• Volume 37,Issue 5,2013 Table of Contents
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    • >PAPERS
    • Ontogenetic changes in schooling behaviour during larval and early juvenile stages of Chinese sucker(Myxocryprinus asiaticus)

      2013, 37(5):705-710. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2013.38460

      Abstract (2579) HTML (0) PDF 1.35 M (3266) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Juveniles Chinese sucker(Myxocryprinus asiaticus)obtains schooling swimming behavior.However,it is unclear when and why they form schooling behavior.We researched the mechanism of schooling formation related to hydraulics.We analyzed swimming behavior of Chinese sucker that ranged from 5 to 39 days post hatching(dph)at 20 ℃ water temperature by video record.Swimming speed,nearest neighbor distance(DNN),separation swimming index(ISS)and the Reynolds number based on total length(RL)were calculated.ISS decreased significantly with age,significantly lower than random distribution value at 19 dph(1.77 cm in total length,TL)and became stable at the lowest value at 32 dph(2.40 cm,TL).DNN changed in a similar way to ISS.The variation of ISS and DNN illustrated the schooling behavior was formed at the 19 dph and became tight schooling at 32 dph.The total length increased with age at function y=1.260 33-0.015 58×x+0.003 15×x2-(4.849 78E-5)×x3.Swimming speed first increased and then decreased and finally became stable at 2.45+0.15 TL/S after 19 dph.RL increased with age at function y=-607.891 61+156.809 12×x-4.212 9×x2+0.037 9×x3,RL exceeded 200 at 5-6 dph,equaled 1 111 at 19 dph.Analyses showed that the RL did not explain the schooling behavior of Chinese sucker,and schooling behavior was more likely related to the swimming behavior,as swimming changed from intermittent sprinting to continuous cruising when schooling was formed.

    • The embryonic development of Sepia lycidas

      2013, 37(5):711-718. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2013.38436

      Abstract (3191) HTML (0) PDF 18.71 M (2517) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:We collected wild Sepia lycidas to cultivate indoors,and observed the embryonic development by using microscopic imaging system.The results showed that the oosperm was milky,translucent,oval,papillary,and one end of the oosperm which was cylindrical ring shaped trapped to the spawning substrate,such as grape-like gathered together regularly.The length of the primiparous oosperm was(39.7?1.7)mm in long diameter and(17.1?1.1)mm in short diameter,the weight was(4.3?0.2)g.The embryo was oval shaped with long diameter of(8.85?0.41)mm and short diameter of(7.74?0.54)mm.When the water temperature was 27 ℃,salinity was 30,the oosperm became the smallest with long diameter of(27.2?0.6)mm and short diameter of(13.3?0.6)mm,and weight was(2.02?0.02)g on the 10th day.After 11 days,the oosperm began to expand.Before hatching,the oosperm became larger with long diameter of(32.7?0.8)mm and short diameter of(19.3?0.6)mm,and weight was(4.68?0.02)g.The embryonic development was compartmentalized into 11 periods,such as oosperm,cleavage,blastula,gastrula,the occurrence of embryonic primodium,the formation of organization,red bead stage,occurrence of heartbeat,pigment appearance,endoskeleton formation stage,hatching.The embryonic development lasted 20 days,the length and width of mantle and weight of hatchling larva were(8.1?0.2)mm,(6.1?0.2)mm and(0.18?0.02)g,respectively.

    • Study on salinity tolerance and oxygen consumption of silver pomfret(Pampus argenteus)larvae

      2013, 37(5):719-726. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2013.38184

