• Volume 36,Issue 10,2012 Table of Contents
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    • >PAPERS
    • Cloning and analysis of full length cDNA of peritrophin in Litopenaeus vannamei

      2012, 36(10):1503-1511. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2012.27564

      Abstract (2924) HTML (0) PDF 1.63 M (2621) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to study the peritrophin function of Litopenaeus vannamei related to IHHNV invasion,the full-length cDNA library from intestinal tissue of Litopenaeus vannamei was constructed by switching mechanism at 5′ end of the RNA transcript technique(SMART),a full-length cDNA of peritrophin was obtained by gene splicing and its haracterization was analyzed.The capacity of constructed library was up to 1.05×106 pfu/mL,and its recombinant coefficient was 95%.1 600 clones selected randomly were sequenced,1 531 available sequences with inserted length ≥450 bp were obtained after removing vector.One cDNA of peritrophin gene sequence of 1 002 bp was obtained from the clones,its protein encodes 303 amino acids.The nucleotide sequences of Litopenaeus vannameihave an overall similarity of 80% to peritrophin 1,2 precursor and peritrophin 3 precursor of Penaeus monodon.Expression of peritrophin gene in different tissue was analyzed by semi-quantitative reverse transcription PCR(RT-PCR),the result showed that the expression of peritrophin transcript in myocardium and gastric was higher,the expression was lower in hepatopancreas,intestines and muscle,the minimal expression was in gills,but not in eyes; Expression was obviously weakened in heart of IHHNV injected Litopenaeus vannamei,expression was lower in hepatopancreas,eyestalk,muscle and gills tissues,there was almost no expression in intestines and stomach.These results suggest that peritrophin of Litopenaeus vannamei was involved in prevention of IHHNV invasion.

    • Morphological variability in reciprocal hybrids F1of Penaeus monodon from four geographical populations

      2012, 36(10):1512-1519. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2012.27886

      Abstract (2859) HTML (0) PDF 2.00 M (2781) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on 8 morphological characters, three multivariation analysis methods (principal component analysis, discriminant analysis and cluster analysis) were used to comparably investigate the morphological variations of the first generation of three self-bred (TT,SS,YY) and seven corresponding hybrids (ST, TS, YT, TY, SF, TF and YF) in Penaeus monodon from four geographical populations. ANOVA analysis indicated that the first generation of different mating group showed some morphological variations except SF and TF. The principal component analysis of the first generation of Penaeus monodon yielded two principal components (PCs), which accounted for 72.54% of the total variation. In the first PC, which explained 48.15% of the total variance, the most important characters were numbered of the third pleon segment length (TSL), second pleon segment length (SSL), sixth pleon segment length (SISL) and carapace width (CW) of the shrimps. In the second PC (24.39%), expressed variables exclusively associated with the carapace length (CL) and body length (BL). Based on DFA evaluation, the proportion of individuals correctly classified into their original groups were very low. The cluster analysis indicated that there were most similar morphological characters among the stocks of ST, TS, TT and SF, TF, YF.

    • Effects of formulated dietary replacement of trash fish on growth performance,body composition and fatty acid composition of Eriocheir sinensis

      2012, 36(10):1612-1623. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2012.27912

