• Volume 39,Issue 9,2015 Table of Contents
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    • >PAPERS
    • Cloning and spatiotemporal expression analysis of Smad1/5 gene in the blood clam Tegillarca granosa

      2015, 39(9):1302-1312. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150209730

      Abstract (2936) HTML (0) PDF 7.65 M (2458) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to explore the function of Smad1/5 during the process of the growth and development in Tegillarca granosa,Tg-Smad 1/5 was cloned by SMART RACE techniques.The full length cDNA of Tg-Smad1/5 was 2 424 bp,and its complete ORF (Open Reading Frame) was 1 386 bp encoding 462 amino acids.The homologous similarity between the clam and Pinctada fucata Smad5,Crassostrea gigas Smad5,Crepidula fornicate Smad1was 92.3%,91.2% and 80.4%,respectively.It shared more than 70% similarity with vertebrates.There were two conserved domains of Smads family,MH1 and MH2,which was especially similar to the vertebrates.All above suggested that,Smad1/5 is relatively conserved in the evolution,and has a similar function in various species.The results of 6 tissue-specific expression by real time PCR showed that Tg-Smad1/5 gene was expressed in all tissues,and the expression of foot was significantly higher than other tissues.The results of relative expression in 9 development stages revealed that the expression of Tg-Smad1/5 gene showed the highest expression in the eyebot larvae stage,which was significantly higher than other stages.And the expression decreased significantly from eyebot larvae stage to juvenile clams.The results showed that Tg-Smad1/5 had the similar molecular structure to the vertebrates,and the relative expression revealed differences in different tissues and development stages,which laid the theoretical foundation for further study on function and mechanism of Smad1/5 in molluscs.

    • Effect of polysaccharide of Gracilaria lemaneiformis on cell proliferation activity and morphology of lung cancer cells

      2015, 39(9):1405-1411. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20141209633

      Abstract (2998) HTML (0) PDF 9.81 M (2376) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to explore the effect of polysaccharide of Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis (PGL) on cell proliferation activity and morphology of lung cancer cells,lung cancer cell line A549 was treated with PGL at various concentrations for 24,48 and 72 h respectively.The effects of PGL on cell proliferative activity,survival rate,morphology changes and apoptosis were investigated by CCK-8,trypan blue staining,DAPI staining,Annexin V-FITC/PI double staining and flow cytometry.Results showed that with the increase of the PGL concentration and time,cell proliferation ability and the survival rate decreased,the inhibition rates were gradually increased,especially in 50 μg/mL PGL for 72 h (P<0.01).Cell morphology has changed irregularly,the nucleus was damaged and cells were induced apoptosis,after 72 h these changes were more apparent.Overall studies have shown that PGL can inhibit lung cancer cell proliferation ability,reduce the cell vitality,change the cell morphology,induce cell apoptosis,and these effects were associated with time-concentration dependence.The mechanisms of antitumor activity of PGL were the outcome of multiple actions combined.

    • The toxic research of deltamethrin on the muscle tissue of the red swamp crayfish(Procambarus clarkia)

      2015, 39(9):1412-1421. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20140809429

      Abstract (3351) HTML (0) PDF 40.75 M (2522) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:For the purpose of finding the toxic effects and mechanism of commonly used pesticide deltamethrin on the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkia,the ultrstructrure damages of the muscle cell of Procambarus clarkia were observed by the transmission electron microscope and the cytochrome c oxidase(CCO),the lactic dehydrogenase(LDH)and lactic acid(LD)were used as biomarkers to evaluate the effects of deltamethin on the muscle cell respiration capacity after 24 hour-exposure to 0.5,0.1 and 0.005 μg/L deltamethrin.The results showed that muscle cell ultrastructure injuries were observed under the exposure of the three concentrations of deltamehtrin,with the main characteristics of the myofibrillar fragmentation,sarcoplasmic reticulum dissolution and mitochondria dissolution.Besides that,the three exposure concentrations of deltamethrin all put impacts on the CCO activity,LDH activity and LD amount.The 0.1 μg/L deltamethrin greatly inhibited the CCO activity within 6-24 h exposure process(P<0.01),while the LDH acticity and the LD amount were significantly increased.This result demonstrated that 0.5,0.1 and 0.005 μg/L deltamethrin could cause the ultratructure damages of the muscle cell of Procambarus clarkia and activate the anaerobic respiration which can produce high amounts of LD.Consequently,the accumulation of LD caused the acidification of the muscle cell which will make toxicity get heavier.

