• Volume 34,Issue 11,2010 Table of Contents
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    • >PAPERS
    • Management information system for the standard and ecological cultivation process of Litopenaeus vannamei

      2010, 34(11):1704-1711. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2010.06714

      Abstract (2929) HTML (0) PDF 1.20 M (2670) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper described the research and development of web-based management information system for the standard and ecological cultivation process of Litopenaeus vannamei.To fit the circumstance of developing rural information system,the system was developed using ASP technology with the environment base of Dreamwaver MX 2004 and can be implemented on the platform Windows 2000/2003 Server supported by SQL Server 2000 database.The standard management system,which involved aquaculture environment,fry stocking,fishery drugs using,feed delivery and product sales,had implemented using object oriented analysis and design methods based on the standard and ecological cultivation process of L.vannamei.The system includes six main modules:daily management module,basic information management module,system management module,personal tolls module,information querying module and reports & printing module.Users can maintain their daily producing information of their pools through wireless wide area communication network and Internet which can cover the whole world.Extending the use of the system can greatly encourage cultivating enterprises to enhance their whole regulation process of food safety throughout the delivering traces from cultivating pools to dining tables.The extending can also enhance the certification work of pollution-free fishery and promote the construction of standard ecological farms.This system can also provide remote controlling management and decision support system for cultivation enterprises.After a few years of improvement,the system made great progress in standardization and convenience to operate.It’s implemented for several major cultivation enterprises in Shanghai.

    • Multivariate statistical analysis of chlorophyll-a and water quality parameters in ponds of Litopenaeus vannamei culturing

      2010, 34(11):1712-1718. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2010.06912

      Abstract (3004) HTML (0) PDF 1.18 M (2789) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Water quality parameters in 22 ponds of a Litopenaeus vannamei culture farm in Fengxian District of Shanghai were investigated from April to September in 2009.Fifteen parameters including chlorophylla(Chl.a),temperature,pH,dissolved oxygen(DO),transparency,suspended substance(SS),total organic carbon(TOC),biological oxygen demand(BOD5),chemical oxygen demand(CODMn),nitrite nitrogen(NO-2-N),nitrate nitrogen(NO-3-N),ammonia nitrogen(NH3-N),total nitrogen(TN),active phosphorus(PO3-4-P)and total phosphorus(TP)were determined.Descriptive statistics was conducted and the correlation between Chl.a and other parameters was analyzed.The statistical analysis results showed that Chl.a had extremely significantly linear positive correlation with SS,TOC,BOD5,CODMn,TN and TP.Significantly linear positive correlation existed between Chl.a and DO.Extremely significantly linear negative correlation was confirmed between Chl.a and transparency while Chl.a had significantly linear negative correlation with PO3-4-P. Chl.a had no significant correlation with water temperature,pH,NO-2-N,NO-3-N and NH3-N.According to the principles of selecting independent variables in the multiple linear regression analysis,four water quality parameters including TOC,TN,PO3-4-P and TP were used for establishing the stepwise regression model which was Chl.a=-0.054 5+0.003 49 TOC+0.015 3 TN-0.418 PO3-4-P+0.276 TP(r=0.715 5).The effects of these four factors on Chl.a were tested using the partial regression coefficient.The most influential water quality parameter on Chl.a were TP and then TOC,PO3-4-P,TN in turn.The results would help further study on ecological rules and water environmental protection in aquaculture ponds.

    • Effects of eco-nutrition requirement of protein on Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther in industrial culture with seawater quality and digestive enzyme

      2010, 34(11):1719-1727. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2010.07025