      Abstract (3132) HTML (0) PDF 1.05 M (3580) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Effects of replacement of trash fish with formulated diets on growth performance,body composition and fatty acid composition of Chinese mitten crab(Eriocheir sinensis)were investigated in this study.The culture tests were carried out at Chongming County,Shanghai,which lasted 240 days,from March to November.The survival and weight gain of each treatment were counted after breeding.Random sampling and then the hepatopancreas index(HSI),gonad index(GSI),meat percentage,body composition and fatty acid composition of each tissue of both male and female crab were determined.The result indicated that the formulated diets treatment had no significant influence on trash fish treatment in survival,weight gain,HSI,GSI and meat percentage(P>0.05).The moisture content in hepatopancreas of female and male crab of trash fish treatment were significantly higher than the formulated diets treatment(P<0.01),and the moisture content in meat of male crab of trash fish treatment was significantly higher than that of formulated diets treatment(P<0.01).Total lipid in hepatopancreas and gonad of female and male crab of trash fish group were significantly lower than that of formulated diets(P<0.05),and total lipid in meat of female crab of trash fish was significantly lower than that of formulated diets(P<0.05).Crude protein in hepatopancreas of female and male crab of trash fish was significantly higher than that of formulated diets(P<0.05),while crude protein in ovary of female crab of trash fish was significantly lower than that of formulated diets(P<0.05).Free fatty acid(FAA)in hepatopancreas of female of formulated diets treatment was significantly higher than trash fish treatment(P<0.05),and phospholipids(PL)content in hepatopancreas of female of trash fish treatment was significantly higher than formulated diets treatment(P<0.05).Triglycerides(TG)in both ovary and muscle of female of formulated diets treatment were significantly higher than trash fish treatment(P<0.05 or P<0.01),while FAA and PL contents of female of trash fish treatment were significantly higher than formulated diets treatment in ovary and muscle(P<0.05 or P<0.01).Cholesterol(CHO)in muscle of female of trash fish treatment was significantly higher than formulated diets treatment(P<0.01).There were no significantly differences in hepatopancreas of two treatments(P>0.05).FAA and TG in testis of trash fish treatment were significantly higher than formulated diets treatment(P<0.01),while PL in testis of trash fish treatment was significantly lower than formulated diets treatment(P<0.05).CHO in muscle of male of formulated diets treatment was significantly lower than trash fish treatment(P<0.01).Linolic acid(C18∶2n-6)in hepatopancreas and meat of male crab of trash fish were significantly lower than that of compound feed(P<0.01 orP<0.05),while ARA(C20∶4n-6)in meat of trash fish was significantly higher than that of compound feed(P<0.05).Linolenic acid(C18∶3n-3),DHA(C22∶6n-3)and ARA in ovary of female crab of trash fish were significantly lower than those of compound feed(P<0.01 orP<0.05).The results obtained from the present study indicated that suitable compound feed replacement of trash fish had no significant influence on growth and development of crab,while body composition and fatty acid composition of crab changed with different feeds

    • Genetic diversity analysis of microsatellite DNA in different varieties of Marsupenaneus japonicus

      2012, 36(10):1520-1528. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2012.28018

      Abstract (2994) HTML (0) PDF 3.29 M (2326) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Marsupenaneus japonicusis one of the important species in shrimp fisheries and aquaculture in China.Two morphologically similar varieties(Ⅰ and Ⅱ)with distinct color banding patterns on the carapace are recognized from the South China Sea.In the present study,9 pairs of microsatellite markers were used to detect the genetic diversities from two varieties of 6 wild stocks of M.japonicus,i.e.Zhoushan(ZS)stock in Zhejiang province,Xiamen(XM)stock in Fujian province,Huilai(HLQ and HLB)stock in Guangdong province,Lingshui(LS)stock in Hainan province and Beihai(BH)stock in Guangxi province.The results indicated:a total of 235 alleles were obtained from 9 markers in the 6 stocks.Polymorphic information content(PIC)value per locus was more than 0.5,indicating the 9 loci seemed highly polymorphic.Basic data statistics showed that the mean observed alleles in each stock were 13.2-17.7.The mean observed heterozygosity(Ho)ranged from 0.729 6 to 0.788 9 and the mean expected heterozygosity(He)ranged from 0.880 5 to 0.925 1.Average polymorphism information content(PIC)was 0.851 2-0.903 5,which explained high level of genetic diversity in 6 wild stocks.42.6% of stock loci showed significant deviation from the Hardy-Weinbery balance,and there was heterozygosity deficiency in all stocks.The pairwise genetic differentiation(Fst)in 6 M.japonicus stocks ranged from 0.011 8 to 0.091 1,indicating significant genetic differentiation among the 6 stocks.Analysis of molecular variance(AMOVA)revealed that the variation within stocks was 93.06%,whereas the variation among stocks accounted for 6.94% of the total variation.The genetic distance among stocks ranged from 0.178 5 to 0.621 8.Cluster analysis based on DA indicated that HLB,BH and LS stocks were clustered as one group while ZS,XM and HLQ were gathered in another group.

