• Volume 35,Issue 10,2011 Table of Contents
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    • >PAPERS
    • Molecular classification and morphological traits of two species of Meretrix (Mollusca,Bivalvia)

      2011, 35(10):1505-1512. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (2827) HTML (0) PDF 1.29 M (3093) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Although many species of the genus Meretrix are commerciallyimportant cultured bivalves,the taxonomy of Meretrix is still in argument over several discrepancies among scientists in the world.Compared with the groups of Meretrix meretrix (RD & BH),two groups of Meretrix clam(CN & BW),collected from Cangnan and Beihai,were phylogenetically analyzed and molecularly classified based on partial sequences of the mitochondrial COⅠ gene.The results indicated that the base sequence of CN group and M.lamarckii with similar composition was the highest in homology of 100.0% and 99.2%,respectively.Phylogenetic NJ and UPGMA tree of Meretrix based on genetic distance also showed that CN1 and CN2 were clustered together with M.lamarckii firstly.Therefore we classified CN group as M.lamarckii,which extended the geographic distribution of M.lamarckii from Taiwan to the southern coast of Zhejiang and corrected the existing document claims.But,the BW group shared low sequence homology(79.6%-85.3%)with other six species of Meretrix and formed much independently cluster beyond among groups.Number of polymorphic sites,indexes of haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity revealed that the level of genetic diversity from high to low was BH>M.lamarckii>RD>BW.The COⅠ gene sequences of BW group showed very low genetic diversity and no nucleotide variation among 10 individuals.The morphological characters of M.lamarckii, BW and M.meretrix were analyzed using statistical analysis of AMOVA and Tukey’s multiple comparisons for seven morphological traits.Three morphological parameters,including SH/SL,SMW/TW and IW/TW,of M.lamarckii differed significantly with M.meretrix and BW(P<0.05).BW with relatively expanded shell shape differed significantly with M.meretrix and M.lamarckii in parameters of SW/SL and SW/SH(P<0.05).These results can be expected to provide basic data for the studies of species identification,germplasm conservation and phylogeny.

    • Effects of shell morphological traits on the weight traits of clam Mactra veneriformis Reeve along northern coast in China

      2011, 35(10):1513-1518. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (3262) HTML (0) PDF 1.05 M (2978) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:123 clams Mactra veneriformis Reeve were randomly sampled in April 2010.The shell length(X1),height(X2),width(X3),and the live body weight(Y)and edible tissue weight(Z)were measured.The shell morphological traits were used as independent variables,and live body weight or edible tissue weight used as a dependent variable for calculating the path coefficients,correlation index and determinant coefficients.The direct and indirect effects of all shell morphological traits on weight traits were analyzed and a multiple regression equation was obtained.The results showed that the live body weight and edible tissue weight were significantly correlated with the three shell morphological traits(P<0.01).The direct effects of three shell morphological traits on live body weight and edible tissue weight were in order of shell widths>shell lengths>shell heights.Shell width had greatest direct effect on the live body weight and was the key influencing factor.The determinant coefficients of shell width on live body weight and edible tissue weight were 0.302 5 and 0.224 7.The multiple regression equations were obtained to estimate live body weight and edible tissue weight as Y=-19.537+0.244X1+0.266X2+0.732; Z=-2.456+0.035X1+0.035X2+0.089X3.This study shows in selective breeding of M.veneriformis Reeve the shell width was the ideal measurement index.The results provide a theoretical basis for breeding of M.veneriformis Reeve.

    • Arsenic species variation in the different growth cycles and enrichment effect of arsenic in Porphyra yezoensis

      2011, 35(10):1519-1523. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (3450) HTML (0) PDF 1.06 M (2884) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The changes of total arsenic and different arsenic species in Porphyra yezoensis collected from January to April in 2011 from three coastal areas in Jiangsu Province were determined and the characteristics of As accumulation were for the first time analyzed.Results showed that in all samples collected from different areas and times,the organic arsenosugar(AsS)accounted for 90.40%-98.14% of the total As,the second high content was dimethyl arsenic(DMA)and the lowest was inorganic arsenic(iAs),which ranged from 0.054 mg/kg to 0.14 mg/kg.And there are significant differences in three arsenic species(P<0.05).In addition,the total arsenic and arsenosugar in P.yezoensis peaked in February and then decreased gradually,while the content of iAs and the percentage of iAs to total arsenic kept decreasing from January to April in all the samples collected from three coastal areas.P.yezoensis had high As accumulation capability as the bioconcentration factor(BCF)was from 454.4 to 623.8.Present study further proved that the iAs content in P.yezoensis is far below the maximum limit according to the legislation in our country.