      Abstract (3079) HTML (0) PDF 1.71 M (2476) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The experiment was conducted to determine effects of protein levels and satiation degrees on juvenile Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther in industrial culture conditions with closed recirculation seawater.The 5×3 two-factor random animal experiment lasted for 108 days,total of 1125 fish[with initial weight(110±25) g]were randomly allotted into 15 treatments with triplicates,25 fish each replicate,5 protein levels diets(43%,46%,49%,52%,56%,with A-E),3 satiation degrees feeding(100%,90%,80%,withⅠ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ).Evaluated effects of different protein levels and satiation degrees on juvenile C.semilaevis growth performance,seawater environment factors and digestive enzyme.The primary results showed that:(1)As the protein level of feed and satiation degree increased,weight gain increased significantly(P<0.01),the best weight gain both in the highest protein level and the highest satiation degree.Weight gain ratio in group E was significantly higher than the other groups by 13.75%-50.16%,that in degree Ⅰ was 7.57% and 14.08% higher than degree Ⅱand Ⅲ .The best feed conversion ratio appeared in the highest protein level,which was significantly higher than the other groups by 6.25%-27.44%(P<0.05),but satiation degree didn’t have such significant impact on FCR as protein level did:there was no significant difference between degreeⅠ and Ⅱ,and Ⅰ did better on FCR than Ⅲ significantly(P<0.05).As the protein level and satiation degree increased,NH+4-N,NO-2-N excretion and total baneful nitrogen excretion were enhanced(P<0.01).The total baneful nitrogen excretion in group C was 54.5% and 64.4% lower than group D and E respectively,that in degree Ⅰ was 17.8% and 29.2% higher than Ⅱand Ⅲ ,respectively;(2)The activity of protease enhanced,lipase reduced and amylase increased at first,then reduced with increased protein level.As satiation degree increased,digestive enzyme reduced.digestive enzyme of liver was higher than intestine;(3)The relationship between nitrogen excretion and the weight gain as the increasing dietary protein levels,partially accorded with the Rhomb character.By regression analysis,the optimum econutrition requirement of protein for juvenile C.semilaevis seemed to be 48.30%,49.27% and 50.67%,respectively in degree Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ.The optimum eco-aquatic requirement of satiation was 90%.

    • Effects of feed pigments on carotenoids,lutein content and tyrosinase activity in the skin and serum of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco

      2010, 34(11):1728-1735. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2010.06506

      Abstract (3286) HTML (0) PDF 1.35 M (3565) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:255 ind. with average weight 45.25 g of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco were fed respectively five experimental diets for 56 days in indoor recirculating aquaculture system,the diets containing respectively 0.5% goldenrod,0.4% carophyll red,0.5% auroxanthin,6% corn gluten meal and the control group.The tryosinase activity and the concentration of carotenoids and luteins in blood serum and skin were detected respectively.The following results are obtained.The tyrosinase activity in the serum with goldenrod group was significantly increased,while the other experimental groups had not significant difference.The total carotenoid content in the back skin with control group had decreased 11.2%,and 57.5% in abdominal skin,and lutein content was similar to these.The carotenoid content in the abdominal skin with corn gluten meal group,skin had decreased by 38.5%,and that in back skin had no significant change.The lutein content in back and abdominal skin increased to some extent.The total carotenoid content with carophyll red group decreased in the abdominal skin by 45%,and back had no significant changes in the skin.The lutein content in the abdominal skin was significantly reduced.The total carotenoid content in the back,abdominal skin of the auroxanthin group increased by 1.8 times and 1.5 times,the lutein content also increased significantly.The total carotenoid content in the back,abdominal skin of the goldenrod group increased by 1.0 fold and 0.49 fold,the lutein content also increased significantly.The results show that pigment derived from the feed may be selectively deposited by P.fulvidraco. The P.fulvidraco body color was greatly affected by the pigment material from the feed.

    • Induction and micosatellite analysis of allotriploid between Larimichthys crocea and Nibea albiflora

      2010, 34(11):1629-1635. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2010.06998

      Abstract (2975) HTML (0) PDF 1.23 M (2903) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The developed hybrid eggs of Larimichthys crocea(♀) and Nibea albiflora ()were shocked with cold treatment to block the extrusion of the second polar,according to the protocol of inducing meio-gynogenesis in large yellow croaker.Two allotriploid families(PPN1 and PPN2)and the control families were produced.The embryos developed normally,and the morphologic normal fry were hatched out.The development rate,hatching rate and normality rate of the allotriploids were slightly lower than those of the diploid control of large yellow croaker.The results of ploidy analysis showed that the DNA content of the newly hatched fry in PPN1 family was 1.46 time that of diploid large yellow croaker,and the 100% tested fry in PPN1 were triploid.Each offspring in allotriploid families inherited one of alleles from its male parent.Since the gene segregation in Meiosis II was blocked,both homozygotes and heterozytos were found in allotriploid families at four maternal heterozygotic microsatellite loci.The results of the ploid analysis and microsatellite analysis proved the putative triploids contained two genomes from large yellow croaker and a genome from yellow drum.However,the allotriploid fry died one by one from 15 th day post hatching and none survived over one month old,showing that the diploidization of the maternal genome did not improve the survival of the hybrids.Nevertheless,the allotriploid fry can still serve as good materials in genetic mapping and to reveal gene expression and regulation in some important biological processes.