    • Review on studies of age and growth of sharks

      2012, 36(10):1624-1632. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2012.27889

      Abstract (3459) HTML (0) PDF 1.02 M (3278) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Sharks,as an important group of elasmobranches,play a vital role in keeping stability and diversity of marine ecosystem.Understanding of age and growth characteristics of sharks helps us know their life history and estimate the population dynamics and stock status.The main issues derived from previous studies of age and growth of sharks are as follows:(1)What is the most appropriate sample for aging sharks?(2)Which methods are the best for age determination and validation?(3)How to select the best model to describe growth.These issues are reviewed in this study.We compare the advantages,disadvantages and application limitations of two age determination methods(hard tissue identification,length frequency analysis)and three age validation methods(margin increment analysis,chemical markers,and bomb carbon dating).Applications of various growth models for different shark species are also analyzed.Our review indicates that vertebra close to the first dorsal fin are the best samples for determining age of sharks; chemical methods need to be used to increase the visibility of annuls; validation techniques are important for reducing systematic error in determining age of sharks; and multiple candidate models should be tested for choosing the optimal model.This study will provide guide and reference for further studying the age and growth of sharks.

    • Genetic variability assessed by microsatellites in mass selection lines of Pacific oyster(Crassostrea gigas)

      2012, 36(10):1529-1536. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2012.28157

      Abstract (2760) HTML (0) PDF 1.00 M (2521) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In breeding industries,a challenging problem is how to keep genetic diversity over ensuing generations,with the reason that a sufficient level of genetic variability is essential to maintain a sustained response from longterm selection for important traits.To investigate how mass selection process affects the genetic properties in our successive selection strains for fast growth of the Pacific oyster(Crassostrea gigas),ten polymorphic microsatellite loci were used to examine the genetic variation within population and differentiation among two wild populations,one base stock and three successive mass selection lines of C.gigas.High levels of genetic diversity of C.gigasin six populations were detected,as evidenced by large numbers of alleles per locus(N=24.0-29.7),and high levels of heterozygosities(He=0.925-0.956,Ho=0.724-0.809).Comp ared with the wild and base populations of C.gigas ,the mean allelic richness(Rs)in the three selectively bred generations declined slightly,but genetic heterozygosities were similar.Among the 60 population-locus cases(6 populations× 10 loci),47 cases deviated from HardyWeinberg equilibrium(P<0.05).Fis values ranged from 0.152 to 0.233,resulting in heterozygote deficiencies at the ten loci in each population.Fis values ranged from 0.008 to 0.025,showing weak genetic differentiation among the populations.The results obtained in this study show that high genetic variation exists in the three generations of selective populations,and suggest that there is still potential for increased gains in future generations of C.gigas.

    • The preliminary researches on half-smooth tongue sole spleen and ovary cells in vitro culture

      2012, 36(10):1537-1543. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2012.27981

      Abstract (2828) HTML (0) PDF 27.63 M (2076) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The cell lines from different organs of half-smooth tongue sole were the ideal material for researches on fish virology,genetic screening and functional analysis,etc.In this study,the researches of the spleen and ovary cells from female individual in vitro culture were developed by trypsin digestion method.The results showed that the spleen and ovary cells were cultured in minimum essential medium(MEM)supplemented with 20% fetal bovine serum(FBS),50 mmol/L 2-Mercaptoethanol(2-Me),100 U/mL penicillin,100 μg/mL streptomycin,1 mmol/L sodium pyruvate and 10 ng/mL basic fibroblast growth factor(bFGF),and microscopically,the cells were composed of fibroblast-like cells.The spleen cells were subcultured for 9 passages.Up to now,the ovary cells had been subcultured for 11 passages.Chromosome analysis revealed that the spleen and ovary cells maintained normal diploid number(2n=42),containing the heterogametic W chromosome.In subculture,the suitable concentration of FBS for the ovary cells was 20%.The spleen cells had been successfully transformed with red fluorescent protein(RFP)reporter plasmid.