    • Full-length cDNA cloning and expression analysis of HcCUBDC gene from Hyriopsis cumingii

      2015, 39(9):1313-1323. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150109679

      Abstract (3009) HTML (0) PDF 13.45 M (2433) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This study aims to find genes related to the formation of nacre color.According to the sequence annotated from the transcriptome,the full-length cDNA sequence of HcCUBDC gene was cloned from Hyriopsis cumingii by using rapid amplification of cDNA ends(RACE)approaches.The entire HcCUBDC cDNA was 5 158 bp,including a 1 902 bp open reading frame(ORF) encoding a polypeptide of 639 amino acids,a 576 bp 5'UTR,and a 2 622 bp 3'UTR(GenBank accession number is KP067952).Bioinformatics analysis showed that the HcCUBDC gene had a signal peptide of 19 amino acids,and four CUB domains,but shared no identity with known proteins.Real-time Q-PCR revealed that HcCUBDC gene was ubiquitously expressed in all tissues,including anterior mantle pallial(aMP),posterior mantle pallial(pMP),mantle center(M),gill(G),foot(F),hepatopancreas(H),intestine(I)and kidney(K),with the lowest level of transcripts in H.In the purple mussels,the expression level of pMP was significantly higher compared with aMP.In the white mussels,there was no difference between aMP and pMP.HcCUBDC gene expression level of the pMP in purple mussels was significantly higher than that of white mussels,and there was no difference about the mRNA levels of aMP between the purple and white mussels.In situ hybridization showed that HcCUBDC mRNA was mainly expressed in outer epithelial cells at the mantle pallial.The results showed that HcCUBDC gene played important roles in the inner- shell color formation of H.cumingii,and may provide useful information for further studies on function and regulation mechanism of HcCUBDC gene in the color formation of the pearls.

    • Establishment of single cross priming isothermal amplification for Koi herpesvirus detection

      2015, 39(9):1422-1431. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150409805

      Abstract (3069) HTML (0) PDF 11.30 M (2845) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:For the establishment of a simple,sensitive and rapid method for the diagnosis,prevention and control of the Koi herpes virus disease,based on the KHV DNA polymerase gene conserved sequence (Sph),a set of single cross amplification primers were designed.The constructed Sph gene plasmid DNA was used as the standard template in the single cross priming amplification (SCPA) and conditions optimization.The detection results showed that the cross circulation amplification could be realized at 63 ℃ within 60 min,and the amplified products showed DNA ladder analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis.KHV-SCPA could specifically detect KHV with a sensitivity that is about 1 000 times higher than that of the traditional PCR method.In addition,combined with the nucleic acid test strip detection technology,the visual detection of KHV amplified products within 3~5 min was realized.The final concentrations of each component in the optimal reaction condition are as follows:1×ThermoPol® Reaction Buffer,cross primer 2a1s 1.0 μmol/L,displacement primers 2a,3a 0.5 μmol/L,respectively,peeling primers 4s,5a 0.6 μmol/L,Mg2+ 8.0 mmol/L,dNTPs 1.2 mmol/L,Betaine 0.7 mol/L,Bst DNA polymerase 8U,DNA template 1 μL,respectively.The nuclease-free water is added to a total volume of 25 μL.The optimal amplification temperature is 63 ℃,the optimal reaction time is 60 min.KHV-SCPA nucleic acid test strip visual detection method does not require expensive equipment and skilled technicians,which could be used in the on-site diagnosis for effective prevention and control of Koi herpesvirus infection in common carps.

    • Cloning,spatiotemporal expression and SNPs identification of GRB2 gene in hard clam Meretrix meretrix

      2015, 39(9):1324-1332. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20141209592

      Abstract (2497) HTML (0) PDF 4.54 M (2507) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To explore the molecular structure and biological function of GRB2 in Meretrix meretrix,GRB2 cDNA was cloned by SMART RACE techniques,then the bioinformatics and expression profiles in different tissues and developmental stages were analyzed and SNPs were screened out in exon.The results indicated that the full length cDNA of GRB2 gene was 1 791 bp,containing a complete 669 bp ORF encoding 223 amino acids.There were three functional domains of GRB2protein(SH3-SH2-SH3).Comparisons of animal acid sequence,the GRB2 of M.meretrix has highly homologous with Tegillarca granosa and shares 65.6% similarity.It shares more than 60% similarity with vertebrates and proves that GRB2 was highly conservative.The result of qRT-PCR showed thatGRB2 expressed in all six tissues and ten developmental stages,but the expression of tissues did not have significantly difference.The relative expression in different stages revealed that the expression of GRB2 gradually increased with the process of the development,and showed the highest in umbo larvae stage.16 SNPs in the exon of GRB2 were identified.