    • Identification and lipopolysaccharide antigenicity analysis of Mycobacterium marinum isolated from Sebastes schlegeli

      2011, 35(10):1524-1531. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (2662) HTML (0) PDF 2.56 M (2259) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Mycobacterium marinum is an opportunistic pathogen which can infect 150 kinds of aquatic animals.In this paper,the same bacteria strain FZ09 was isolated from the mucus,dorsal fins and gills of Sebastods schlegeli,and was identified as Mycobacterium marinum by physiological,biochemical characterization and heat shock protein 65 DNA sequence analysis.Lipopolysaccharide(LPS)was extracted from strain FZ09 by phenol-chloroform-methanol method,ethanol-phenol-water method and hot phenolwater method,respectively,and the composition and antigenic differences of the extracted LPS were analyzed by SDS-PAGE,Western-blotting and ELISA.The results showed that LPS extracted by three methods shared the same compositions and the main bands had molecular weights of 14,16 and 23 ku.LPS extracted by ethanol-phenol method had the highest purity and concentration,and LPS extracted by traditional hot phenol water method had the most bands and best antigenicity.Western-blotting showed that anti-FZ09 antiserum mainly reacted with 14 ku band of the LPS,which showed a negative reaction after mild treatment with periodate except for LPS extraction by traditional hot phenol-water method that demonstrated weak positive.ELISA revealed that reactivity of anti-FZ09 antiserum and LPS decreased after periodate oxidation and OD405 reduced significantly.

    • Study on the identification of allergens from 7 fishes commonly consumed in Qingdao and their cross-reactivity

      2011, 35(10):1532-1539. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (2683) HTML (0) PDF 2.34 M (2259) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Qingdao is a coastal city of China where the problem of fish allergy is increasingly prominent.There have been no data providing a comprehensive picture of the major fish allergens to local people so far.Based on the above situation,the aim of this research was to study on the cross-reactivity of different fish allergens,to provide primary basis of safe eating guide for local fish allergic individuals.To determine the allergens of 7 commonly edible fishes:Alaska pollock(Theragra chatcogramma),red snapper(Pagrosomus major),salmon(Salmo salar),spanish mackerel(Scomberomrus niphonius),turbot(Scophthatmus maximus),large yellow croaker(Larimichthys crocea) and carp(Cyprinus carpio),SDS-PAGE was applied to observe the protein components of fish extracts.Sera from 18 fish allergic patients were used in Western-blot.Cross-reactivity was investigated by IgG Western-blot,IgG ELISA and ELISA inhibition used rabbit anti-spanish mackerel parvalbumin polyclonal antibody.Results showed that the major fish allergens were 48-57,33-41 ku,28 ku and 17 ku proteins to Qingdao residents,which was distinct from the common consensus that parvalbumin was the major allergen in fish.Meanwhile,the study on the cross-reactivity of fish parvalbumin also indicated there was a quite strong cross-reactivity between different species of fish proteins.Therefore,despite the allergens might be different from each other,it was suggested that the subjects not eat other 6 fishes if allergic to one of them.

    • Isolation and identification of PSP toxin in xanthid crab (Zosimus aeneus)collected from coral reef in Japan

      2011, 35(10):1540-1546. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (3273) HTML (0) PDF 1.26 M (2825) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Some xanthid crabs are known to be toxic and have a serious threat of food poisoning.In present study,the distribution of toxicities in exoskeletal and visceral tissues in the xanthid crab, Zosimus aeneus collected from Ishigaki Island,Okinawa Prefecture,Japan and its paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins(PSP)profiles were examined.Toxicity assay showed that all of six individuals tissue were strongly toxic although there was significant difference among individuals in toxicity.Total toxicity of the individuals ranged between 37 500 MU and 116 000 MU,exceeding the estimated adult lethal dose of 5 000 MU.Generally,the toxicity of the exoskeletal tissues(909-1 610 MU/g)was higher than that of the visceral tissues(111-576 MU/g).The purification showed that the crude extract could be partly purified by repeat of chromatography on a Bio-Gel-P2 column,and the specific toxicity of the toxin fractions rose approximately to 30 MU/mg from 4.8 MU/mg.Furthermore,the partial purified toxin fraction was applied to Bio-Rex 70 column chromatography,and the results showed that almost toxin was absorbed onto the resin,and approximately 9% of the toxin eluted by 0.03 mol/L acetic acid.This result indicates the toxin in Zosimus aeneus crab contained gonyatoxins(GTXs,a kind of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins).HPLC analysis revealed that the GTXs fraction consisted of GTX2 and GTX3,along with decarbamoyl GTX2(dcGTX2)and decarbamoyl GTX3(dcGTX3)as the minor.

