varied along with the development process of intermuscular bone, which was at the lowest point at 23 dpf and climbed to the highest level when all the intermuscular bones appeared. Thus, we concluded that there were relationships between the gene SOST and ossification development of intermuscular bone, and the gene SOST may play an important role in morphology and ossification of intermuscular bone.

    • Effects of fasting and refeeding on Lateolabrax japonicus intestinal microflora diversity

      2016, 40(5):776-784. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150709967

      Abstract (2617) HTML (0) PDF 2.17 M (2037) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Microflora in fish digestive tract play important roles in digestion, absorption, immunity and organ development. In this study, terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) technique was employed to examine the changes in structure of the intestinal microbiota of L. japonicus after fasting and refeeding. The results showed that microflora structure of Lateolabrax japonicus intestinal wall changed after 2 weeks of fasting. The main T-RFs that caused the microflora structure differences among fasting group, refeeding groups and control groups were T-RFs 496 bp, 437 bp, 450 bp and 155 bp.Especially, after 2 weeks of fasting, the relative abundance of T-RF 496 bp (Escherichia) reduced to 21.25%±9.97% from 43.11%±3.95% of the beginning (C0) and the bacterial diversity index (H', E' and 1/D) of intestinal wall increased significantly compared with control groups. Bacterial diversity index (H', E' and 1/D) of intestinal wall were decreased and the microflora structure was recovered gradually with the refeeding. Meanwhile, the relative abundance of T-RF 496 bp gradually increased to 55.49%±8.37%.The results also indicated that the microflora structure of intestinal walls was different from that of intestinal contents, but their main phyla were the same, namely, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes.

    • Molecular cloning and expression analysis of receptor for activated C kinase 1 (HcRACK1) from Hyriopsis cumingii

      2016, 40(5):681-688. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150710001

      Abstract (2209) HTML (936) PDF 3.47 M (1720) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the present study, full length cDNA sequence of receptor for activated C kinase 1 gene of Hyriopsis cumingii(HcRACK1) was cloned by using 3'RACE and 5'RACE techniques, and the sequence and structural analysis of the HcRACK1 gene was conducted by using bioinformatics method. The results showed that the full-length cDNA of HcRACK1 consisted of 1249 bp in length, containing an open reading frame (ORF) of 957 bp encoding 318 amino acids. Analysis of protein domain features showed that the deduced polypeptide contained seven WD40 domains characteristic of RACK1 protein family. The tissue distribution of HcRACK1 in unchallenged H. cumingii and temporal expression pattern of HcRACK1 challenged with bacteria and exposed to 100 μg/L cadmium were analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). The transcript was detected in all tissues tested, and the expression level was the highest in adductor muscle. After challenge with bacteria, expression level of HcRACK1 in haemocytes was gradually increased and until 24 h post challenge reached the peak. After exposure to cadmium, its expression level in digestive gland gradually increased and reached the peak on 3 d post exposure, and in haemocytes on 2 d post exposure, and then increased over time. It showed no obvious change in gill. These results suggested that HcRACK1 was related to the oxidative stress response caused by bacterial challenge and cadmium exposure, and it also has a potential link with organism's immune response.

    • Effects of different roasting time periods on character and flavor in sardine slices

      2016, 40(5):785-798. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150810053

      Abstract (2170) HTML (609) PDF 1.28 M (1929) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to discuss the effects of different roasting time periods on character and flavor in sardine slices, the color, texture and the variations of volatile components in sardine slices at different roasting time periods were measured. The volatile aroma compounds in sardine slices at different roasting time periods were analyzed by electronic nose and headspace solid-phase microextraction was coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results revealed that with the increase of roasting, hardness, chewiness of sardine slices significantly increased, while springiness decreased during roasting. Electronic nose could discriminate the flavor characteristics of sardine slices at different roasting. Principal component analyses (PCA) showed that the apparent differences among samples roasted with different time periods could be well discriminated by electronic nose. The analyses of GC-MS showed that the volatile components of sardine slices at different roasting time changed obviously, the main volatile substances were alcohol, ester, aldehyde, ketone, acid, hydrocarbon, aromatic, nitrogen compounds, etc. With the increase of roasting time, 43, 47, 47, 54, 46 kinds of volatile compounds were detected respectively, and the content of acids, esters, hydrocarbons, aromatic showed a trend of decline after an initial rising, while the content of alcohols, aldehydes, ketones showed a trend of rising after an initial decline. At the same time, pyrazine, pyrrole, thiazole and other aroma compounds were produced, which made a significant contribution to aroma of roasted sardine slices.