    • Primary study on the regulation of G-protein coupled receptors and signal pathways in the larval settlement and metamorphosis of the blue mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis

      2015, 39(9):1333-1340. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150409852

      Abstract (2815) HTML (0) PDF 1.13 M (2815) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To investigate the internal mechanism of the larval settlement and metamorphosis of the blue mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis,the roles of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) and signal pathways were primarily studied by using their activators and inhibitors together with the inducing control of natural inducer-biofilms.The results showed that the activator of GPCRs (Gpp[NH]p) and the inhibitor (GDP-β-S) did not have inductive and inhibitive activities,respectively.This indicated that other cellular action or processes not related to GPCRs may be involved in the larval settlement and metamorphosis of the blue mussel M.galloprovincialis.Six kinds of neuro-pharmaceutical agents except IBMX,which are related to the AC/cAMP pathways and theoretically have inductive activities,did not have active effects at the concentrations of 10-8-10-3 M after 48 and 72 h and even presented relatively high neuro-pharmaceutical toxicities.IBMX presented certain inductive activity at the concentration of 10-4M after 72 h,whereas this was significantly lower and hysteretic compared to that of biofilms which had very high activity after 48 h.Two kinds of activators related to PI/DAG/PKC pathway did not have inductive activity after 48 h and 72 h,but the inhibitor,H-7 showed significant inhibitive effect at the low concentration of 10-6 M.This inhibitive effect of H-7 disappeared after 72 h and the inhibitive concentration increased to 10-5 M.By comparing the effective concentrations and time,PI/DAG/PKC signal pathway was confirmed to involve in and regulated the larval settlement and metamorphosis of M.galloprovincialis,whereas AC/cAMP signal pathway may be the minor pathway or just the experimental false result due to the toxicity of the agents.Moreover,the present study utilized biofilms but not artificial inducers which can demonstrate the internal mechanism of larval settlement and metamorphosis under natural conditions.This can also benefit the study of the developmental biology of this species and realize the technique development of anti-biofouling by cutting the signal pathway.

    • Quantification of 6 sexual steroid hormones in the ovary of marbled eel Anguilla marmorata during artificial induced maturation

      2015, 39(9):1341-1349. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150209732

      Abstract (3028) HTML (0) PDF 1.57 M (2884) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To determine the content and changes of 6 steroid hormones in the ovaries of female farmed marbled eels Anguilla marmorata during artificially induced maturation through carp pituitary extract (12 mg/kg·week) and hCG(300 IU/kg·week) injection,in this paper,ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with electronspray ionization-triple quadruple mass spectrometry(UPLC/MS/MS) method was applied to detect the 6 steroid hormones..The results showed that the chromatographic separation of 6 gonad steroid hormones,namely,testosterone(T),progesterone(P),estradiol-17β(E2),estriol(E3),17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3- one(DHP),and 17α-hydroxyprogesterone (17α-OHP) was well performed using an xBridge C18 column.The linear regression coefficients(R) of T,P,E2,E3,DHP,17α-OHP were above 0.99 in the range of 0-200 ng/ml and the limits of detection were above 0.1-0.5 ng/g.Average recoveries of T,P,E2,E3,DHP,17α-OHP also reached more than 89.00%-94.83%,and relative standard deviations were less than 20%.The average contents of T,P,E3in the second week(after second injection) were (0.27±0.05),(0.64±0.05),(1.17±0.19)ng/g respectively.DHP,E2,17α-OHP were not detected in the second week.From the ninth week,the contents of T,P,E2,E3 DHP,17α-OHP increased to (0.73±0.13),(1.28±0.270.38),(1.27±0.27),(0.83±0.14),(1.50±0.59),(1.43±0.25)ng/g.The average contents of T,P,E2,E3,DHP,17α-OHP in sixteenth week (after sixteenth injection) were (1.17±0.14),(2.23±0.51),(5.59±0.96),(2.46±0.70),(2.29±0.65),(4.56±0.74)ng/g,while there were no E2 and E3 detected in the control group.The results indicated that E2 and E3 are essential to ovary development,and the 6 steroid hormones increased with the development of gonad maturation.The UPLC/MS/MS method is a sensitive and reliable approach with high recovery rate in simultaneously quantifying 6 gonad steroid hormones in the fish.