    • The full length cDNA cloning and expression profile of vitellogenin C(Vg C)gene from swordtail fish Xiphophorus helleri

      2011, 35(10):1441-1449. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (2718) HTML (0) PDF 1.79 M (2633) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Endocrine disruption seems to be related to high vitellogenin(Vg)levels in male fish and has emerged as a useful biomarker of exposure to estrogenic substances.In this study,we show full-length cDNA sequence of swordtail fish vitellogenin C(Vg C)to provide a basis for assessing estrogenic effects of endocrine disrupting compounds in aquatic environment.Full-length Vg C gene cDNA of swordtail fish were obtained using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR)and rapid amplification of cDNA ends(RACE)techniques with total RNA extracted from liver of a swordtail fish after treatment with 17β-estradiol(E2).The result of sequence analysis indicated that the full-length of swordtail fish’s Vg C cDNA is 4 011 bp,containing an open reading frame(ORF)of 3 753 bp which encodes a 1 250 amino acids protein with deduced protein molecular weight of 141.7 ku.The comparation results showed that the nucleotide homology of Vg C was 57%-92% and amino acid homology of Vg C was 44%-85% between swordtail fish and other ten teleosts.Furthermore,expression profile of Vg C mRNA in different tissues and time intervals of swordtail fish was determined by realtime fluorescent quantitative PCR.The result showed the swordtail fish’s Vg C mRNA was mainly detected in liver and weakly in spleen,kidney,ovary.After exposure to E2,Vg C mRNA expression quantified in liver of swordtail fish had reached a peak on the fifth day,and then the expression level declined gradually.The data obtained from present study provided valuable information for research on reproduction and physiology and application of environmental pollution monitoring of swordtail fish.

    • Mechanism of enhancing the water-holding capacity of white leg shrimp by alginate oligosacchrides

      2011, 35(10):1547-1553. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (2910) HTML (0) PDF 7.96 M (2638) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The product of HDX-A with a molecular weight over 6 000 ku was made from sodium alginate obtained by H2O2.And the mechanism of the HDXA enhancing the water-holding capacity of white leg shrimp was studied.The results showed that the weight of white leg shrimp significantly increased by 14.6 percent after being marinated in 1 percent solution for 1 hour.Also the drip loss and the cooking loss were lower than those of the control and phosphate compound treatments after being frozen 20 days.Although the ATPase activity of the HDX-A treatment reduced by 40 percent,it was lower than the untreated sample and the control.But there was no difference between the HDX-A treatment and the compound phosphate treatment in the ATPase activity.The physical characteristics of the HDX-A treatment sample were similar to the fresh sample except that the break strength became small.The result of the histology showed that the building and growth of the ice were affected by HDX-A during frozen storage.The holes were smaller and more in unit area than those of the control.The ratio of the hole whose area was less than 100 μm2 was about 74.5 percent.The percentage of the other holes whose area were between 100-2 500 μm2 was 25.5.There was no super big hole in the white leg shrimp muscle.