    • Microsatellite DNA analysis of genetic diversity among captive breeding stocks of Chinese pond turtle(Chinemys reevesii)

      2010, 34(11):1636-1644. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2010.06967

      Abstract (3049) HTML (0) PDF 1.60 M (2678) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Chinese pond turtle(Chinemys reevesii Gray,1831)is one of the main turtle species in China with commercial and medicinal importance,and it began to attract attention as a breeding species in 1990s and became one of the largest domestic breeding varieties.The population of farmed Chinese pond turtle increased in China,however,only little is known on the genetic status of this species.In this study,eight highly variable microsatellite loci were used to investigate genetic diversity and captive stocks structure of Chinese pond turtle in China.A total of 130 different alleles were detected in all examined loci.The number of alleles ranged from 9 to 26,with an average number of 16.25 per locus.The high number of alleles per locus within these stocks indicated the potential usefulness of these primers to characterize stock genetic structure of C.reevesii.The results demonstrated that seven stocks showed high polymorphic information content(PIC)values(ranged between 0.57 and 0.92),which is much higher than the standard value of 0.5,and the observed(HO) and expected heterozygosity(HE) ranged from 0.30 to 0.87 and from 0.60 to 0.93,respectively.The analysis of molecular variance(AMOVA)indicated that almost majority of the variance in the C.reevesii was within stocks(84.29%),and 5.91% was among stocks.All pairwise FST estimates between the seven stocks ranged from 0.014 3 to 0.112 7 and were also significantly different from zero(P<0.05),which showed that a low genetic divergence was between stocks.HardyWeinberg equilibrium analysis indicated that there were five loci in great significant HardyWeinberg disequilibrium,and each locus in each stock test showed that there were 19.64%(11/56)loci in significant genetic disequilibrium(P<0.05),14.29%(8/56)loci were at a very significant level(P<0.01),and the rest of the 66.07%(37/56)loci were in genetic equilibrium(P>0.05).The most plausible explanation for heterozygote deficiency is inbreeding in this cultured stocks.Examination of linkage disequilibrium using Fisher’s exact test revealed that all eight loci were in linkage equilibrium(P>0.05 for each pair of loci across all samples).The genetic distance and genetic similarity coefficient among stocks ranged from 0.106 6 to 0.646 8 and from 0.523 7 to 0.898 9,respectively.The dendrogram based on genetic distance showed two major clusters:the stock from Jingzhou,Hubei province(HBJZ)alone was in one cluster,which is sampled from the north of Yangtze River.The other cluster consists of individuals from sampling localities distributed in the south of Yangtze River.The isolation within C.reevesii may be attributed to Yangtze River,which acted as a barrier to block gene flow.Fortyfour private alleles occurred within the seven C.reevesii stocks and only one in the HNHS stock,which compares with 14 private alleles in the SH stock.The discovery of unique alleles within the stocks supported the conclusion that these stocks had differentiated from each other and that gene flow had been restricted among stocks gradually.Thus,it may be possible to form a new superior broodstock with high genetic diversity by combining turtles from different stocks,and measures should be taken to prevent further loss of genetic diversity.

    • Comparsion of amino acid composition in different tissues of the wild and the cultured Paralichthys olivaceus broodstock

      2010, 34(11):1736-1743. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2010.07008

      Abstract (3078) HTML (0) PDF 1.17 M (2630) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Amino acid composition in muscle,liver and ovary of the wild and cultured Paralichthys olivaceus broodstock at stages Ⅲ-Ⅳ and Ⅴ was determined by biochemical methods,to ascertain their effects on the reproductive performance.The results indicated that the total amino acid concentration of muscle,liver and ovary of both the wild and the cultured broodstock is as follows:muscle>ovary>liver;There were no significant differences in most amino acid concentration of muscle between the wild and the cultured broodstock.The muscle of the wild and the cultured broodstock have constant amino acid composition with development of the ovary except Methionine and Histidine; The most amino acid concentration in liver of the cultured broodstock were higher than the samephased wild broodstock,and the amino acid concentration in liver of both the wild and the cultured broodstock increased with the development; There were no significant differences of total amino acid concentration and essential amino acid concentration in ovary between the wild broodstock and the samephased cultured broodstock,but Methionine concentration of the wild broodstock was higher than the cultured one.The amino acid concentration in different tissues of the wild and the cultured broodstock increased with the development especially Arginine,Methionine,Histidine.Arginine,Methionine,Histidine were presumed to induce spawning differences between the wild broodstock and the cultured one,so further researches are needed.