    • Clusteranalysis on distribution status of artificial reefs in field sea area

      2015, 39(9):1350-1358. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20141109554

      Abstract (2916) HTML (0) PDF 3.34 M (2439) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The flow field variation and fish attraction effects in artificial reefs are usually realized through different scales of forms such as unit fish reef and fish reef cluster.What distribution status of the hundreds and thousands of artificial reefs actually launched is and if such reefs meet the requirement of unit reef worth very much attention.So,how to conduct reasonable classify or eliminate reefs and take the maximum extent to fit design scheme,is very necessary and has practical significance for evaluating whether ARs are launched accurately.In this paper,based on high-definition underwater images collected by C3D side-scan sonar system,combining with ArcGIS,we can extract the submarine space position of each fish reef monocase as well as spatial relationships i.e.mutual distance and azimuth between them etc.On this basis,a trial on spatial cluster analysis based on partition,hierarchical and constrained algorithms,was compared in order to find a relatively suitable solution for interpretation of distribution.Centre of gravity for deployed reefs,their potential influenced area,number of unit reefs and distance between each of the two reefs are defined as four basic indices for further comparison.Results show that the error of three spatial clustering algorithms in an ascending order is:constrained algorithm< partition algorithm< hierarchical algorithm,the values were 0.093,0.203,0.264.Comparative analysis shows that the constrained cluster algorithm can reflect the actual distribution pattern of the artificial reefs in a best way.

    • Selection and characterization of an improved strain by hybridization recombinant in Pyropia haitanensis

      2015, 39(9):1359-1367. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150409844

      Abstract (2902) HTML (0) PDF 6.05 M (2351) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this crossing-experiment,the male parental strain (HR-6) ofPyropia haitanensis was characterized by faster growth speed in early growing stage,higher contents of photosynthetic pigments,but early maturity and shorter growth period in gametophytic blades phase,and low production of conchospores in conchocelis phase.The female parental strain (HR-5) of Pyropia haitanensis was characterized by lower growth speed in early growing stage,higher contents of photosynthetic pigments,later maturity and longer growth period in gametophytic blades phase,and high production of conchospores in conchocelis phase.From the F1 color-sectored blades produced by the heterozygous conchocelies,an improved strain (WD-7) with better comprehensive properties than the parental strains was isolated.During the early growth period (30-45 days) of the blades,the absolute growth rate of the male and female parental strains was 6.68 and 3.63 cm/d,respectively,while that of WD-7 strain was 6.67 cm/d; During the middle growing stage (46-60 days) of the blades,the absolute growth rate of the male and female parental strains was 5.15 and 7.27 cm/d,respectively,while that of WD-7 strain was 11.54 cm/d.The male parental strain matured earlier,and most of the 35-day-old blades matured.While the WD-7 strain matured later which was similar to the female parental strain,a large number of blades matured after being cultured for 55 days.The mean thickness of the 35-day-old blades of WD-7strain was 29.87 μm,increasing by 10% and 16% in contrast with that of the male and the female parental strains,respectively.The total number of conchospores released from WD-7 strain was 183.42×104,which was 1.17-fold and 0.57-fold of that of its male and female parental strains,respectively.The above results confirmed that WD-7 strain inherited the excellent characteristics of faster growing speed in early growing stage from the male parental strain,meanwhile inherited the excellent characteristic of late maturity,long growth period,faster growth speed in the middle growing stage and high production of conchospores from the female parental strain,and may offer an alternative for the Pyropia industry.