    • Cloning,sequencing and tissue expression of the cytochrome P450 3A136 in crucian carp(Carassius auratus gibelio)

      2011, 35(10):1450-1457. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (2663) HTML (0) PDF 6.64 M (2452) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Cytochrome P450s(CYPs)are important xenobiotic metabolizing proteins.Their gene feature and protein function have been well understood in mammals,while their potent drug metabolic activity in freshwater fish aroused aquatic biologists’ attention.Many DNA sequences of CYP3As have been discovered in teleosts such as killifish,rainbow trout and minnow.However,little has been referred to important freshwater economic fish in China.This study focused on CYP3A’s cDNA sequence of crucian carp and predicted its protein structure and function preliminarily.In this study,degenerate primers for CYP3A of crucian carp were designed on the basis of conserved regions of known CYP3A sequences from five teleosts.Using crucian carp cDNA as a template,the partial fragments of crucian carp CYP3A cDNA were amplified.An antisense primer for 5′-RACE and a sense primer for 3′-RACE were designed to obtain the full-length CYP3A cDNA sequence by 5′ and 3′RACE.The full-length of CYP3A cDNA for crucian carp is 1 769 bp with open reading frame(ORF)of 1 545 bp encoding 514 amino acids.The calculated MW was of 58.624 ku and a theoretical pI of 6.30.The Cytochrome P450 Nomenclature Committee has named this cDNA CYP3A136.The deduced amino acid sequence of crucian carp’s CYP3A136 showed high similarity with those of rare gudgeon,grass carp and fathead minnow.It contained the conserved heme-binding motif of cytochrome P450 monooxygenases(FXXGXXXCXG).Furthermore,we examined the gene expression levels of CYP3A136 in tissues by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction(RTPCR)assay.The results demonstrated that the highest levels of CYP3A136 mRNA were seen in liver and intestine,followed by kidney and gill,and lower level were seen in other tissues.

    • Preliminary study on mechanism of color formation for oyster protein beverage

      2011, 35(10):1554-1562. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (2982) HTML (0) PDF 1.48 M (2713) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this investigation,beverages were prepared in two pH conditions(pH 4.9 and pH 6.7)and stored in three temperature conditions(4,20 and 37 ℃),and the mechanism of color formation was preliminarily discussed,by determination of browning index,pH value,free amino acids,total sugar and reducing sugar content,in the step of sterilization and during storage.The results showed the browning index in pH 6.7 groups was higher than that of pH 4.9 groups not only during the sterilization but during the storage,in which temperature promoted the browning action as a whole.Composition analysis showed that both groups of beverage were similar in change of compositions,but the pH 6.7 group was more violent than that of pH 4.9 group.The kinds of amino acids and their concentrations became fluctuant during storage,in which,some amino acids such as aspartic acid increased remarkably,while some amino acids such as threonine,serine,cystein,tyrosine and arginine decreased evidently.On the other hand,the concentrations of total sugar and reducing sugar were decreased obviously during storage.These results imply amino acids such as threonine,serine,cystein,tyrosine,arginine,and reducing sugar involved the browning reaction whose distribution to be a Maillard reaction,and consequently causing the beverage color down during processing and storage,where both pH value and storage temperature were the major influencing conditions.

    • The induction of imidazole derivative KK-42 on heat shock protein expression in Litopenaeus vannamei

      2011, 35(10):1458-1462. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (3193) HTML (0) PDF 1.13 M (2594) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Heat shock proteins(HSP)play important roles in coping with environmental stresses and self-protection in animals.Our previous study has demonstrated that the treatment of imidazole derivative KK-42 can increase the survival rate of Litopenaeus vannamei.In order to research the possible molecular mechanism of KK-42 effect on L.vannamei,a part of HSP90 mRNA sequence was first cloned; the spatial and temporal expressions of HSP90 and HSP70 as well as the effect of KK-42 on the expressions were determined.The shrimps(L.vannamei),3.5-5.0 cm long,were soaked for 1 min in KK-42 solution at a concentration of 1.95×10-4 mol/L or in the solution without KK-42,and then cultured in normal way.Results showed that HSP90 and HSP70 were expressed in mandibular organ,eyestalk,muscle and hepatopancreas tissues,of which the levels from hepatopancreas were higher.Compared to treatment group,hepatopancreas HSP90 and HSP70 mRNA levels were relatively lower although the obvious fluctuations of the levels were found during experiment in control group.Administration of KK-42 could significantly induce hepatopancreas HSP90 and HSP70 expressions.The HSP70 and HSP90 mRNA contents increased by 243.4%,141.3%,410.5% and 121.6%,505.5%,481.7%,respectively,compared with the corresponding controls on day 1,day 2 and day 3 after KK-42 treatment.Our present study demonstrates that KK42 treatment significantly induces the transcriptions of HSP90 and HSP70 from hepatopancreas,which is likely one of the mechanisms of promoting-survival effect of KK-42 on L.vannamei.