      Abstract (3107) HTML (0) PDF 1.29 M (3170) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The salinity tolerance and oxygen consumption of Pampus argenteus larvae(2 days after hatching and 4 days after hatching)were investigated at salinities of 5,10,20,30,40,50,55.Mortality,mean death time(MDT),median death time(DT50),median lethal salinity-48 h(MLS-48),and survival activity index(SAI)were employed as indices of salinity tolerance,and individual oxygen consumption was detected by respirometer.The results showed that lower(5)and higher(above 50)salinities were detrimental to P.argenteus.MLS-48 for 2-day-old larvae and 4-day-old larvae ranged from 8.15 to 24.90 and 15.54 to 34.97,respectively.DT50 and MDT of 2 day old larvae in 10-30 environment were significantly higher than other salinities,while DT50and MDT of 4-day-old larvae were higher in 10-40.SAI of 2-day-old larvae in 10 and 20 environment were significantly higher than other salinities,while the better value of SAI in 4-day-old larvae was in 20-30,and salinity of 20 was the best one for both kinds of larvae.From the results of individual oxygen consumption,for larvae among the suitable salinity ranges(10-30),there was no significant difference between salinities,but higher salinities caused higher oxygen consumptions of larvae.The results indicated that the optimum salinity range of P.argenteus was 15.54-24.90,and higher salinity can cause an increase of oxygen consumption in P.argenteus larvae,but there was no significant effect among tolerant salinity range.

    • Feeding behavior of 5 species filter-feeding bivalves on Paralichthys olivaceus feed,fecal and sediment particulates in cage farming area

      2013, 37(5):727-734. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2013.38401

      Abstract (2904) HTML (0) PDF 1.31 M (3269) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:5 species bivalves’ feeding behavior on different food,including flounder(Paralichthys olivaceus)faeces,residul feed and deposition was studied so as to discuss the potential IMTA based on filter-feeding bivalves.Results showed the 5 species bivalves could feed on fish faeces,residul feed and deposition.However,different species showed different feeding behaviors.Ingestion rates of oyster,clam and scallop were significantly higher than the other 2 species(two-way ANOVA,P<0.01),and absorption efficiency(AE)and absorption rate(AR)of the 5 species bivalves were not significantly different.Diet had significant influence on the feeding behavior.With particle organic matter(POM)increasing,AE increased.There were significantly linear relationship between AR and POM.TPM threshold for pseudo-feces production of oyster and scallop and was 26.24,21.64,27.00 mg/L,respectively,and the 5 species bivalves could regulate food intake by pseudo-feces production.The shellfish+fish IMTA mode,clam Ruditapes philippinarum,oyster Crassostrea gigas and scallop Chlamys farreri are relatively good candidate species.

    • Arsenic content and speciation analysis of several economic shellfishes in China

      2013, 37(5):735-741. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2013.38417

      Abstract (2529) HTML (0) PDF 1.00 M (2981) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The arsenic speciation and the content of four toxic arsenic(including As3+,As5+,MMA and DMA)in several main economic shellfishes in our country were analyzed using HPLC-ICP-MS combined with in vitro digestion method.Results showed that S.strictus had the highest total arsenic content(5.68 mg/kg),the second was in S.Subcrenata (4.83 mg/kg),the total arsenic content in C.Farreri, C.Ostreae and H.discus hannai were much lower(2.26-2.70 mg/kg)and three of them had no significant difference.The lowest content was in R.Philippinarum and M.edulis.AsB was the main arsenic speciation in both water extraction and gastrointestinal extraction for all samples,and especially for Scapharca subcrenata,AsB was the only arsenic speciation.About 0.025,0.008 and 0.300 mg/kg As3+ were separated in the water extraction of C.farreri, R.philippinarum and S.strictus respectively.In addition,0.115 mg/kg As5+ was also detected in the water extraction of S.strictus.Different concentration of DMA was found in the water extraction of all samples except for S.subcrenata and M.edulis,with the highest content of 0.674 mg/kg in S.strictus.However,except in S.strictus,DMA was detected in the intestinal extraction,none of four toxic arsenic speciations were found in the gastrointestinal extraction of other shellfishes.Present experiments proved that the arsenic speciation in the water extraction which could reflect the real content in shellfishes and in gastrointestinal extraction which could reflect the real content under the gastrointestinal digestion was different,especially for four toxic arsenic speciation.