    • Metabonomics analysis of hepatopancreas and serum of grass carp based on the hepatopancreas lipid and 1H-NMR

      2015, 39(9):1368-1379. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150109653

      Abstract (2606) HTML (0) PDF 2.42 M (2904) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Excessive lipid accumulation in hepatopancreas of grass carp is very common under high density and mixed cultivation.To explore the biochemical mechanism of excessive lipid accumulation in hepatopancreas and promote the healthy cultivation of grass carp,metabonomics analysis of hepatopancreas and serum of grass carp based on 1H-NMR and hepatopancreas lipid were carried out.Grass carp were classified into normal hepatopancreas lipid(3% to 4%)group and excessive hepatopancreas lipid(14%-16%)group.The results indicated that 58 and 47 metabolites were detected in the hepatopancreas and serum of grass carp,respectively.Glucose,oxypurinol,taurine,lactate,creatine,glutamate,alanine,sn-glycerol-3-phosphorylcholine,glycine,phenol,hypoxanthine,acetic acid,lysine,leucine and valine were main hepatopancreas metabolites differing in normal and excessive hepatopancreas lipid grass carp.Among the above metabolites,only glucose and oxypurinol in the excessive hepatopancreas lipid group were higher than those in the normal hepatopancreas lipid group.Lactic acid,glucose,creatine,citric acid,leucine,valine,proline,pyruvic acid,guanosine,isoleucine,glutamate,sn-3-of glycerol phosphocholine,alanine,lysine and glycine were main serum metabolites differing in normal and excessive hepatopancreas lipid grass carp.Among the above serum metabolites,only glucose,citric acid,glutamate,proline,sn-glycerol-3-choline phosphate,arginine and glycine in grass carp with excessive hepatopancreas lipid were higher than those in the normal hepatopancreas lipid group.It is concluded that both aerobic oxidation and glycolysis of glucose in the body of grass carp with excessive hepatopancreas lipid are obviously inhibited and the metabolism of amino acids are abnormal,which may be one of the important biochemical causes of excessive lipid accumulation in hepatopancreas of grass carp.

    • Preliminary studies on specification and development of the primordial germ cells from large yellow croaker by dnd gene

      2015, 39(9):1273-1282. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150309785

      Abstract (3255) HTML (0) PDF 8.66 M (2758) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In many fishes,germ cells originate from primordial germ cells (PGCs) and are segregated from somatic cell lineage during embryogenesis.Dead end (dnd),a maternal gene,is exclusively expressed in PGCs and encodes an evolutionary conserved RNA-binding protein,playing a critical role in germline cell development during embryogenesis.In this study,according to the nucleotide sequences of dnd from large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea) in NCBI database,partial cDNA sequence was cloned by PCR and denoted as Lcdnd. Meanwhile,we addressed the expression analysis of Lcdnd by means of real-time quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR) and whole mount in situ hybridization (WISH).Results showed that Lcdndspecifically expressed in gonad and expression level in ovary were significantly higher than those in testis.Results showed that the expressions of Lcdnd were detected in all stages examined during embryogenesis.Lcdnd tended to gradually decrease as the embryo developed.Furthermore,results of WISH showed that Lcdnd transcripts were localized to the cleavage furrow during early cleavage stages.As the embryo developed to blastula stage and early-gastrula stage,the increasing positive signals started to locate at a small number of cells that means the specification of future primordial germ cells.Moreover,the dnd-positive cells were mainly distributed in the mesentoderm of germ ring region at early-gastrula stage.During subsequent stages,putative increasing PGCs migrated to the embryonic shield region along the germ ring and then the dnd-positive cells increased at both sides of the trunk.At somitogenesis stage,the dnd-positive cells were distributed as two lines located in lateral mesoderm.Subsequently,those cells migrated toward the abdomen of the trunk along the dorsal-ventral axis and then clustered in the putative primitive genital ridge.In short,we successfully used Lcdnd gene as a germ cell marker for the first time to elucidate the origin and migration of PGCs of large yellow croaker, and laid the foundation for further studies on germ cell specification and development and the fertility control.

    • Effects of replacement of fish oil by vegetable oil on hepatic and intestinal histology of rainbow trout(Oncorhynchus mykiss),Japanese seabass (Lateolabrax japonicus)and yellow croaker(Larimichthys crocea)

      2015, 39(9):1380-1385. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150309757

      Abstract (2715) HTML (0) PDF 17.52 M (2195) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A 70-day feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effects of replacement of fish oil by vegetable oil on hepatic and intestinal histology of rainbow trout,Japanese seabass and yellow croaker,with initial weight (11.24±0.07),(18.60±0.36) and (8.93±0.21) g,respectively.Three isonitrogenous (crude protein 41%) and isolipidic (crude lipid 12%) practical diets were formulated to contain graded levels of vegetable oil blend (0%,50% and 100% dry weight) by supplementation of soybean oil and inseed oil (1:1).0% vegetable oil blend group was treated as the control group.The three artificial diets were named FO,FV and VO,respectively.The feeding trials were conducted in indoor freshwater system (rainbow trout) or sea floating cages (Japanese seabass and yellow croaker).Results showed that increased lipid vacuoles in hepatocytes cytoplasm and serious intestinal inflammation was induced by increasing level of fish oil replacement in all three fish species.Among the three fishes,liver and intestinal structure of yellow croaker was affected the most seriously by the vegetable oil.