    • Development and analysis of 17 SSR from Crassostrea gigas fosmid database

      2011, 35(10):1463-1468. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (3096) HTML (0) PDF 1.14 M (2453) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Pacific oyster(Crassostrea gigas)is a widespread,delicious and nutritious species and is of high economic value.The codominant molecular microsatellite marker(also called simple sequence repeat,SSR)complies with Mendelian inheritance principles and is a powerful tool for analyzing population genetic structure,breeding and constructing genetic map because of its highly polymorphic and accurate genotyping.Sequences used in the study were obtained from end sequencing of fosmid library of the C.gigas.TRF software was used to exploit SSR loci with dinucleotide repeat,and 50 pairs of primers were acquired based on conserved SSR flanking sequence.We did preliminary screening in eight individuals and 17 of the above 50 primers were proved polymorphic.These primers were then screened and verified in a wild population in Qingdao,Shandong Province.Of these loci,17 showed polymorphism.The average number of allele(Na),number of effective alleles(Ne),observed heterozygosity(Ho),and expected heterozygosity(He)was 4,2.82,0.395 9,and 0.628 8,respectively.Among these loci,polymorphism information content(PIC)of 11 loci was more than 0.5,and 49 alleles in total were suitable for C.gigas population genetic structure analysis.The other 6 loci was moderately polymorphic and 0.25χ2 test)and Sequential Bonferroni calibration,we found that all loci except DEC_1 deviated equilibrium,suggesting that the growth and frequencies of genotypes of C.gigas changed.Blastp alignment analysis of 10 000 bp flanking sequences of SSR loci in nr database of NCBI showed that 13 linked gene sequences were development or metabolism related and can be used as molecular markers.The present results indicated that the development of SSR molecular marker based on the fosmid library can effectively remedy the predicament of lacking SSR markers of Pacific oyster to provide basis to protect and utilize the genetic diversity of this species.

    • Effect of the leadline weight and net setting speed on sinking speed of the tuna purse seine

      2011, 35(10):1563-1571. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (3349) HTML (0) PDF 1.46 M (3150) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The sinking performance which is directly related to the fishing efficiency is the most important performance of the purse seine.Study on the effect of different factors on sinking performance of the tuna purse seine by model test has important significance of improving the sinking performance of purse seine.Based on the tuna purse seine model test at Qiandao Lake(Thousands Island Lake),Zhejiang Province between October 24 and 26,2009,study was conducted on the effect of leadline weight and setting speed on sinking speed of the tuna purse seine lead line by GLM model.The results showed that:(1) The lead line weight and the net setting speed had significant effect on sinking speed of lead line(P<0.05),but the interaction effect caused by the above two factors are not significant(P>0.05).(2) The sinking speed of the middle and aft parts was significantly higher at 0.795 kg/m of the leadline weight than at other level of leadline weights used.The relationship between the sinking speed of the middle part of the lead and weight of the leadline can be described as the function:V=0.114 6w 0.103 2(R2=0.871).(3) The sinking speed of lead line increased with the setting speed.The sinking speed of the forepart and aftpart was significantly higher at 1.05 m/s of the net setting speed than at other levels of net setting speed used.The relationship between the sinking speed of the middle part of the leadline and the net setting speed in pool way can be described as the following function:V=0.072 6s 0.113 8(R2=0.983).

    • The cloning of psbA gene and its expression profiles under the autotrophic and heterotrophic cultivation in green algae Chlorella pyrenoidosa

      2011, 35(10):1469-1474. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (3063) HTML (0) PDF 1.23 M (2517) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The D1 protein of photosystem Ⅱ plays a key role in electron transfer in higher plants and algae.The psbA gene,which encoded D1 protein,was regulated by multiple environmental factors such as light.In order to discover the transcriptional patterns of psbA in the unicellular green alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa under autotrophic and heterotrophic cultivations,the complete coding sequence of psbA gene was cloned and its transcriptional expressions were investigated by real-time PCR method.The cloned psbA gene was 2 595 bp long with a 5′-untranslated region of 676 bp and a 3′untranslated region of 857 bp.The open reading frame of psbA encoded 353 amino acids,its A+T percentage content was 58.0%,and the processing way of mature D1 protein was similar to that of higher plant Sorghum vulgare. Real-time PCR results showed that during the 12 h culture period psbA transcription quantities underwent a rising and then a slow declining process under autotrophic nutrition,while they showed no significant difference under heterotrophic growth.In the process from autotrophy to heterotrophy, psbA expression quantities rose a little at 2 h and reduced to 0.41fold 4 h later,then decreased gradually.While in the process of heterotrophy to autotrophy psbA expression increased to 1.69fold at 4 h and then maintained at a steady levels.The psbA expression decreased about 40%-59% after different concentration DCMU added in the autotrophic cultivation,but was promoted in the heterotrophic cultivation to a certain degree.

