• Volume 37,Issue 12,2013 Table of Contents
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    • >PAPERS
    • Effect of light intensity on the photosynthetical responses of Gracilaria lemaneiformis in non-aerated and aerated cultures

      2013, 37(12):1801-1806. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2014.48703

      Abstract (2735) HTML (0) PDF 1.10 M (3208) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The economic red macroalga Gracilaria lemaneiformis was selected to study light intensity effects on its growth,photosynthesis,effective quantum efficiencies(Yield)and pigments contents in aerated and non-aerated cultures.Three different light intensities were as follows:50 μmol/(m2·s)(low light intensity),100 μmol/(m2·s)(moderate light intensity),and 200 μmol/(m2·s)(high light intensity).The results showed that the highest growth rate of G.lemaneiformis was observed when alga was treated with moderate light intensity,and too low or too high light intensity inhibited its growth.The relative growth rates of aerated cultured algae,under the low light intensity,moderate light intensity and high light intensity,were increased by 26.85%,31.82% and 40.56%,respectively.In aerated culture,the photosynthetic rate and the photosynthetic efficiency of alga treated with low light intensity increased by 8.14% and 4.26%,and the respiration rate of alga under high light intensity decreased by 20.70%,and Yield increased by 44.16%.The results suggested that reduced growth was mainly due to the limited photosynthesis in case of low light intensity,or could be ascribed to the increased respiration in case of high light intensity.Aerated culture could relieve the negative effect on the growth rate of alga as a result of for low light or high light intensity.

    • The feeding rhythm of veined rapa whelk Rapana venosa (Valenciennes,1846)

      2013, 37(12):1807-1814. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2014.48780

      Abstract (2680) HTML (0) PDF 1.67 M (2894) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As one of the most commercially important whelks,Rapana venosa(Valenciennes,1846),is native to the Sea of Japan,Yellow Sea,East China Sea and the Bohai Sea.The studies on it focus on reproductive biology and ecological characteristics in our country.The constant failures of R.venosa’s artificial breeding show that we still don’t understand reproductive process of R.venosa well.R.venosa is a large predatory gastropod with broad environmental tolerances,usually taking bivalve species as food.So the further studies of its feeding habits would provide a basis for understanding this species’s ecological characteristics which may promote the development of artificial breeding.So in this study we describes the feeding behavior of R.venosain controlled laboratory settings.It showed the first feeding behavior which consumed 0.01 g of bivalves tissue at 10.4 ℃.Daily feeding was increasing constantly due to the temperature rise and reached 0.54 g at 16.20 ℃,the maximum during the period had four days of feed periodicity without mating.However,before the whelks ate less following the increase of mating rate,the feeding of the whelks climbed up firstly along with the variation of temperature in the period with mating behavior.The max daily feeding amount of fresh tissue was 5.32 g per whelk when the mating rate reached the minimum 0.03 at 18.05 ℃.The new feed periodicity was 3.72 days.The relationship between feeding(c)and temperature(t)without mating behavior was expressed as c=0.01t2-0.24t+1.18,r=0.97.With the existing of mating,the relationship between feeding(c)and temperature(t)was expressed as c=-0.13t2+5.18t-48.08,r=0.61;meanwhile,the relationship between feeding(c)and mating rate(m)was expressed as c=-2.92 m+3.33,r=-0.48.We concluded that the temperature and mate rate had important impacts on feeding amount significantly and speculated that R.venosa has a feeding periodicity about 4 days from this work.According to the results,before the mating behavior occurring frequently,temperature is the major factor on R.venosa’s feeding.Then the feeding amount was decreasing with the increasing of mating rates,which showed the most important factor is changed from temperature to mating rates.Otherwise,the feeding periodicity of R.venosa during this period may relate to the characteristics which shaped in natural conditions.

    • Toxicity evaluation of nano-selenium on zebrafish embryos

      2013, 37(12):1815-1820. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2014.48747