    • Molecular cloning of PGC-1β gene and effects of high carbohydrate and high fat feed on its expression in liver of grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella

      2015, 39(9):1283-1290. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150109689

      Abstract (2839) HTML (0) PDF 1.54 M (2771) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To investigate the mechanism of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator-1 beta(PGC-1β)in the energy metabolism of grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella,the partial cDNA of PGC-1β was cloned,and tissue expression and nutritional regulation were investigated.The partial cDNA was 885 bp (GenBank number:KM580493.1),encoding a polypeptide of 293 amino acids,compared to zebra fish,it showed 81% homology.Quantitative real-time PCR showed that highest PGC-1β mRNA expression was detected in brain, followed by intestine and liver.PGC-1β gene expression levels in liver were significantly increased during 7 days of fasting and decreased to normal level after refeeding.The expression of PGC-1β was significantly affected by dietary lipid and carbohydrate, significantly higher in liver of fish fed the diet with high carbohydrate and high lipid.The results indicate that PGC-1β is regulated by the energy expenditure status,which implies it plays an important role in energy metabolism in grass carp.

    • Effects of dietary carbohydrate-to-lipid ratios on growth,body composition, digestion and glycolysis of juvenile Jian carp (Cyprinus carpio var.Jian)

      2015, 39(9):1386-1394. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150409823

      Abstract (2782) HTML (0) PDF 1.10 M (2858) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The object of this study was to evaluate the effects of dietary carbohydrate-to-lipid (CHO:L) ratios on growth performance,body composition,digestive activities and glycolysis of juvenile Jian carp (Cyprinus carpio var.jian).Fish were fed six isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets with different (CHO:L) ratios (2.3,3.0,4.0,5.6,7.7,12.1) three times daily for 8 weeks.The results indicated that weight gain rate (WGR),specific growth rate (SGR),protein efficiency ratio (PER) and nitrogen retention efficiency (NRE) increased significantly (P<0.05) when dietary CHO:L increased from 2.3 to 7.7,and then they nonsignificantly decreased (P>0.05) as dietary CHO:L ratios increased from 7.7 to 12.1,while feed conversion ratio (FCR) showed the opposite variation trend.The values of viscerosomatic index (VSI) increased significantly (P<0.05) as dietary CHO:L ratios decreased,so as the whole body,carcass and liver lipid.There were no significant differences in whole body,carcass and liver crude protein among dietary treatments (P>0.05).Intestine amylase activities increased significantly (P<0.05) as dietary CHO:L ratios increased,whereas intestine lipase activities increased significantly (P<0.05) as dietary CHO:L ratios decreased.Liver glycogen,blood glucose and insulin increased significantly (P<0.05) as CHO:L ratios increased.Activities of glucokinase and pyruvate kinase were stimulated significantly (P<0.05) by elevated levels of dietary carbohydrate.However,plasma total cholesterol and triacylglyceride levels increased linearly as dietary CHO:L ratios decreased(P<0.05).Based on a second-order polynomial regression analysis of WGR against dietary CHO:L ratios,corresponding to a CHO:L ratio of 8.14,a diet holding 350 g/kg of crude protein and 13.2 MJ/kg of digestive energy,proved to be optimal for juvenile Jian carp.These results demonstrated that utilization of dietary lipid and carbohydrate was moderate in juvenile Jian carp,but the fish was a little more capable of utilizing carbohydrate compared with lipid.