    • Stock assessment and management of Ommartrephes bartramii by using a Bayesian Schaefer model in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean

      2011, 35(10):1572-1581. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (3292) HTML (0) PDF 1.58 M (2877) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The stock assessment and risk analysis of alternative management strategies for neon flying squid Ommartrephes bartramii were carried out by using a Bayesian Schaefer model,in which three conditions,i.e.uniform,normal and random prior assumptions,are considered.Comparing the prior distributions of model parameters(e.g.r,K and q)with the posterior distributions,they differed greatly under the scenario of uniform prior assumption,indicating that the data provide enough imformation for the value of model parameters.The estimated model parameters and reference points were similar under the scenarios of normal and random prior assumptions,but less than the values under the scenario of uniform prior assumption.The fishing mortalities and total catches from 1996 to 2004 were lower than reference points F0.1 and MSY under three proposed scenarios,indicating that O.bartramii is on an expected sustainable exploited level and it is not in the state of overfishing and over-fished.A stochastic decisionmaking framework was developed to incorporate the uncertainties in both the estimates of current fishing mortality(Fcur)and stock biomass(Bcur)and limited reference points of Flim and Blim.The results of decision analysis indicated that under the same harvest rate,the catch and biomass in 2019 from the uniform assumption are highest,which are more than that eatimated from the other two asumptions,but there is the highest probability of the collapse of squid resources.It is concluded that the harvest rate of 0.3 appears to be the best management regulation and the MSY will attain at 130 thousand tons,which balance the desire for high yields and the healthy population.

    • Influence of salinity stress on the activity of gill Na+/K+-ATPase in swimming crab(Portunus trituberculatus)

      2011, 35(10):1475-1480. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (3517) HTML (0) PDF 1.26 M (2761) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The swimming crab, Portunus trituberculatus,is an important marine fishery and aquaculture species.Water salinity conditions influence its artificial propagations.In order to understand its adaptation mechanisms to environmental salinity changes,we investigated gill Na+/K+-ATPase activity in the P.trituberculatus exposed to different salinity stresses.Forty-five male adult crabs were divided into 3 groups(15 crabs for one group)and acclimated to three different salinity conditions(10,25 or 40).The 2nd and the 6th gills of three crabs from each treatment were sampled on days 0.5,1,2,3 and 5,respectively.In order to compare the Na+/K+-ATPase activities among different gills of a crab,we sampled all the eight gills from three crabs from each salinity group on day 1.Na+/K+-ATPase activities were measured by Molybdenum blue spectrophotometric method.Data were expressed as mean and standard error(mean±SD)and one-way ANOVA was used for statistical analysis.The results indicated that the activities of gill Na+/K+-ATPase in three salinity treatments decreased in the primary period,increased gradually,decreased again and reached a plateau finally.In addition,the Na+/K+-ATPase activities of the three posterior pairs of gills were remarkably higher than those of the five anterior pairs of gills.Based on these results,we proposed to divide osmotic regulation into three phases:passive stress phase(the decrease of the Na+/K+-ATPase activities),positive regulation phase(the elevation of the Na+/K+-ATPase activities)and adaptive phase(the stability of the Na+/K+-ATPase activities).The three posterior pairs of gills were the main sites of ion transportation and osmotic regulation in P.trituberculatus.This paper revealed the regulations of Na+/K+-ATPase activities of P.trituberculatus during salinity stress,and facilitated the understanding of physiological and salinity adaptative mechanisms in this species.