      Abstract (3271) HTML (0) PDF 3.99 M (3118) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Selenium is an essential trace element for humans and animals,involved in diverse physiological actions.Thus,different forms of selenium have been developed for future application.To evaluate the toxicity of nano-selenium on zebrafish(Danio rerio)embryos,the light and electron microscopic techniques were used in the present study with two different forms of selenium including DL-selenomethionine and nano-selenium.According to the laser particle size analyzer and electron microscope,the size distribution of nano-selenium particle was uniform.In addition,an average particle size of nano-selenium was about 25 nm.The results showed that the values of median lethal concentration(LC50)of nano-selenium at 96 hours post-fertilization(hpf)and 120 hpf,were 7.18 and 5.68 μmol/L,respectively.However,as for the treatment of DL-selenomethionine,the corresponding values of LC50 at 96 and 120 hpf,were 67.32 and 54.66 μmol/L,respectively.In addition,most of zebrafish embryos inflated the swim bladder successfully at 120 hpf in the groups treated without selenium.However,as for the zebrafish embryos treated with selenium at certain concentrations,abnormal phenotypes were observed in the present study such as axial malformation(AM),pericardial edema(PE),yolk-sac edema(YSE)and uninflate the swim bladder(USB).Parts of zebrafish embryos were even found dead before and/or after hatching.Through the statistical analysis of the data,the median teratogenic concentration(TC50)of nano-selenium and DL-selenomethionine was 3.27 and 44.22 μmol/L,respectively at 120 hpf.It indicated that the toxicity of nano-selenium was significantly higher than that of DL-selenomethionine when treated indirectly on zebrafish embryos.The related mechanism should be studied in the future research.The present study was to present the related basis foundation and information for the safe application of nano-selenium particles and extend the corresponding toxicology theory for aquatic animals.

    • Proteome analysis of GIFT tilapia(Oreochromis niloticus)liver in different periods after Streptococcus agalactiae infection

      2013, 37(12):1821-1828. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2014.48820

      Abstract (2969) HTML (0) PDF 2.06 M (3391) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The protein expression of tilapia liver in different periods was studied after Streptococcus agalactiae infection.Two-dimensional electrophoresis was employed to analyze the proteome from liver of GIFT tilapia at 0 h,24 h,48-144 h and 12 days after Streptococcus agalactiae infection.The differential expressing proteins were identified by mass spectrometry.The results show that there were significant differences between experimental groups and control group in the proteomic map.Among the 30 differentially expressed proteins,13 show an up -regulated expression and 15 shows down- regulated expression.Two proteins disappeared in the infection group 12 days later.The function classification of these proteins was analyzed by MALDI-TOF/TOF 4800 and mascot soft ware.They included association with energy metabolism proteins,cell defense and stress proteins,digestive immune proteins,immune and detoxification and other proteins.It is likely that they play an important role in the resistance responses toStreptococcus agalactiae.The discovery and identification of these proteins can offer a valuable insight into Tilapia Streptococcus lactis vaccine development and disease resistance breeding.

    • Development of an SYBR Green I real-time PCR assay for detection of Edwardsiella tarda and its application

      2013, 37(12):1829-1838. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2014.48798

      Abstract (2694) HTML (0) PDF 3.21 M (2866) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the sequenced gyrB gene sequence of Edwardsiella tarda,a pair of primers was designed for establishing an SYBR Green I real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR method.A 207 bp gene fragment was amplified from chromosomal DNA of E.tarda from different sources,and no positive reaction was detected in 9 other bacteria species using conventional PCR,which indicated that the primer pair has good inter-species specificity and intra-species commonality.Recombinant plasmid containing gyrB gene of E.tarda was constructed and used to construct the standard curve.The standard curves was y=-3.32x+39.38,the correlation coefficient was 0.998 and the amplification efficiency was 1.00,which indicated that it had a good linear relationship between initial templates and Ct values.The melting curve has only one specific peak when annealing temperature was 63 ℃.The detection limit of the assay was 60 copies per reaction.Turbot samples infected by E.tarda artificially were detected using the real-time PCR assay.All the three samples were positive,which had good agreement with bacteriological analysis by isolation and culture.The results showed that the developed SYBR Green I real-time PCR assay had the advantages of specificity,sensitivity,rapidity and quantification,and would be helpful for E.tarda diagnosis and epidemiology investigation.

    • Cloning,expression and DNA vaccine analysis of OmpW of Vibrio harveyi ZJ 0607

      2013, 37(12):1839-1847. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2014.48808