    • Morphological analysis of statolith for jumbo flying squid (Dosidicus gigas)in the waters off Costa Rica

      2010, 34(11):1744-1752. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2010.06906

      Abstract (2980) HTML (0) PDF 1.32 M (2451) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The jumbo flying squid(Dosidicus gigas)is one of the important economic cephalopods,the research on fishery biology is necessary to assess its stock size and to manage properly.Since the statolith is a better source of ecological information for cephalopod,the morphological analysis of statolith is fundamental to understand the fishery biology.According to the statolith morphology of jumbo flying squid caught in waters off Costa Rica from July to August in 2009,the morphology differences and growth patterns were analyzed.It was found that the overall morphological characteristics and various parts of left statolith were the same as the right by using statistical methods such as variance analysis and paired- t-test.These thirteen morphological parameters of statolith could be figured with six principal components by the method of principal component analysis,which indicated that the morphological features of the left statolith could be characterized by the total statolith length(TSL),rostrum lateral dome length(RDL),rostrum lateral dome angle(RDA),while for the right statolith TSL,rostrum baseline length(RBL)and RDA are characterized,respectively.Therfore the dorsal dome,lateral dome and rostrum dome played an important role in the overall changes of statolith morphology.The canonical correlation analysis showed that the growth of various parts were synchronized and allometric during the growth process,and the changing tendency of morphology was narrow body,long and narrow rostrum and large dorsal tallied with the characteristics of pelagic cephalopods statolith.According to the regression analysis,the growth relationships between TSL and RDL for left and right statolith were in line with the Logistic equation.Although the growth of RDL followed the increase of TSL,the growth rate of RDL declined throughout.There was significant change for RDL/TSL in the growth process.RDL/TSL increased or remained stable when TSL was less than 1 600 μm,but the proportion declined thereafter.The growth of RBL was significant,and the growth rate of RBL changed significantly at the inflection point of TSL 1 600 μm.Since there was no significant change of RBL/TSL among different TSL groups,the growth of RBL synchronized with TSL.Compared with the increase in TSL,RDA fluctuated and RDA declined from the maximum of larval statolith to the minimum statolith with TSL 1 600 μm,after that it increased slowly and kept stabilized when TSL was larger than 2 000 μm.So we could draw a conclusion that statolith growth consisted of two phases,and there were great differences in morphology when the size of TSL was smaller or larger than 1 600 μm.As the important movement acceleration sensors for cephalopod,the statolish morphology transformed with the shift of movement types which was caused by habitat changes,so TSL of 1 600 μm could be used as an important indicator of changes in water layer.

    • Mapping and genetic effect analysis of quantitative trait loci related to head length,body height,and body thickness of common carp(Cyprinus carpio L.)

      2010, 34(11):1645-1655. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2010.07033

      Abstract (3343) HTML (0) PDF 1.26 M (2582) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A group of F2 hybrids common carp including 68 individuals was used to construct a linkage map using 560 markers(174 SSR markers,41EST-SSR markers and 345 SNP markers).Quantitative traits loci(QTLs)associated with body hieght,head length,body thickness were identified by interval mapping and MQM Mapping of the software MapQTL5.0.A linkage group wide permutation test(1 000 replicates)determined the significance of the maximum LOD value over the various intervals analyzed for each linkage group.Six QTLs were identified for body height on the linkage groups of LG1(SNP1339-SNP1490),LG10(HLJE469-SNP1491),LG12(SNP0922-HLJ1316),LG13(SNP0937-HLJ328),LG25(SNP1041-HLJ594),LG35(SNP1425-SNP0389),which explained 20.0% to 43.3% of the total variation of the body height.The LOD value of SNP1339-SNP1490 is 3.64,which is the highest and explaining 35.4% of the total variation of the body height.Six QTLs were associated with on the linkage groups of LG1(SNP1339-SNP1490),LG12(HLJ071-HLJ336),LG13(SNP0937-HLJ328),LG24(SNP1359-SNP0586),LG24(SNP1016-SNP0326),LG25(HLJ382-HLJ348),in which LG24(SNP1359-SNP0586)explained the total variation of the head lentgh reaching 50.2%.Ten QTLs were responsible for body thickness on nine linkage groups explaining 16.1% and 68.8% of the total variation of the body thickness respectively,in which LG38(HLJ1331-HLJ487)and LG41(HLJ688-HLJE6)explaining 60.8% and 68.8% of the total variation of the body thickness respectively.They were major QTLs associated to the body thickness of common carp.