    • Cloning and expression analysis of two cDNAs encoding lipoprotein lipase of Micropterus salmoides

      2013, 37(5):641-650. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2013.38495

      Abstract (2797) HTML (0) PDF 5.15 M (2685) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To promote the theoretical basic research on developing artificial feed for carnivorous fishes,and the analysis of fat metabolizing mechanism in fish,the cDNA of LPLtype1 and LPLtype2 genes from largemouth bass(Micropterus salmoides)are cloned.The sequence analysis indicates that LPLtype1 cDNA is 2 156 bp in length,encoding 516 amino acids;and LPLtype2 cDNA is 1 710 bp in length,encoding 346 amino acids.The amino acid sequence of LPLtype1 is 43.5% identified to that of LPLtype2.Phylogenetic analysis indicates that LPLtype1 of M.salmoides and LPL of Siniperca chuatsi gather to one branch.LPLtype2 of M.salmoides and LPLtype2 of Oncorhynchus clarkii gather to the other branch.The predictive analysis of the protein encoded by LPLtype1 and LPLtype2 genes in M.salmoides shows that the main functional regions are conservative compared with the bony fishes and other vertebrates,such as active site residue,N-glycosylation site,conserved hydrophobic interaction site,heparin binding region.The tissue expression levels of LPL mRNA are detected by real time PCR,and the results show that expression levels of LPLtype1 and LPLtype2 are the highese in liver,which suggests that fish liver plays an essential role in storing lipids induced by nutrition.

    • Effects of dietary glutathione on growth performance,tissue biochemical indexes and non-specific immune related enzymes of GIFT Oreochromis niloticus

      2013, 37(5):742-750. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2013.38161

      Abstract (2807) HTML (0) PDF 1.10 M (3057) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This study was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary glutathione(GSH)on growth performance,tissue biochemical indexes and non-specific immune related enzymes of GIFT Oreochromis niloticus.720 fish with initial weight of(3.27?0.04)g were randomly allocated into 6 groups.The fish in control group were fed the basal diet(G0),while those in the other five groups were fed the basal diet added with 80,160,240,320,400 mg/kg GSH.After 7 weeks’ feeding,weight gain rate(WGR),specific growth rate(SGR),protein efficiency ratio(PER)and RNA/DNA ratio of liver in 320 mg/kg group were significantly higher than those in the control group(P<0.05),and feed coefficient(FC)was significantly lower(P<0.05).Hepatosomatic index(HSI)was higher in GSH added groups than the control,showing no significant difference(P>0.05).Among all groups,no significant difference was found in condition factor(CF)(P>0.05).The whole-body crude protein content and crude lipid content were significantly affected by dietary GSH levels(P<0.05),while the ash and dry matter content showed no significant difference(P>0.05).Serum UN content was significantly lower in 320 mg/kg group compared with the control(P<0.05).The IGF-Ⅰlevel in G160-G400 mg/kg groups was significantly higher than the control and 80 mg/kg groups.The serum lysozyme(LZM)activities increased significantly in 240,320 and 400 mg/kg groups compared with the others(P<0.05),and liver LZM activities were significantly higher in 320 and 400 mg/kg groups(P<0.05).Dietary GSH increased serum alkaline phosphatase(AKP),phenoloxidase(PO)and liver AKP,acid phosphatase(ACP)activities,but no significant difference was shown(P>0.05).Serum nitric oxide synthase(NOS)activities in 320 mg/kg group were significantly higher than the control(P<0.05),but those in liver showed no significant difference(P>0.05).The result suggested that dietary GSH could significantly improve growth performance,raise whole-body crude protein and crude lipid content,increase serum and liver IGF-Ⅰ level,and enhance activities of non-specific immune related enzymes in GIFTOreochromis niloticus.The optimum level of dietary GSH was 355.13 mg/kg on the basis of WGR.

    • Molecular phylogenetic relationships of Haemulidae and the related species based on partial sequence of RAG2 gene

      2013, 37(5):651-660. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2013.38295