    • Influence of low dosage infection on WSSV in latent period and haemocyte of Penaeus monodon

      2012, 36(10):1544-1553. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2012.27866

      Abstract (2791) HTML (0) PDF 1.59 M (2672) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The changes in mortalities ofPenaeus monodon(with 1×105 copies/g WSSV),WSSV loads in muscle,THC and the percentage of different types of haemocyte were studied by injection with WSSV solution containing 3×103,6×102,2×102copies/mL virus and PBS.Real-time PCR,and microscopical examination were used in this experiment.The results showed that the cumulative mortalities were 93.33%±2.89%,56.67%±5.77%,45.00%±5.00% respectively,when the concentration of WSSV solution were 3×103,6×102,2×102 copies/mL.No death was observed in the PBS group.When the concentration of WSSV solution was 3×103copies/mL,the virus load in the muscle reduced to minimum(3.54×104copies/g)at 30 min postinjection,and reached its maximum(3.12×108copies/g)at 48 h postinjection,then decreased again.For the other two experiment groups,the minimal virus load(1.11×105,9.54×104copies/g)in the muscle was observed at 1 h post-injection and the highest virus load(1.48×107,5.46×106copies/g)occurred at 48 h post-injection,but a second highest virus load(1.58×105,1.11×105copies/g)appeared at 6 h post-injection.No significant changes were found in the WSSV load of the control group throughout the experiment.The fluctuation range and the peak time of total haemocyte count(THC)were different between different dosage of WSSV solution.Especially THC reduced to minimum(3.48×106,4.05×106/mL)at 12 h and 48 h post-injection with 3×103 copies/mL solution.The variation of THC and WSSV load were negatively correlated except individual time points.Under all groups,the percentage of semi-granular cells showed upward trend obviously early post infection,but later remained at a high level although fluctuated; the percentage of granular and hyalinocyte cells showed downward trend early postinjection significantly,while increased slightly in the middle period,but the percentage of granular cells at the later stage of post-infection was significantly lower than that of early period,while the levels of hyaline cells between later and early stages of post-injection have no significant difference.

    • Development and application of an economical real-time PCR for WSSV detection and quantification in ridgetail white prawns(Exopalaemon carinicauda)

      2012, 36(10):1554-1562. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2012.28164

      Abstract (2829) HTML (0) PDF 2.55 M (1889) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:White spot syndrome virus(WSSV)can infect many kinds of crustaceans and thus has caused huge economic losses to the crustacean farming.In order to detect WSSV precisely and sensitively,quantify WSSV conveniently,and further investigate the WSSV multiplication patterns in crustaceans,a practical real-time PCR for the quantification and diagnosis of WSSV is required to be developed.However,currently,the harvested quantitative real-time PCR for WSSV was either costly for those which were developed based on the Taqman probe technology,or insensitive for a latest method which was set up with the SYBR green dye.In this study,a practical,sensitive,and specific quantitative real-time PCR for WSSV based on SYBR Green was developed,and the tissue distributions and the profiles of WSSV proliferation in ridgetail white prawns(Exopalaemon carinicauda)were examined with this method.The details were as follows.First,a pair of primers(F1,R1)was designed to amplify the target fragment,which would be used to construct WSSV standard plasmid,and then another pair of primers(RF2,RR2)located inside the above target fragment was synthesized to produce amplicons in real-time PCR reaction,thereby developing a new diagnostic and quantitative real-time PCR for WSSV with SYBR Green dye.The results demonstrated that this quantitative method for WSSV was specific,sensitive,and precise.Subsequently,we further investigated WSSV distribution and proliferation pattern in ridgetail white prawns.The results of WSSV distribution showed that WSSV infected all detected tissues,among which,the connective tissues under the carapace possessed the highest virus load(1.1×107 copies/μg tissue),and the second highest tissue were gills with the virus load of 4.1×106 copies/μg tissue; The data of WSSV proliferation pattern illustrated that the copies of WSSV began to increase dramatically at 48 h after challenge,but before that there was no obvious change for virus copies.With the increase of infection time,the copies of WSSV increased more and reached the highest numbers at 120h post infection.In addition,we found that during this process the mortality of ridgetail white prawns caused by WSSV was approximately 20%.All these results suggest that WSSV is a deadly pathogen to ridgetail white prawns,and the new quantitative real-time PCR for WSSV is practica.