    • Morphological diversities in envelope surface and micropyle of marine teleosts eggs with different ecological types in the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea

      2016, 40(5):689-702. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150810030

      Abstract (2631) HTML (679) PDF 9.04 M (1737) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Marine teleosts eggs distributed in the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea cover almost all the egg ecological types. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation was conducted to examine the ultrastructure of external egg membrane and micropyle of the 15 species with different egg ecological types which have been collected during the fisheries resource surveys in recent years. Taxonomic diagnostic ultrastructures have been accumulated, also habitat suitability of some related ultrastructures have been discussed. Current SEM studies have demonstrated that ultrastructure of the external egg membrane varies among egg ecological types or even among species. The external egg membrane of the floating eggs and mouth-breeding eggs was thin, but was thick in the demersal eggs and the eggs with adhesive egg filaments. The pores distribution density, sculptured patterns and peculiar elaborations of the external egg membrane and type of the micropyle in the floating eggs; fine structure of the external egg membrane and type of the micropyle in the demersal eggs; number and location of membrane thread or filament of the external egg membrane and type of the micropyle in the adhensive eggs; number and arrangement of the filaments and surface ridges in the micropyle region in the mouth-breeding eggs could be used as the diagnostic characters in taxonomy of fish eggs. Untrastructural differences in envelope surface and micropyle between species were associated with its systematic groups, spawning environment and geographic differences. Envelope surface ultrastructures were considered to be taxonomically useful features for identifying fish eggs to the family or genus level, with the pores distribution density, sculptured patterns and peculiar elaborations of the external egg membrane may be possible to assign the eggs to a species. While morphology of the micropyle was usually species-specific. Egg envelope structure and thickness of various teleosts often reflect the ecological challenges a species is faced with during its embryonic life stages. The sculptured patterns and peculiar elaborations on the outer egg membrane were considered as biological response to different habitat environments. The present study would accumulate basic data on ontogeny and morphological classification features during its embryonic life stages of the teleost fishes distributed in the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea.

    • Protective effect of flavonoids from Zostera marina against chronic alcohol hepatic injury in mice

      2016, 40(5):799-806. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150910076

      Abstract (2524) HTML (627) PDF 979.86 K (2061) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The aim of this study was to investigate the protective effect and its mechanism in the context of antioxidant of flavonoids from Zostera marina (ZF) on chronic alcohol hepatic injury in mice. This study would provide scientific basis for the prevention of chronic alcohol hepatic injury. ZF were extracted by the combination of cellulose and ultrasonic wave assisted and purified by polyamide resin column chromatography. The scavenging DPPH and hydroxyl free radicals abilities of ZF were studied. To establish chronic alcohol hepatic injury model, 60 ICR mice were randomly divided into 6 groups (10 mice per group): normal group (C), model group (M), positive group (P), FL group treated with ZF at dose of 40 mg/kg?d, FM group treated with ZF at dose of 80 mg/kg?d and FH group treated with ZF at dose of 160 mg/kg?d. Mice in normal group were treated with distilled water by gavage, and mice in other groups were treated with 50% alcohol by gavage. 60 min later, mice in normal group and model group were given distilled water, positive group mice were given bifendate and other group mice were given ZF of different doses. After 6 weeks of treatment, all mice were killed and blood samples were taken to measure the activities of ALT, AST, γ-GT and the contents of TC and TG. And liver was taken to detect the activities of GSH-Px, SOD, ADH, ALDH and the content of MDA. The ZF flavonoids content reached 80% after purification. The antioxidant activity of ZF was evaluated by in vitro experiments. In vivo experiments, the liver index of model group was significantly increased, while the liver index of ZF treated groups was significantly lower than that of model group. These results suggest that ZF have some protective effect against alcohol hepatic injury. The activities of ALT, AST, γ-GT and lipid levels in serum and the MDA content of liver in model group significantly increased; the activities of GSH-Px, SOD and ethanol metabolic enzymes of liver in model group evidently decreased, indicating that chronic consumption of alcohol resulted in a serious hepatic injury in mice, and the model of chronic alcohol hepatic injury of mice succeeded. Compared with model group, ZF groups significantly reduced the activities of ALT, AST, γ-GT and lipid levels in serum, the content of MDA in liver increased the activities of GSH-Px, SOD and ethanol metabolic enzymes. The results show that ZF protected mice against chronic alcohol hepatic injury by increasing antioxidant capacity, regulating lipid metabolism and alcohol metabolism. Long-term excessive drinking can lead to hepatic injury; ZF have protective effects against chronic alcohol hepatic injury, and the mechanism is related to antioxidant capacity, lipid metabolism and alcohol metabolism.

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