      Abstract (2834) HTML (0) PDF 1.98 M (2899) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To reveal the current classification problems(that)existed in Haemulidae species,partial sequences of nuclear DNA marker RAG2 of 33 species from Haemulidae,Nemipteridae and Scolopsis were determined in this study.Molecular phylogenetic trees were constructed using maximum parsimony(MP)and Bayesian inference(BI)methods and Scarus frenatus as outgroup.The result showed that three big clades were formed in the trees.8 genera of Haemulidae were grouped in one clade,Nemipteridae and Scolopsiswere grouped in another clade.Species of Scolopsisand Haemulidae could not form a monophyletic group in the trees.Based on the genetic distance data,the distance values between Scolopsis and Nemipteridae were much smaller than the values between Scolopsis and Haemulidae,indicating that Scolopsis had a closer relationship with Nemipteridae than Haemulidae.This result supported the view that Scolopsis might be included in the family Nemipteridae.In addition,the traditionally Haemulidae-classified genus Hapalogenys was not grouped within Haemulidae either.Three Hapalogenys species formed an independent branch and were located at the base of the phylogenetic tree,suggesting a distant relationship between Hapalogenys and Haemulidae.This result was consistent with the current view that Hapalogenys should be removed from Haemulidae.Within the inner species relationships of Haemulidae,Diagramma pictum was revealed to be located in the internal position of the Plectorhinchus group and sister to Plectorhinchus orientalis,and the speciePlectorhinchus cinctus was found to be first separated and positioned at the base of this group.The result suggested a very close relationship between D.pictum and Plectorhinchus and supported the view that D.pictum was classified to Plectorhinchus with the name changed into its original name Plectorhinchus pictus.

    • Effects of dietary fish oil replaced with rapeseed oil on the growth,fatty acid composition and skin color of large yellow croaker(Larimichthys crocea)

      2013, 37(5):751-760. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2013.38430

      Abstract (12739) HTML (0) PDF 1.04 M (5369) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An 8-week feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary fish oil replaced with rapeseed oil on rowth,muscle fatty acid compositions and skin color of large yellow croaker(initial weight 13.56?0.05 g).Five isoproteic and isolipidic experimental diets were formulated with %,25%,50%,75% and 100% replacement of fish oil by rapeseed oil.Results showed that these replacements did not significantly influence the survival rate(SR)and specific growth rate(SGR)(P>0.05).However,the feed conversion ratio(FCR)was ncreased with the increasing of replacement evels.Furthermore,FCR in the group of 100% rapeseed oil was significantly higher than that of 100% dietary fish oil( P<0.05).No significant difference was observed in the whole body compositions(P>0.05).The concentrations of C18∶0,C18∶1,C18∶2n-6,C18∶3n-3 and the saturated fatty acid(SFA),except C20∶4n-6 and C22∶5n-3 in muscle,were elevated with the increasing of dietary rapeseed oil levels.There were no significant differences in yellowness(b*)of dorsal and ventral skin among the five treatments(P>0.05).Lightness(L*)of the dorsal skin in the treatment with 100% dietary rapeseed oil was significantly higher than that with 100% dietary fish oil(P<0.05).However,L*of the ventral skin was not significantly different among the all eatments (P>0.05).Higher redness( *)of ventral skin and lower a* of dorsal skin were found in fish fed with 0% rapeseed oil.This study suggested that there were no ignificant effects of replacement of dietary fish oil by rapeseed oil on growth and body composition.However,the fatty acid omposition of muscle and the skin color were significantly nfluenced.

    • Differential gene expression analysis based on expressed sequence tags(EST) from different tissues of Fenneropenaeus chinensis

      2013, 37(5):661-671. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2013.38371

      Abstract (2930) HTML (0) PDF 2.55 M (2551) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Bioinformatics analysis was conducted based on the acquired expressed sequence tags(ESTs)data from different tissues of Fenneropenaeus chinensis.A total of 10 446,2 690,1 067 and 1 282 original ESTs were obtained from cephalothorax,blood,eyestalk,and ovary of adult F.chinensis respectively.By clustering and assembling,3 454,1 053,406 and 544 unigenes were generated,and then annotated by searching in NR,GO,KEGG databases.The tissue specific transcripts were identified through sequence homology analysis and classified by GO annotation.The result indicated that specific transcripts in blood group were specifically enriched in the GO term of virion part,locomotion,rhythmic process,cell killing and multi organism process.Specific transcripts in eyestalk group were specifically enriched in the GO term of molecular transducer activity,response to stimulus,multicellular organismal process,pigmentation and biological regulation.Specific transcripts in ovary group were specifically enriched in the GO term of nutrient reservoir activity,reproduction,anatomical structure formation,transporter activity and establishment of localization.We also analyzed the highly expressed genes in each tissue according to the number of ESTs of each unigene.The result indicated that genes encoding peritrophin,elongation factor 1-alpha,thrombospondin and arginine kinase were widespread and highly expressed in tissues,suggesting that they were involved in a variety of important biological processes in shrimp.In addition,genes encoding penaeidin,cytochrome c oxidase and 14-3-3-like protein were highly expressed in blood group and genes encoding arrestin and rhodopsin were highly expressed in eyestalk group.For understanding the expressions of common genes,we analyzed genes related to peritrophin and peroxiredoxin,revealing that genes of peritrophin in F.chinensis were multiform and highly expressed.This result may provide reference for further functional study of peritrophin.