    • Analysis of bacterial community structure of Bio-Floc by PCR-DGGE

      2012, 36(10):1563-1571. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2012.27998

      Abstract (3110) HTML (0) PDF 3.25 M (2844) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Bio-Floc consists of phytoplankton,bacteria,aggregates of living and dead particulate organic matter,and grazers of the bacteria.It not only can regulate water quality,but also can supply the food protein for breeding animals.For the study of bacterial community structure of BioFloc in freshwater culture systems,the key technologies of Israeli Avnimelech team about Bio-Floc in the field of aquaculture were used in this paper.Glucose was added as the carbon source which makes a C∶N ratio of 20∶1 be maintained during the experiment.The bacterial communities of BioFloc were analyzed by using the PCR-DGGE(PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis)on the 5th,10th,and 15th day,respectively.The results indicated that the similarity of bacterial communities was highest on the 5th day and 10th day which was 67.4%,and was lowest on the 5th day and 15th day which was 40.5%.Diversity of bacterial species in the Bio-Floc was maximal on the 10th day and minimal on the 15 day.The acquired sequences of 24 bands in DGGE gel were performed by BLAST searches against NCBI database,and the sequences including the closely related sequences were aligned with Clustal W program in BioEdit software for phylogenetic analysis.The main microbes represented by 24 main bands in DGGE gel were Alphaproteobacteria,Gammaproteobacteria,Betaproteobacteria,Actinobacteria,Bacilli and Bacteroidetes.Among these bacteria,the α-,β-,and γ-proteobacteria are the major bacterial groups,but Actinobacteria bacteria exist on the 10th day and the 15th day.α-proteobacteria was the dominant bacteria during the entire process.The specific bacteria at different stages were usually the flocculant-producing bacteria:Acidovorax,Aeromonas,Agrobacterium only for 5th day;Bacillus,Rhodococcus for 10th day and 15th day,respectively.This study first found that the composition and diversity of bacteria of the Bio-Floc used in freshwater aquaculture systems are extremely rich.The study of functional microbial composition of the Bio-Floc may help to lay the foundation for the further application of the bio-floc technology in actual aquaculture production.

    • Analysis of cultivable heterotrophic bacteria involved in nitrogen cycle in grass carp(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)pond

      2012, 36(10):1572-1578. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2012.28008

      Abstract (2856) HTML (0) PDF 1.05 M (2638) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The aim of the present study was to detect the levels of NH+4-N,NO-2-N and NO-3-N,and to determine the numbers of ammonifying,nitrifying,and denitrifying bacteria,which are responsible for the nitrogen cycling process in four representative grass carp(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)ponds.After sampling water from 4 grass carp ponds,one hundred strains selected randomly from each sample were tested by qualitative color reaction,and on the basis of the test,11 strains of heterotrophic bacteria were selected for 16S rRNA sequence analysis.Results showed that the mean levels of NH+4-N and NO-2-N was 5.597 mg/L and 0.135 mg/L,respectively.The cultivable heterotrophic bacteria density in fish pond was 3.26×105 cfu/mL and 89.75% of them were involved in nitrogen cycle,65.75% and 31% of which were involved in NH+4-N production and degrading,respectively.This result indicated that the overwhelming majority of nitrite-producing bacteria resulted in high level of nitrite in grass fish pond.The identification results of 11 strains of heterotrophic bacteria were as follows:six of them were related to Stenotrophomonas,three of them were related to Pseudomonas,and the other two strains were Klebsiella and Enterobacter,respectively.Moreover,there might be strain differences on utilization of nitrogen resourses.