    • Molt staging in the swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus

      2011, 35(10):1481-1487. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (3185) HTML (0) PDF 1.41 M (3160) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Swimming crab,Portunus trituberculatus as a fashionable table delicacy is one of the most important fishing and aquaculture species of crab along the coast of China.Molting too frequently and molting attempted are commonly found during its molting process.Therefore,it is very important to investigate the molt cycle of the swimming crab in order to provide the background information for the production and management of the species.Observations of morphological changes were successfully used for the study of defining molt stages of the swimming crab.The molt cycle of the swimming crab was divided into four basic periods:postmolt,intermolt,premolt and molt.The results indicated that the postmolt period was subdivided into stage A(parts of the body flaccid),stage B(dorsal carapace edge hard,branchial and cardiac regin still soft)based on shell rigidity changes,and the premolt period was divided into substage D0(0<R≤0.4),substage D1(0.4<R≤0.65),substage D2(0.65<R≤0.9),substage D3(R≈1),substage D4(R≈1,the old and new carapaces were separated completely)based on the ratio that was the distance between new and old cuticles to old cuticle thickness of the end of dactyl segment in the swimming leg combining with the growth of the new carapace after dissection;opening of the ecdysial sutures in the ventral surface of thoracic and the dorsal of cheliped merus was the omen that was the beginning of ecdysis.The results showed that the technique of molt cycle staging in this paper was a simple,fast,nondestructive and reliable method for the swimming crab.

    • Assessment of direct economic loss of inshore fishing and tourism caused by harmful algal blooms

      2011, 35(10):1582-1588. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (2756) HTML (0) PDF 1.19 M (2674) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The economic impacts of the harmful algal blooms(HABs)primarily include the impacts to inshore agriculture and fishing,tourism,ecosystem and human health.An accurate assessment system of direct economic loss of inshore fishing and tourism caused by HABs was established for the Chinese coastal areas.Based on the field investigation of Cochlodinium geminatum HABs that occurred in Zhuhai coast of Guangdong Province during October and November 2009,the present study focused on the direct economic loss structure of inshore fishing and tourism.According to the size of local boat and their management,new evaluation systems were established for inshore fishing loss and tourism loss,respectively.The results showed that direct economic loss of small size boat,which mostly was engaged in inshore fishing,reached ¥540 000.The loss of middle size boat,which was mainly used by inshore fishing and tourism,reached ¥1 010 000,whereas big size boat,working on inshore fishing,reached about ¥610 000.Total direct economic loss caused by the above red tide was about ¥2.16 million.The economic loss assessment system can be used as the theoretic reference for other marine disasters that occurred in China.

    • The comparative study of blood characteristics of different ploidy crucian carp(Carassius auratus)in Dongting water system

      2011, 35(10):1488-1493. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (2820) HTML (0) PDF 1.80 M (2638) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The blood characteristics of diploid(abbreviated 2nCC,2n=100),triploid(abbreviated 3nCC,3n=150±)and tetraploid(abbreviated 4nCC,4n=200)crucian carp coexisting in Dongting water system were studied in this research.The ploidy level was examined by flow cytometer.The nuclear traits of erythrocytes of different ploidy crucian carp(abbreviated CC)were observed.The hemoglobin contents of different ploidy CC were measured by blood analyser.The results indicated that the mean nuclear volume of erythrocytes in peripheral blood increases regularly with increasing ploidy.Moreover,some erythrocytes had dumbbell nucleus in the peripheral blood of 3nCC and 4nCC in contrast to 2nCC which resulted from amitosis.No obvious differences in hemoglobin contents were observed among different ploidy CC.Inferred from these results,amitosis that existed in erythrocytes of 3nCC and 4nCC might lead to the similar hemoglobin contents among different ploidy CC,which resulted in no obvious differences in oxygen transporting ability of blood from that of 2nCC.