    • Effects of feeding frequency on growth performance of Litopenaeus vannamei fed diet with crystalline methionine

      2013, 37(5):761-767. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2013.38309

      Abstract (2505) HTML (0) PDF 1019.64 K (2886) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This study focused on evaluating the effects of feeding frequency on growth performance of Litopenaeus vannamei fed diet with crystalline methionine.The growth experiment was conducted to test three dietary treatments including fish meal(32%)as positive control,fish meal(16%)with methionine deficiency as negative control,and fish meal(16%)with crystalline L-methionine(MET)as the test diet.Feeding frequency trial was conducted in order to explore the difference in absorption of crystalline methionine and amino acid from intact protein(positive control and negative control).Shrimp were fed MET dietary in feeding frequency 2(7:00 and 21:00),4(7:00,12:00,18:00 and 21:00),and 6 times-day(7:00,9:30,12:00,15:00,18:00 and 21:00),the positive control and negative control were fed 4 times per day only.Each treatment was randomly assigned to triplicate groups of 30 shrimps(initial weight 1.27?0.01 g)per aquarium.Shrimp were maintained in aquaria for 5 weeks at water temperature that ranged from 29 to 30 ℃.The results showed that shrimp fed MET diet 6 times per day had no difference in weight gain with positive control(P>0.05).Crude protein contents of shrimp body of shrimp fed MET 6 times per day were significantly higher than that 4 times per day(P<0.05).Total protease activities of shrimp increased with feeding frequency increased,which fed MET 4 times per day and 6 times per day had no difference with positive control(P>0.05).These results indicate that the shrimp fed low fishmeal diet supplemented with methionine had better weight gain,body protein deposition and total protease activities with feeding frequency from 4 to 6 times per day.Increased feeding frequency could improve utilization of free amino acid.

    • Comparison of muscle nutrient composition between wild and cultured sword prawn(Parapenaeopsis hardwickii)

      2013, 37(5):768-776. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2013.38309

      Abstract (2830) HTML (0) PDF 1.09 M (3471) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to understand the muscle nutrient characteristics of the sword prawn Parapenaeopsis hardwickii,the nutritional composition and quality of muscles from the wild and cultured sword prawn were investigated and analyzed by biochemical analysis methods.The results show that the crude fat content of wild group(0.89%)was significantly lower than that of cultured group(1.12%),while the crude ash content of wild group(1.44%)was significantly higher than that of cultured group(1.31%).No significant difference in moisture and crude protein contents of fresh muscles was found between wild(79.42% and 17.94%,respectively)and cultured group(79.28% and 17.95%,respectively).18 kinds of amino acids were found in muscles from wild and cultured groups,and there was no significant difference in the content of 9 kinds of amino acid between wild and cultured groups,while in other 9 kinds of amino acids,the amino acid content of cultured group was significantly higher than that of wild group.Total amino acid(TAA),total essential amino acid(EAA),total non-essential amino acid(NEAA),total delicious amino acid(DAA),and total shrimp flavor amino acid(SAA)content of cultured group(88.08,30.53,47.39,34.47,and 21.72%,respectively)were significantly higher than those of wild group(83.42,29.69,43.59,32.54,and 21.11%,respectively).The essential amino acid index(EAAI)and the ratio of branched chain amino acid to aromatic amino acid(F value)of cultured group(69.10 and 2.12,respectively)were significantly higher than those of wild group(66.41 and 2.07,respectively).The saturated fatty acids(∑SFA)and poly-unsaturated fatty acids(∑PUFA)relative content of cultured group(39.60% and 36.64%,respectively)were significantly lower than those of wild group(41.95% and 39.51%,respectively),while the mono-unsaturated fatty acids(∑MUFA)relative content of cultured group(23.76%)were significantly higher than that of wild group(18.54%).The EPA+DHA relative content of wild group(28.23%)was significantly higher than that of cultured group(25.66%),while no significant difference was observed in the EPA+DHA absolute content of muscle between wild and cultured groups.Therefore,the sword prawn is nutritional,delicious,and artificial culture did not cause abundant accumulation of fat in muscle;on the contrary,it improved protein nutritive value of the muscle.