    • Fish taxonomic diversity of coral reef areas in Xisha Islands

      2010, 34(11):1753-1761. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2010.06991

      Abstract (3406) HTML (0) PDF 1.21 M (3230) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The aims of this study are were to assess the fish taxonomic diverstity and protect its fishes of coral reef waters in Xisha Islands,which located in South China Sea.Based on the historical data on the fish species composition in coral reef areas in Xisha Islands,the recorded fish species composition was updated,which made the average taxonomic distinctnessΔ+ and G-F index be used to assess the fish species taxonomic diversity in 16 reefs in Xisha,respectively.The results showed that a total of 661 fish species belonging to 305 genera,93 families,and 25 orders were recorded.Among them,more species were recorded in Yongxing Island(351),Huaguang Reef(173)and Dong Island(160).Δ+ in Xisha was about 60.2,however,Δ+ in Zhongjian Island,Jinqing Island,Yuzhuo Reef and so on was significantly lower than that in Xisha Islands,andΔ+ in Xisha Islands was also lower than that both in continental shelf and estuary area.This shows that the relationship among fish species in tropical coral reef areas was closer than those areas.Meanwhile Δ+ of marine fish species in China seas generally displayed a positive relationship with latitude on a large scale.However, G-F index was dependent on the number of species in the reef,and higher number of species would make higher G-F index,while fitting effect between RG-F index and natural logarithm number of species was much better than that of G-F index in the paper.The reason why G-F index in Shi Island was negative was discussed preliminarily,which might mainly be caused by the lower species richness and the key Y=-XLnX for measuring species diversity was not a monotonic function.It was concluded that as species richness in Yongxing Island,Huaguang Reef,Dong Island and so on was higher,these habitats should be specially protected.

    • Ghrelin cDNA structure and expression profile in early development of largemouth bass(Micropterus salmoides)

      2010, 34(11):1656-1663. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2010.06834

      Abstract (2894) HTML (0) PDF 1.25 M (2530) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Ghrelin,the endogenous ligand of growth hormone secretagogue receptor(GHSR),has been shown to play an important role in eliciting growth hormone release and energy homeostasis.In the present study,we cloned ghrelin from stomach tissue of largemouth bass(Micropterus salmoides)by using RT-PCR,RACE and PCR method.The amplified cDNA was totally 434bp in length including 321bp open reading frame(ORF).It encoded a propeptide of 107aa,with the predicted mature peptide consisting of 20aa.Alignment analyses showed that the similarities of propeptide and mature peptide beween Dicentrarchus labrax were 85% and 90% respectively.To better understand the expression during fish early development of ghrelin,we also detected the expression profile of ghrelin at embryo and early fry of largemouth bass by real-time PCR.The result showed that ghrelin mRNA was observed at fertilized egg stage,and increased at metamere stage.The expression level at 4-days and 12days larvae was about 206.77 and 531.20 times higher than that at fertilized egg stage.The 4-days larva was “firstfeeding” in largemouth bass,when the larva was from endogenous nutrition to exogenous nutrition phase.The 12day larvae had greatly increased intake appetite and at this stage larvae took full advantage of the exogenous nutrition,and the expression of ghrelin also reached the highest value.These results combined suggest that ghrelin is involved in the regulation of food intake in largemouth bass.

    • Experimental study on the juvenile Sparus macrocephalus’s tendency to different structural spaces of artificial reef

      2010, 34(11):1762-1768. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2010.06923

      Abstract (3204) HTML (0) PDF 1.29 M (2440) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to find out how the structural space of artificial reefs influence fish behavior,we used the combination of different representative reefs to simulate the structural space of artificial reefs,under the different flowing velocity of 19.1,23.4,and 27.7 cm/s.This paper discussed how the different sizes of structural space influence the distribution of juvenile Sparus macrocephalus in tank,and summarized the range of loving flowing velocity of juvenile S.macrocephalus.The result shows that when the horizontal size of structural space is 38.8 cm,the juveniles S.macrocephalus have a highest tendency ratio to reefs(43.1%)compared with other cases,and the range of loving flowing velocity is 9.6-23.4 cm/s;when the vertical size of structural space is 20 cm,the juveniles S.macrocephalus have a highest tendency ratio to reefs(50.1%)compared with other cases,and the range of loving flowing velocity is 6.7-27.9 cm/s.On the whole,the horrizotal structural space has a higher effect of gathering fishes compared with the vertical structural space.