    • Study on fishing right protection regimes based on Property Law in China

      2011, 35(10):1589-1594. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (2596) HTML (0) PDF 1.13 M (2686) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Fishing right is easily to be damaged by water pollution and engineering construction,water conservancy and hydroelectric power plant,shipping,sand quarrying,inning,marine and coastal engineering and other human activities in waters,which caused destruction or degradation of spawning grounds of fish stocks and other key ecological function regions.For the purpose of protecting fishing right,it’s provided in the part of Usufruct Right of Property Law of the People s Republic of China,that the right to use water areas or tidal flats for fishing shall be taken under the protection of law.However,it is extremely difficult to carry out the fishing right protecting directly according to the Property Law and current fisheries regulations and fishing management systems in China,because of the lack of fishing right protection regimes.In this paper,based on comparative analysis of the provisions relative to fishing right of Real Right Law,Fisheries Law and other fisheries regulations,and review of the causation of the damage to fishing right,the fishing right protection regimes are suggested as follows:(1) The marine and inland water fishing grounds which are connected with the land from the marine motor fishing vessels’ bottom trawl closed area line would be divided into small fishing ground on county level or even lower administrative level,which would be exclusively allocated to the traditional fishermen.Each of the small grounds would be used exclusively by the traditional fishermen organization which is established on the county level or lower,and would be managed under this fishermen organization.So the subject and object of the fishing right would be defined,which is very important to the establishment of fishing right regimes.(2) For the purpose of improving and perfecting the compensation and indemnity system of the damages to fishing right,assessment system of the damage to fishing right should be established,and the standards and procedures of the compensation or indemnity for the damage of fishing right should be formulated.

    • Morphological,structural characteristics and phagocytic and enzymatic activities of haemocytes in blood clam Tegillarca granosa

      2011, 35(10):1494-1504. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (5465) HTML (0) PDF 16.23 M (4205) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Light,electron microscopic and flow cytometer studies were conducted to characterize morphology and structure and phagocytosis of haemocytes in blood clam Tegillarca granosa. Based on cell size,and microstructure and granular types of cell,blood clam haemocytes were divided into red granulocyte(89.67%),basophil granulocyte(7.05%)and hyalinocyte(3.28%)respectively under light microscopy.The haemocyte densities in healthy blood clam haemolymph were assessed(3.29±0.82)×106 cell/mL.Three kinds of haemocytes were respectively recognized by transmission electron microscope:granulocyte type Ⅰ,granulocyte type Ⅱ and agranulocyte.It was observed under scanning electron microscopy that haemocytes appear smooth-surface and some of them have knot-like projections in cell surface.APIZYM assays on enzymatic activities of 19 enzymes in haemolymph were performed and,of these,13 and 10 enzymes were detected respectively in serum and cell.There were marked increases in the levels of ALP,ACP,ELIP(C8)and AGLA in serum and haemocytes after being stimulated by zymosan.Observation of phagocytosis in vitro revealed that there was phagocytic response in red granulocyte to zymosan and there was no significant phagocytic response in basophil granulocyte and hyalinocyte.It was observed that basophilic granulocyte accumulation and hyalinocyte adsorption after being stimulated by Aeromonas hydrophila.The study of environmental stress factors on phagocytosis activity revealed that the temperature and salinity have significant influence on phagocytosis activity.The phagocytosis percentage of blood clam reached the highest values with optimum growth temperature(13-30 ℃)and salinity(20.0-26.2)×10-12.

    • High efficiency with low carbon:the only way for China aquaculture to develop

      2011, 35(10):1595-1600. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (3180) HTML (0) PDF 1.13 M (4408) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Development trend of China aquaculture is that the quantity of farmed species,the trophic level of farmed species and the intensity of aquaculture systems are increasing rapidly.China aquaculture now is encountering some difficulties,such as epidemic prevailing,lack of improved varieties of farmed species,pollution,product safety and so on.However,considering aquaculture development from the point of sustainability,the main challenges to its development are freshwater shortage,environment deterioration and increasing consumption of energy and fishmeal.High productive efficiency with low carbon emission(HELC)is the only way for China aquaculture to develop in order to ensure the food security of 1.45 billion of Chinese population before 2030 and to keep the promise of Chinese government that CO2 emission per GDP in 2020 is reduced by 40%-45% based on the 2005 level.Although it is believed that modern biotechnology and modern engineering will contribute more and more in future aquaculture development,their wide application in aquaculture still need time and effort.Aquaculture development in China will have to come mainly from simple farming technologies,which farmers can easily adopt,in near future.Initiatively developing carbon sequestration mariculture(in which CO2 is absorbed from water and in turn CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is reduced directly or indirectly),such as bivalvia and seaweeds farming,is structural guarantee for HELC.In addition establishing cooperation mechanism of every production units within large waters,improving environment protection and legal consciousness of producers,reinforcing supervision for aquaculture pollutant discharge,and cooperation of aquacultural ecologists and economists are needed to guarantee the development of China aquaculture along the road to HELC.

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