    • Genetic parameter estimation for growth traits of Pacific white shrimp(Litopenaeus vannamei)

      2013, 37(5):672-678. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2013.38332

      Abstract (3016) HTML (0) PDF 1.00 M (2914) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Eighteen half-sib families and fifty-four full-sib families were constructed using methods of nest design and artificial insemination,in which each male mated three females.Sixty 5-month-old shrimp were measured for nine growth traits including the body weight(BW),the total length(TL),the body length(BL),the carapace length(CL),the carapace width(CW),the carapace depth(CD),the first abdominal segment depth(FASD),the third abdominal segment depth(TASD),and first abdominal segment width(FASW).According to quantitative genetics theory,the heritability of each growth trait,and the genetic and phenotypic correlation among the traits were statistically studied utilizing the method of variance and covariance analysis.The results showed that the heritability estimates in the narrow sense from intra-group correlation of paternal half-sib were precise and unbiased,and the heritability values for the above nine traits were 0.460,0.392,0.303,0.234,0.251,0.330,0.282,0.321 and 0.356,respectively.All of them belonged to moderate and high heritability,thus showed a high potential for selective breeding.The estimates of genetic correlation coefficients were 0.750-0.976,where the highest(0.976)was that between the BW and the TL,while the lowest(0.750)was seen between the TL and the TASD.The estimates of phenotypic correlation coefficients were 0.507-0.947,where the highest(0.947)was seen between the BW and the TL,while the lowest(0.507)was that between the FASD and the CD.Very significant difference was detected by t-test(P<0.01)among the nine growth traits for both genetic and phenotypic correlation coefficients,which indicate all the nine traits may respond favorably to direct and indirect selection for growth.

    • A preliminary study on the maternal transfer and bacteriostasis of a C-type lectin in scallop(Patinopecten yessoensis)

      2013, 37(5):777-783. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2013.38464

      Abstract (2951) HTML (0) PDF 1.18 M (2971) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Maternal transfer of immune factors from mother to eggs has been reported in many aquatic species,and these factors played important immune roles in developing embryos and larvae.However,the study on maternal immunity of shellfish remains lacking.In this study,maternal transfer and bacteriostasis of a C-type lectin in scallop(Patinopecten yessoensis)were analyzed.We detected the mRNA expression pattern of the C-type lectin gene in ovary and early developing larvae using the real-time quantitative PCR method,and tested the antibacterial activity of maternal C-type lectin in eggs by colony-forming unit(CFU)assay.The results of qRT-PCR showed that the expression of C-type lectin gene in ovary after bacterial challenge was time-dependent,and it was up-regulated gradually from 2 h after injection of bacteria and reached the peak at 8 h which was 6.2 times compared to the control group,and then dropped progressively to the original level.On the other hand,the fact that mRNA was found both in the eggs and larvae indicated that it could be transferred from mother to offspring.The mRNA expression in bacterial challenge group was significantly higher than those in normal group except for the 36 h point.The CFU assay revealed that the cytoplasm of eggs with protein concentration of 200 μg/mL and 400 μg/mL had lethal effect on the bacteria Vibrio anguillarum,and the function weakened significantly once the antibody of C-type lectin was added,which indicated the C-type lectin from mother had antibacterial activity.It is concluded that the maternal C-type lectin can transfer from mother to the offspring and has antibacterial activity.