      Abstract (3061) HTML (0) PDF 1.71 M (3055) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to OmpW gene sequence published in GenBank,primers were designed and the DNA fragment of about 645 bp(encoding 214 amino acids)was amplified by PCR from genomic DNA of Vibrio Harveyi ZJ0607.The full length product was then cloned into the prokaryotic expression vector pET-32a( )for protein expression in Escherichia coli strain BL21(DE3).The molecular weight of expression fusion protein OmpW was about 43.8 ku.The recombinant protein was highly expressed under induction conditions of exposure at 37 ℃,in 0.1 mmol/L of IPTG for 5 h.The recombinant protein was purified by the best expression condition,purified and used as antigen to immunize the Kunming-mice,and the antibody titer reached 1∶30 000.The result of the Western-blot revealed that specific antigen-antibody reaction occurred between the antiserum and its corresponding recombinant fusion protein.In order to study the immunogenic and protective effects of DNA vaccine,plasmid DNA encoding outer membrane protein OmpW gene was used as a DNA vaccine to immunize red snapper(Lutjanus sanguineus).PCR results indicated that pcDNA-OmpW was distributed in muscle,head kidney,liver,spleen 7-28 days after vaccination.RT-PCR results indicated that the OmpW gene was expressed in all above tissues of vaccinated fish 7-28 days after vaccination.Red snapper immunized with DNA vaccine showed higher serum antibody and corresponding recombinant fusion protein by ELISA and Western-blot.In addition,fish immunized with DNA vaccine developed a protective response to live Vibrio harveyi challenged 35 days post-inoculation,as demonstrated by increased survival of vaccinated fish over the control fish.This study indicates that pcDNA-OmpW is an effective vaccine candidate against Vibrio harveyiinfection.

    • Effects of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum on uptake and the accumulation of PSP toxins in oyster Ostrea rivularis

      2013, 37(12):1848-1853. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2014.48616

      Abstract (2870) HTML (0) PDF 1.21 M (3230) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To study the filter-feeding and accumulation rate of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins(PSP)in Ostrea rivularts,the strain of A.minutum with a specific toxicity of(93.42±2.55)×10-6 MU/cell was fed in this work.Firstly,the effect in clearance rate of A.minutum at 6 different concentrations of 0.5×103-3.0×103 cells/mL was discussed.Then the concentration of 1.5×103cells/mL of toxic algae was fed,and the accumulation of the 15 h short-term and 5 days long-term accumulation experiments were conducted to study the toxicity and accumulation laws,respectively.Results showed the oyster clearance rate is higher between concentrations 0.5×103-1.5×103 cells/mL,but while more than 1.5×103 cells/mL,it fell significantly(P<0.01),indicating that the “threshold” toxic algae concentration was 1.5×103 cells/mL.The oyster finished food that was offered once during the 0-6 h experiment,the maximum toxicity of oyster was (149.6±10.5) MU/100 g during 6-12 h and then began to decline.When fed oysters twice daily with concentration of A.minutum(1.5×103 cells/mL)up to 5 days,the clearance rate of oyster did not change significantly,it led the toxicity of PSP to exceed the regulatory limit(400 MU/100 g)on the following day.At the end of the accumulation experiment,PSP toxin level was as high as(3 069.2±178.2) MU/100 g,which was higher than the regulatory limit by 7.7 times.Result of the study serve as important basic data of the PSP accumulation and metabolism of Ostrea rivularis,and provide the advanced thinking for the removal and purification of the PSP in fisheries.

    • Effects of packaging size and shape on the microwave rehydration characteristics of tilapia fillets

      2013, 37(12):1854-1862. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2014.48752

      Abstract (2668) HTML (0) PDF 1.10 M (3482) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to improve the rehydration rate and rehydration effect,the dried tilapia fillets(moisture content decreased to 0.100 0 (g/g d.b.)(dry basis))were hydrated by microwave.Tilapia fillets were put into the container made of acrylic materials with different sizes and shapes.The effect of container shape,container size,and salt content on the microwave rehydration was investigated.The result shows that the moistureed content increased gradually with the rehydration time extending,reached a maximum value and maintain stability after 250-300 s.The moisture content of sample after rehydration process did not reach the initial moisture content(3.859 0 (g/g d.b.)).It is shown that the rehydration process is irreversible,cell dehydration and damaged organizational structure during the drying process cause the rehydration ability of sample to decrease.In this study,the larger size of the container has a better rehydration effect.Compared with cubic container,cylindrical container is more advantageous to the microwave rehydration for Tilapia fillets.The dielectric loss rate of soup material increased with the increasing of NaCl contents,so that the rehydration rate increased.In summary,rehydration time by microwave is about 240 s,which saves about 2/3 time compared with the traditional water bath(about 700 s).Moreover,some models such as Peleg and Weibull model were used to fit the rehydration process.It was found that Peleg model has a higher fitness for the experiment data than Weibull model.Peleg model was more suitable for describing the rehydration process of tilapia fillets.