    • Exploration of transgenic method for goldfish and loach with the piggyBac transposon

      2012, 36(10):1473-1481. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2012.27930

      Abstract (3056) HTML (0) PDF 11.97 M (2181) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To investigate the applicability of the transposon piggyBac in Cyprinidae and Cobitidae fish, the expression element of DsRed under the control of PAβ promoter was inserted into the plasmid pigA3GFP to generate transgenic vector pigA3GFP-AβDsRed. The results of the CIK cell transfected with pigA3GFP-AβDsRed showed that the transposon piggyBac could transfer exogenous genes into CIK genome, and both of the promoter A3 from silkworm and the promoter CMV from CMV have the bioactivity. Moreover, the pigA3GFP-AβDsRed and pigA3GFP were mixed with helper plasmid helper-pigA3 respectively, and then were introduced into the eggs of goldfish and loach by sperm-mediated transfer. The results of fluorescence observation, PCR and Dot blotting verified that both transgenic goldfish and loach were obtained. Therefore, PB transposon was considered to be active in some fish of Cyprinidae and Cobitidae. Therefore, PB transposon was considered to be active in some fish of Cyprinidae and Cobitidae.

    • Seasonal changes of bacterial community composition in digestive diverticula of scallops Chlamys farreri

      2012, 36(10):1579-1584. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2012.28037

      Abstract (2941) HTML (0) PDF 1.24 M (2389) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The seasonal changes of bacteria community composition in digestive diverticula of 2 age scallopsChlamys farreri were studied.The scallop samples were collected every month since June 2009 to June 2010(except Feb.)from Shazikou Liuqinghe sea area of Qingdao,which was the scallop culture area.The genomic DNA was extracted from digestive diverticula of scallop using SDS schizolysis method.Bacterial V3-V5 region of 16S rDNA was amplified with the 358f and 907r primers.Then,denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis(DGGE)was used to analyze and discriminate the amplified fragments.The DGGE fingerprint was analyzed by software Quantity One.The results showed that DGGE profiles exhibited 11 distinguishable bands,and 9 bands existed in all 12 months,the proportion of co-existed bands was 81.82%,the results indicated that the bacterial community composition was relatively stable in the digestive diverticula.Only 9 DGGE bands were successfully re-amplified,cloned,sequenced and aligned with BLAST.The result showed that the bacterial sequences shared high similarities(97%-99%)with sequences logged on NCBI.And the 9 bands belong to 4 major groups:Proteobacteria,Firmicute,Cyanobacteria and Actinobacteria.The predominant bacteria species in digestive diverticula of scallops were Massilia,Bacillus,Synechococcus,Exiguobacterium,Rhodococcus and uncultured bacteria.

    • Cloning and expression analysis of histocompatibility complexⅠα antigen (MHCⅠα)from humphead snapper Lutjanus sanguineus

      2012, 36(10):1482-1492. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2012.27869

      Abstract (2653) HTML (0) PDF 1.79 M (2362) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the present study,full-length cDNA sequences of histocompatibility complexⅠα antigen(MHCⅠα)was cloned by rapid amplification of cDNA ends technique (RACE)from humphead snapper(Lutjanus sanguineus).Full-length cDNA sequence of MHCⅠα is 1 369 bp,encoding 354 amino acids.BLAST analysis revealed that the amino ids sequence of MHCⅠα shared high identity(84%)with other MHCⅠ.Phylogenetic tree was constructed by the NeighborJoining method,and the results suggested MHCⅠα of humphead snapper shared the closest genetic relationship with the MHCⅠof Epinephelus coioides.The results of fluorescent real time quantitative RTPCR showed that the expression of MHCⅠα mRNA could be detected in head kidney,and the maximum expression appeared in 6-15 h post infection.MHCⅠα was subcloned into pET32a(+)to construct expression plasmids pET32-MHCⅠα.SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis indicated that the recombinant proteins were successfully expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3).Then the recombinant proteins were purified and the antiserum was obtained by immunizing rabbits with the purified recombinant proteins emulsified with adjuvant.ELISA analysis showed that the titer of the antiserum prepared in this study was 1∶40 000.The results of the Western blot revealed that specific antigenantibody reaction occurred between the antiserum and the recombinant proteins.