    • Molecular characterization and expression analysis of calreticulin cDNA from Hyriopsis cumingii

      2013, 37(5):679-687. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2013.38454

      Abstract (2992) HTML (0) PDF 2.28 M (2592) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to study genes related to pearl formation in freshwater pearl mussel and their regulation mechanism,a 1 437 bp cDNA sequence of calreticulin gene fromHyriopsis cumingii(HcCRT)was obtained by rapid amplification of cDNA ends(RACE).It consisted of a 231 bp 5′-untranslation region(UTR),a 615 bp 3′UTR and a 591 bp open reading frame(ORF).The inferred amino acids sequence was composed of 196 amino acids,including a signal peptide of 21 amino acids and a mature peptide of 175 amino acids.The molecular weight of the peptide was predicted to be 22.4 ku,with a theoretical isoelectric point of 5.01.Amino acid sequence analysis showed that there was no obvious amino acid sequence of membrane domain.Results of the ProtScale online analysis showed that the protein was hydrophilic protein.Homology analysis indicated that HcCRT amino acid had a conservative sequence of calreticulin family and was highly conserved with Danio rerio(77%),Crassostrea gigas(70%),Pinctada fucata(70%).The sequence analysis showed that HcCRT shared two potential calreticulin family signature motifs with CRT from other species,KHEQNIDCGGGYLKVF and IMFGPDICG.The prediction results of H.cumingiiHcCRT protein secondary structure and tertiary structure indicated that the protein contains the alpha helix and beta folding.Real-time quantitative PCR(RT-PCR)showed that HcCRT is expressed in a wide range of tissues including the mantle,blood,gill,foot,liver,kidney,intestine and muscle,with the highest level of transcripts in mantle,followed by blood,while there is rare expression in other tissues.These data suggested that HcCRT might be involved in pearl formation of H.cumingii.This study which was first time to obtain HcCRT gene fromH.cumingii played an important role in exploring pearl formation of H.cumingii.

    • Study on inhibitory effect of lipopeptides from Bacillus Nattoon Fusariumisolated from shrimp culture environment producing T-2 toxin

      2013, 37(5):784-789. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2013.38297

      Abstract (2743) HTML (0) PDF 2.99 M (2890) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to control Fusarium isolated from shrimp culture environment producing T-2 toxin,the inhibitory effect and antibacterial mechanism of lipopeptides from Bacillus natto on Fusarium was studied in the article.The inhibitory effect was studied through the influence of lipopeptides on the germination and growth of Fusarium spores; and the observation of the ultrastructure of the spores,the mycelium morphology and the mycelium permeability was performed through electron microscope,ordinary microscope and fluorescence microscope respectively to study the antibacterial mechanism.When the concentration of lipopeptides was 1 mg/mL,the inhibition rate on the germination of Fusarium spores reached 78.8%,and the cultivation biomass of Fusarium was 24.5% of the control group without lipopeptides on the third day.Under the condition of the same concentration,the microscopic observation under scanning electron microscope revealed that the spores of Fusarium presented moniliform state under the influence of lipopeptides; ordinary microscope revealed that the mycelia became nonseptate after the treatment of lipopeptides; and fluorescence microscope revealed that lipopeptides could increase the membrane permeability of the Fusarium mycelium.

    • Construction of multiplex PCR in variety identification of Porphyra haitanensis “Z-26” based on SCAR markers

      2013, 37(5):688-695. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2013.38191

      Abstract (2872) HTML (0) PDF 2.35 M (2302) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Porphyra haitanensis is one of the most important economic marine crops of China.For any cultivar,the correct identification of species or forma of the cultivated strains is necessary to ensure a well-bred cultivation and good production quality.However,because the gametophytic blade of Porphyra is morphologically simple and marked variations can occur as environmental conditions change,it is very difficult to precisely identify the species or forma of cultivated strains based only on their morphological characteristics.With new advances in molecular biology,molecular markers and DNA fingerprinting techniques have become routine for the identification and classification of many crops,including seaweeds.The strain of “Z-26” of P.haitanensiswas selected by the laboratory of germplasm improvement and the application of P.haitanensis in Jimei University which has the characters of high-temperature tolerance and high yield,and it has been widely cultivated in south China.In order to construct the technology of variety identification for “Z-26”,firstly,300 primers of RAPD were used to scan the specific markers of 6 new strains of P.haitanensis and 9 specific RAPD markers of “Z-26” were selected.After cloning and sequencing,two specific RAPD markers of “Z-26” were transformed into the SCAR markers successfully,the length of the 2 SCAR markers was 540 and 242 bp,respectively.Secondly,after verification by 4 different experiments,we can affirm that the 2 SCAR markers were the specific and stable markers of “Z-26”.At last,based on the 2 SCAR markers,after optimization of experimental conditions,the technology of multiplex PCR which was used to identify the variety of “Z-26” was constructed.The result supplied a simple,fast and reliable technigue for variety identification of “Z-26”.