    • The full length cDNA cloning and expression analysis of RXR from the Chinese mitten crab(Eriocheir sinensis)

      2013, 37(12):1761-1769. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2014.48754

      Abstract (6266) HTML (0) PDF 10.16 M (10463) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Retinoid X receptor(RXR)is a member of the second subfamily of nuclear receptor superfamily.In the insect and the crustacean,RXR is an important signaling protein with varied roles in regulating aspects of reproductive maturation,molting and embryo development.In this study,we cloned RXR gene from Eriocheir sinensis using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR)and rapid-amplification of cDNA ends(RACE),and primers were designed according to the conserved sequence of RXR from Gecarcinus lateralis.The full-length cDNA sequence of RXR is 1 517 bp and codes a protein of about 433 amino acids.The amino acid sequence comparison results showed that the RXR gene of Eriocheir sinensis shared 96% identity with Gecarcinus lateralis,using BLASTn and BLASTx software.Phylogenetic tree of RXR gene generated by Neighbor Joining method suggested that RXR is clustered closely with that of Gecarcinus lateralis.The expression of the gene in different tissues and molting stages of E.sinensis was analyzed by real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR.The result showed the RXR mRNA was expressed in all tissues examined and highly in Y-organ,with small amount in hepatopancreas,gill and muscle,trace in heart,stomach,intestine,thoracic ganglion and brain ganglion.RXR mRNA was detected with high volume in Y-organ compared to hepatopancreas,muscles and gill at the same molting stages of the crab.RXR mRNA of Y-organ in stage D was significantly(P<0.05)higher than that of stage AB and stage C.It also had significant difference(P<0.05)between muscles at stage AB and stage E,and there was no significant difference expression in hepatopancreas and gill tissues in different molting stages.

    • Mechanisms of actions of somatostatin on the regulation of pituitary growth hormone release in fish

      2013, 37(12):1863-1872. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2014.48776

      Abstract (3303) HTML (0) PDF 1020.42 K (4181) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Somatostatin is a multifunctional tetradecapeptide which is involved in growth,development,metabolism and reproductive processes,via the specific seven α helical transmembrane G-protein-coupled receptors(GPCRs).This review briefly summarizes the progress of research on somatostatin and its receptors,with special emphasis on the intracellular signaling mechanisms mediating somatostatin actions on the regulation of pituitary growth hormone release in fish.To date,six somatostatin genes and four somatostatin receptors have been characterized in fish.The diversity of the somatostatin peptide family is due to the existence of multiple somatostatin genes as well as the tissue-specific differential processing of preprosomatostatin.The subtypes of somatostatin receptors are complex due to the polyploidization that occurred during fish lineage evolution.Information on the mechanisms of somatostatin suppression of GH secretion in teleosts is mainly derived from studies in goldfish,which indicates that cAMP formation,Ca2+ mobilization,and PKC activation may be involved in the mechanism through which somatostatin regulates GH secretion.However,the intricate web of intracellular signals is still far from being fully understood.In addition,species-specific differences in the mechanisms of GH release do exist in diverse models.The somatostatin genes,receptors and the mechanism of actions of somatostatin on pituitary GH release await further studies in teleosts.

    • >PAPERS
    • Genetic evaluation and investment appraisal of the multi-trait selection breeding program in Litopenaeus vannamei

      2013, 37(12):1770-1781. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2014.48787

      Abstract (3068) HTML (0) PDF 1.70 M (3972) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The genetic gain and economic benefit from a multi-trait breeding scheme with Litopenaeus vannamei were calculated after performing 20 selections.The breeding object was made up of harvest body weight(BW),survival rate(SR)and feed intake(FI),but the trait FI was not included in the selection index.Selection response and genetic gain of the breeding object were estimated based on selection index theory.Economic benefit was predicted after nucleus shrimp was multiplied by a pyramid breeding structure(nucleus,multiplication and production populations).The sensitivity of profit(RP)and benefit/cost ratio(BCR)to a number of factors was examined.It comprises biological parameters(heritability value,accounting for feed intake),economic parameters(price of shrimp,price of feed,discount rate,initial investment,annual cost),and operational parameters(year when first return occurs,multiplication efficiency).For the base situation,selection responses on BW,SR and FI for the base situation were 0.86 g,4.70% and 1.54 g,respectively; the RP and BCR of this program were CNY 8627.48 million and 844.26 after performing 20 selections.The greatest contribution to variations in RP and BCR came from the improvements in the multiplication efficiency at the level of both the nucleus and the hatcheries.The sensitive analysis of G×E interaction showed that re-ranking effect had more significant effect than the scale effect on RP and BCR.If there were significant differences between culture environments and environment in the breeding center,independent breeding projects were suggested for governments or corporations from an economic viewpoint.