    • Ecological distribution of bacteria in the sediment of the laver culture area and cage culture area in Xiangshangang Bay

      2012, 36(10):1585-1591. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2012.27843

      Abstract (2656) HTML (0) PDF 1.15 M (2733) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Microbiological investigation was performed to determine the mariculture impact on the ecological distribution of bacteria in the sediment of the laver culture area and cage culture area of Xiangshangang Bay in January and October,2006,and the results were compared with those in adjacent non-cultured area of cage and laver culture.Bacterial quantity presents a series of characters in sediment:Higher bacterial number was observed in Oct.than that in Jan.,and the horizontal distribution of bacterial quantity displayed that Cage culture area[average of(9.6×104±2.0×105) cfu/g]>Reference site near cage[average of(1.5×104±2.4×104) cfu/g]>Laver culture area[average of(4.3×103±1.6×103) cfu/g]and Reference site near laver culture[average of(4.7×103±3.0×103) cfu/g].109 strains of heterotrophic bacteria isolated from laver culture area mainly belonged to 17 genera,and Bacillus and Coryneforms were the dominant genera.95 strains isolated from reference site near laver culture mainly belonged to 18 genera,andBacillus and Coryneforms were the dominant genera.136 strains isolated from cage culture area mainly belonged to 11 genera,andBacillus,Coryneforms,Pseudomonas,Acinetobacter and Vibrio were the dominant genera.Bacteria in sediment under laver culture and reference site near laver culture were mostly common ones that appeared in marine sediment,and the microbial densities in these two areas were higher than that in cage culture area and reference site near cage.Because of longterm drainage of organic matters,cage culture sediment’s microbial density had reduced,its bacterial composition was similar to that in muddy sea areas,and the effect on bacterial community induced by culture has spread to its adjacent area.It is clear that there exist differences in the characters of bacterial ecological distribution in laver and cage culture areas,and bacterial quantitative distribution and community structures were closely related to self-pollution status of mariculture.

    • Sea-air flux of CO2 in Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas aquaculture area of East Gongjia Island in Autumn

      2012, 36(10):1592-1598. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2012.27876

      Abstract (2580) HTML (0) PDF 1.24 M (2350) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Several recent studies suggesting that respiration and calcification activities by shellfish represent a net source of CO2. In order to the assess the effect of shellfish aquaculture on the sea-air CO2 flux, a Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas aquaculture area which is located in East Gongjia Island, Rushan City, were selected as the investigation area. Based on the investigation data of pH, total alkalinity (TA), chla, etc. in October 2011, the concentration and horizontal distribution of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) system parameters were calculated. Moreover, sea-air CO2 fluxes and the contribution of phytoplankton to the sea-air CO2 flux were estimated. Results showed that the DIC concentration of surface sea water ranged between 1953.20 μmol/L to 2130.74 μmol/L, with an average of 2048.73 ± 57.19 μmol/L; the main component of DIC was HCO3-, which occupied 88.25%; the pCO2 ranged from 220.08 μatm to 262.29 μatm, with an average of 246.46 ± 23.00 μatm; the sea-air flux of CO2 ranged from -53.78 mmol/(m2.d) to -21.93 mmol/(m2.d), with an average of -42.09 mmol/(m2.d), which represented that this area acted as a strong sink of atmosphere CO2 in autumn; Carbon fixed strength of phytoplankton ranged between 460.27 to 725.64 mg/(m2.d), with an average of 593.27 ± 91.98 mg/(m2.d); the higher sea-air flux of CO2 was mostly contributed by the photosynthesis of phytoplankton; there was no significant difference between culture area and non-cultured area of sea-air flux of CO2, which indicated that the respiration and calcification activities of oyster had little effect on the CO2 flux.

    • Recombinant expression and functional characterization of a C-type lectin(Fclectin)from the Chinese shrimp(Fenneropenaeus chinensis)

      2012, 36(10):1493-1502. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2012.28102