    • Identification and evaluation of Vibrio vulnificus-specific target genes

      2013, 37(5):790-800. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2013.38397

      Abstract (2477) HTML (0) PDF 1.64 M (2964) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Vibrio vulnificus is a marine seafood-borne pathogen that will cause death in susceptible individuals after consumption of raw or uncooked contaminated seafood around the world.So,early detection and identification of V.vulnificus strains in food and clinical samples is essential for diagnosis and reducing the incidence of food-borne disease.PCR assay has been one of the most important and extensive method to detect pathogenic bacteria.Previous study depended on vvhA as the target gene to detect this bacterium.In this study,we constructed a local BLAST database and identified 34 candidates as V.vulnificus-specific target genes distributed in 3 isolates(CMCP6,MO6-24/O,and YJ016)with published completed genome.Among these candidate-specific targets,VV1_2692,VV2_0075,and VV2_0939 genes are known for their functions,while the rests encode hypothetical protein of unknown function.To evaluate the specificity of above 3 genes,PCR amplification of genomic DNA from a V.vulnificus strain resulted in a product with predicted length,whereas no products were detected from 14 non-V.vulnificus bacterial strains.The minimum detectable limits of VV1_2692,VV2_0075,and VV2_0939 genes were 103,101,and 102 cfu/mL,respectively.A total of 137 seafood samples(e.g.,fish,prawn,crab,shell)from Hangzhou city were detected by both PCR assay and biochemical method.Among them,39 V.vulnificus isolates were detected using biochemical method,while 38,39,39,and 39 V.vulnificus isolates were detected using PCR assay of VV1_2692,VV2_0075,VV2_0939,and vvhA genes,respectively.The negative result of VV1_2692 probably resulted from its relative high detectable limit,and both VV2_0075 andVV2_0939 genes might be suitable species-specific targets to detect V.vulnificus in seafood.Moreover,28.5% of 137 seafood samples contained V.vulnificus,and oyster had the highest ratio(68%),suggesting status of V.vulnificus pollution was extremely serious in coastal seafood of Hangzhou city,especially oyster.

    • Histological study on the gonadal development of Scatophagus argus

      2013, 37(5):696-704. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2013.38442

      Abstract (8921) HTML (0) PDF 18.19 M (26082) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The fish spotted scat Scatophagus argus,as a new resource of marine aquaculture,is popularized in South China in recent years.Studies on the gonadal development can provide the theoretical knowledge for the artificial propagation of Scatophagus argus.Generally,after two years of growth,some individuals can reach sexual maturation in the south of China.In this study,histological observation of gonads was performed based on paraffin section technique and HE staining method.The linear alignments of tubular structures are observed in the testis,which indicates that the testis of the Scatophagus argus belongs to the tubular type.The development of testis may be divided into 5 stages,i.e. multiplication of spermatogonial cells,growth of spermatocytes,maturation of spermatocytes,emergence of spermatoblasts,maturation of spermatozoa,etc.The average gonado somatic index of the testis was between 0.2% and 1.5% .The gonado somatic index(GSI)reached the peak at the stageⅤ,and the the peak of hepato somatic index(HSI)was observed at the stage Ⅳ.The oocyte deveolpment was divided into 5 phases and ovary development consisted of 5 stages accordingly.The average gonado somatic index of the testis was between 1.2% and 14.5%.The gonado somatic index(GSI)reached the peak value at the stage Ⅴ and the peak of hepato somatic index(HSI)was found in stage Ⅳ.The yolk nucleus and follicle membrane are observed at phase Ⅱ of oocyte.The number of yolk granules and oil droplets increased rapidly at the phaseⅢ,and subsequently yolk granules fused into pieces at the phase Ⅳ Apart from a large number of oocytes at the phase Ⅴ,there are still many oocytes of phase Ⅱ,Ⅲ and Ⅳ in ovaries at the stage Ⅴ.The similar condition was also found in ovaries after spawning.It indicates that oocyte development in Scatophagus argus is asynchronous.

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