    • Cloning of chitinase and its expression analysis during molting in Portunus trituberculatus

      2015, 39(9):1291-1301. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20141209608

      Abstract (2736) HTML (0) PDF 4.30 M (2452) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The swimming crab,Portunus trituberculatus is a commercially important mariculture species distributed in east coast regions of China,Japan and Korea.Its high nutritional value and increasing market demands have promoted the quick development of pond-culture in east coastal waters of China since the 1990 s.However,the molting death syndrome (MDS) and other disease problems are two limiting factors for the sustainable development of this crab aquaculture.Chitinase has been reported to participate in the molting regulation and immune defence for crustacean species,and the further study of crustacean chitinase will not only enhance our understanding for the mechanism of molting activities,but also provide valuable information for the control of MDS in the aquaculture of P.trituberculatus. Unfortunately,to date,no available information could be found on the chitinase of P.trituberculatus.The present study was therefore conducted to clone full length cDNA of a chitinase (Genbank accession number:KF914663) for P.trituberculatus by transcriptome sequencing and RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends).Relative gene expression levels of PtChi (P.trituberculatus Chi) gene in various tissues were then detected by qRT-PCR (quantitative real-time PCR) during the molting cycle.The results showed that:(1) The full length of PtChi cDNA was 2 200 bp,including a 1 470 bp ORF (open reading frame) which encoded 489 amino acid residues,a 16 bp 5'-UTR and a 714 bp 3'-UTR,while its calculated molecular weight and isoelectric point were 53.97 ku and 4.76,respectively.(2) Homologous analysis using Blastp showed that the predicted amino acid sequence of PtChi shared 61%-96% identity with the type of Chi-3 of other crustaceans,and PtChi was clustered with crustaceans Chi-3s in phylogenetic tree.(3)PtChi had the highest gene expression levels in hepatopancreas,then decreased in the order of stomach> mandibular organ > heart> eyestalk,while the lowest expression levels were found in other tissues.(4) The gene expression patterns of PtChi were different among tissues during the molting cycle.PtChi-mRNA had the highest expression level at AB stage and the lowest expression level at C stage in hepatopancreas,which suggested PtChi may participate in the immunity and pathogen defense after ecdysis.In intestine,the highest PtChi-mRNA expression level was found at E stage while the lowest level was detected at C stage.Therefore,it was deduced that intestinal PtChi was involved in the degradation of endogenous chitin in gut peritrophic membrane and the participation in immune functions.In addition,the peak value of PtChi-mRNA expression level in stomach was found at C stage,due probably to the digestion of food chitin during this stage.These results indicated that PtChi may belong to the type of Chi-3 in crustacean family,and may be involved in the molting process,food digestion and immunity of P.trituberculatus.However,its exactly biological function requires further studies.

    • Animal safety and ecological evaluation of Bacillus licheniformis T-1 with quorum sensing inhibitory effect

      2015, 39(9):1395-1404. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20150309750

      Abstract (2934) HTML (0) PDF 1.30 M (2900) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Quorum sensing(QS)is a cell-cell communication system with population density.QS enables bacteria to synchronize specific gene expression,such as luminescence,virulence,motility,sporulation and biofilm formation.QS inhibitory effect can disrupt signal molecules of pathogens,thereby reducing its virulence factor expression,has broad new opportunities for therapeutic or environmental application.However,very little is known about the animal safety and ecology environment evaluation of the bacteria with QS inhibition effect.The purpose of the present study was to investigate the animal safety and ecology evaluation of Bacillus licheniformis T-1 with QS inhibition effect isolated by ourselves and provide a scientific basis for its use in the future.According to the national standard(GB)acute toxicity methods,the animal safety test and ecology environment evaluation of the Bacillus licheniformis T-1 was conducted.We use crucian carp,zebrafish and mice as test animal for safety evaluation,and use Chlorella vulgaris,Daphnia magna and Brachionus calyciflorus as test objects for ecological environment evaluation.The results showed that the crucian carp were intraperitoneally injected with the concentration of 11 200 mg/L(2.6×1011 CFU/mL),zebrafish were bathed in the concentration of 2 240 mg/L(5.2×1010 CFU/mL)and SPF mice(ICR)were gavaged with the 16 800 mg/L(3.9×1011 CFU/mL)concentration of B.licheniformis T-1 were all healthy and without any diseased symptoms or dead in continuous observation 96 h.Different concentration of B.licheniformis T-1 was non-toxic on Chlorella vulgaris,whereas promoted them to grow.B.licheniformisT-1 was nontoxic to the growth of Daphnia magna in continuous observation 24h.B.licheniformis T-1 was nontoxic to the Brachionus calyciflorus growth in 24 h and could promote their growth in high concentration.To conclude,the results in the present experiments indicated that the B.licheniformis T-1 with the inhibitory effect of quorum sensing was nontoxic on crucian carp,zebrafish and mice,and had no adverse effect on plankton in water ecological environment.It has the potential for probiotics in the future.

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