      Abstract (2815) HTML (0) PDF 10.56 M (1965) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Chinese shrimp(Fenneropenaeus chinensis)is distributed mainly along Chinese inshore areas,and is one of the most important farmed shrimp in China.The studies on innate immune responses of shrimps,especially on immune defense against the main crustacean pathogens,will provide more knowledge of shrimp immunity to prevent infectious Invertebrates do not possess an adaptive immune system based on highly specific antibodies and antigen receptors.They must rely on efficient immune defenses capable of protecting them against invading microorganisms.The chief issue of crustacean immunity should concern non-self-recognition mechanisms.Proteins that specifically bind to certain carbohydrate components on the surface of microorganisms play an important role in non-self-recognition and cleaning up of the invading microorganisms.Such proteins are known as pattern recognition receptors(PRRs).Lectins exist in almost all living organisms.Due to their ability of binding to terminal sugars on glycoproteins and glycolipids,lectins are primary candidates for pattern recognition receptors in innate immunity.C type Lectin is regarded as a potential molecule involved in immune recognition and phagocytosis through opsonization in crustacean.In the preliminary study,a novel C-type lectin was cloned from hemocytes of Chinese shrimp,(Fenneropenaeus chinensis).It contains two tandem carbohydrate recognition domains(CRDs)/C-type lectinlike domains.Both of the CRDs contain a QPD(Gln-Pro-Asp)motif that has a predicted binding specificity for galactosetype sugar.In this research,two recombinant target proteins(rFclectinCRD1 and rFclectinCRD2)were expressed by prokaryotic expression system.The result showed that fusion protein was expressed in the form of inclusion bodies.The LC-ESI-MS analysis showed that two peptide fragments of rFclectin-CRD1 and rFclectin-CRD2 were identical with the corresponding sequence of F.chinensis C-type lectin.Recombinant protein was purified by immobilizedmetal affinity chromatography and Ni-NTA technology.The concentrations of purified target proteins were 0.4 g/L.rFclectin-CRD1 and rFclectinCRD2 had agglutinating and antimicrobial activity against main pathogens in aquaculture in a calciumdependent manner.The agglutinating activity can be inhibited by multiple carbohydrates,such as galactose,peptidoglycan and lipopolysaccharide.These results suggest thatFclectin,as a dependent carbohydrate-recognition protein,is one of the important PRRs.It might play a crucial role in the innate immunity of the shrimp and is expected to be applied in disease control.

    • Effect of dietary replacement of fish meal protein with silkworm pupae on the growth performance,body composition,and health status of Cyprinus carpio var.specularis fingerlings

      2012, 36(10):1599-1611. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2012.27945

      Abstract (2986) HTML (0) PDF 7.71 M (2512) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:he experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of partial replacement of fish meal(FM)with silkworm pupae(SWP)on juvenile Cyprinus carpio var.specularis[(12.10±0.89) g].FM diet(fish meal 10%,silkworm pupae 0%,CP 36.18%,EE 5.18%)and SWP diet(fish meal 5%,silkworm pupae5.5%,CP 35.38%,EE 5.06%)were formulated to feed the fish three times daily to visual satiety in indoor circulating water system for 61 days.The results showed that final body weight(FBW),weight gain rate(WGR),special growth rate(SGR),protein efficiency ratio(PER),feed conversion ratio(FCR),survival rate(SR)of the SWP group and FM group were not significantly different(P>0.05),while no difference was found in condition factor(CF),viscerossomatic index(VI),hepatosomatic index(HI),spleen index(SI),intestine index(II),as well as the content of moisture,crude lipid,crude protein,crude ash of the fish tissue(P>0.05).The contents of Lys in whole body and Tyr in muscle of SWP group were significantly lower than those in FM group(P<0.05).The contents of C14∶0,C16∶1n-7 and C18∶1n-7 in muscle of SWP group were significantly lower than those in FM group,and the contents of C18∶3n-3 and ∑n-3PUFA in muscle of SWP group were significantly higher than those in FM group(P<0.05).On the other hand,the contents of C18∶3n-3 and C22∶5n-3 in hepatopancreas of SWP group were significantly higher than those in FM group(P<0.05).No significant difference was found in serum biochemical indices,index of atherogenicity(IA)and index of thrombogenicity(IT)between the two groups(P>0.05).There are no significant differences in mucosa amount,mucosa height,mucosa width and submucosa thickness of foregut and midgut(P>0.05),however,the muscular coat thickness of foregut was significantly lower in SWP group than FM group(P<0.05).It is concluded that silkworm pupae is an acceptable alternative animal protein source,which can replace up to 50% of fish meal protein inC.carpiovar.specularisdiet without significant adverse impact on the health status,althought it affects the tissue amino acid and fatty acids profiles,and has a tendency to promote the growth performance and feed utilization.

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