    • Population characteristics and distribution of Pseudeuphausia sinica in the Yellow Sea and its relations to the environmental factors

      2013, 37(12):1782-1794. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2014.48876

      Abstract (2744) HTML (0) PDF 2.12 M (2371) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Pseudeuphausia sinica(Euphausiacea,Crustacea)is widely distributed and dominant in the coastal waters of the Yellow Sea and East China Sea.In the Yellow Sea ecosystem,P.sinica is important food of the fishes with economic value,especially larval and juvenile fishes.We think that the changes of population distribution and abundance of P.sinica could directly impact on the Yellow Sea ecosystem.We studied spatial distribution patterns and population characteristics,such as sex ratio,body length and growth condition of P.sinicain the south Yellow Sea during September,December 2006 and March,May 2007.We investigated their abundance and distribution in relation to environmental factors(temperature,salinity and chlorophyll a concentration).The spatial distribution of P.sinica was controlled primarily by seawater temperature and the preferred living seawater temperature was 15-25 ℃.The highest abundance of 9.20 ind./m3 occurred in May.We used principal components analysis and Pearson correlation to analyze the covariation and correlation between P.sinica abundances and environmental factors.Seawater temperature and chlorophyll a concentration are principal components of environmental factors.The seasonal distribution of P.sinica was closely correlated with seawater temperature and the adults preferentially inhabited high chlorophyll a concentration sea area in May.The sex ratios in May and September were over 1.3 and higher than the value(1.0)in March and December.The total length(TL)of P.sinica ranged from 4 mm to 14 mm,which was positively correlated with body length(BL).The slopes of fitting formula between BL and TL illustrated the growth condition of P.sinica.Size frequency of P.sinica in May and September showed that the population was composed of new and old adults of different TL.The average TLs of P.sinica in March and May were greater than those of September and December.We conclude that P.sinica can undergo its whole life history and its population recruitment is in spring and autumn in the Yellow Sea.

    • Review and application of geometric morphometrics in aquatic animals

      2013, 37(12):1783-1885. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2014.48772

      Abstract (3651) HTML (0) PDF 4.07 M (3463) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Geometric morphometrics(GM)originated from late 1980s to early 1990s in last century.It differed from the traditional measurement,mainly focusing on the variability of shape.With relative theory foundation,we were separating shape from size,explaining the intrinsic results using multivariate analysis.This new method was meaningful to the organism with fixed and stable shape,and also widely used in many fields.Generally,aquatic animals were surrounded by hard structures with relatively invariable shape.Meanwhile,they played different important roles in diversified waters.This paper reviewed the shape analysis of aquatic animals with geometric morphometrics in the recent decades,briefly described the developing process of this new method,explained the principles of outline and landmark method,and introduced methodology and some relevant software.Then we retrospected the application of invertebrate and vertebrate morphological shape in aquatic area.The result showed that this new approach was accepted by many researchers at home and abroad,but had a limitation in species identification and population division,so we should use the hard structures to analyze the morphological variation,consider the implication of environmental change with the morphology of organism,and try to print out the original appearance in 3D and describe the shape variation with theoretical studies.

    • >PAPERS
    • Changes in blood moisture,osmolality and ion concentration of juvenile Chinese sturgeon(Acipenser sinensis)in the Yangtze Estuary

      2013, 37(12):1795-1800. DOI: DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1231.2014.48803

      Abstract (2772) HTML (0) PDF 1.10 M (3303) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To understand salinity adaptation and regulatory status of juvenile Chinese sturgeon in the Yangtze Estuary,the 7-month-old juveniles were transferred directly from freshwater(0)to salinity 5,10,and 15 for 32 days.And the blood moisture content,serum osmolality and ion concentrations of fish exposed to various salinities were measured respectively at 0.5,1,2,4,8,16,and 32 days after transfer.Results showed that:all measured blood parameters of juveniles in freshwater control and salinity 5 kept the same pattern,and those are not significantly different.In the salinity 10 and 15 groups,blood moisture content of juveniles decreased first,and then increased.The decrements were positively correlated to salinities,and the blood moisture content of juveniles in all groups was not significantly different at 16 days after transfer.Changes in serum osmolality and Na+,Cl- concentrations of juveniles exposed to salinity 10 and 15 were consistent,i.e.increased significantly,then decreased and reached a new steady state.However,change in concentration of serum K+ in juveniles exposed to salinity 10 and 15 differed from the serum osmolality and Na+,Cl- concentrations.It decreased and reached a new stable state.The results indicated that salinity acclimation process of juvenile Chinese sturgeon,like other euryhaline fishes,can be divided into two periods:the critical period and the regulatory period.

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