    • In silico cloning and bioinformatics analysis of trypsinogen genes in common carp(Cyprinus carpio)

      2010, 34(11):1664-1672. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2010.07037

      Abstract (3334) HTML (0) PDF 1.24 M (2679) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Trypsin is one member of the serine protease family,which is synthesized as proenzyme trypsinogen by pancreas.After being secreted into the intestine,enterokinase removes the N-terminal activation peptide converting it into its active form,trypsin which can specifically cleave at the peptide bond on the carboxyl side of basic L-amino acids such as arginine or lysine residues.Meanwhile,trypsin is one of the most abundant proteases in the digestive system of teleost fish,and plays important roles in the protein absorption from the diet.For further studying the physiological funtions and mechanism of trypsinogen in common carp(Cyprinus carpio),one of the most economically important fish in China,we got three distinct trypsinogen cDNAs(ccTRP1,ccTRP2 and ccTRP3)successfully using in silico cloning technique, and then they were analysed by the method of bioinformatics.The results showed that three of them had an open reading frame of 729 bp in length encoding 242 amino acids,the same sequence of a signal peptide consisted of 15 amino acids and an activation peptide of 5 amino acids,LDDDK.It also showed that they possessed the conserved domains of trypsinlike serine protease superfamily,and had the conversed structural characteristics,such as the catalytic triad(His-57,Asp-102,and Ser-195),12 cysteines forming 6 disulfide bonds,Asp-189 at the bottom of the substratebinding pocket and Gly-216 and Gly-226 lining the sides of the binding pocket,the motif of Gly-Asp-Ser-Gly-Gly-Pro in serine protease family,and so on.But,three of them also had some different characteristics with amino acid composition and phosphorylation sites.These results suggested that common carp trypsinogens we got in the present study may be functional,however,their funtions may be different to a certain degree.The analysis of GRAVY(grand average of hydropathicity)and the instability index indicated that they belonged to the hydrophilic and stable proteins.In the aspect of advanced structure,they mainly contained four secondary structural forms(alpha helix,extended strand,random coil and beta turn)by SOPMA software analysis,and the most abundant was random coil.The alignment and homology analysis based on the amino acid sequences revealed that it had the identity of beyond 90% among the three common carp trypsinogens,and ccTRP1 and ccTRP2 had the highest identity of 93%.Furhermore,compared to other species they had the highest identity with grass carp(Ctenopharyngodon idellus).Although both common carp and topmouth culter(Culter alburnus)blonged to Cyprinidae,they only had the identity of 66%,indicating that they may possess distinct property.The phylogenetic tree,based upon the alignment of amino acid sequences of trypsiongens,showed that three of them clustered with teleost anionic trypsinogen Group I,but the evolutional distances were not the same.These preliminary results from common carp trypsinogens by the method of bioinformatics can provide the foundations for further study of its expression profiles,the molecular characteristics and evolution of fish trypsinogen.

    • The species composition and distribution of lithofacies seashells(Mollusc) in the intertidal zone of Zhejiang coast

      2010, 34(11):1769-1775. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2010.06997

      Abstract (4789) HTML (0) PDF 1.21 M (2676) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Two sites were selected respectively in Wenzhou,Taizhou,Ningbo and Zhoushan,and the shellfish samples were collected on the intertidal rocky shores in Apr.and Oct.2009.The research contents included the species composition and distribution of lithofacies seashells(Mollusc).During this survey,26 species of seashell were identified,belonging to 3 classes,11 orders,16 families,22 genera.In spring,the area of high biomass was the 8th sampling site(499.11 ind/m2),the area of high density was the 3rd sampling site(145.67 ind/m2),low biomass and low density located in the 1st station(31.96 ind/m2,36.92 ind/m2).In fall,high biomass and high density points were distributed in the 8th station(206.82 ind/m2,93.00 ind/m2),low biomass and low density were still in the 1st sampling site(26.92 ind/m2,38.91 ind/m2).Dominant species of shellfish were Thais clavigera Kuster, Barbatia obliquata (Wood), Septifer virgatus (Wiegmann) and  Nerita albicilla Linnaeus by using combination of biomass and density as the index of dominant species.Seasonal evolution was remarkable.The biomass and density were higher in spring than these in fall.It can be obtained by analyzing air temperature,water temperature,ocean currents and environmental factors.With the water temperature increasing in spring,a large number of the shellfish move from the subtidal zone to the intertidal zone,so the density was higher in spring than in autumn owing to water temperature decreasing,predation,natural mortality and other factors.In addition,the biomass and density were the highest in 8th station,because it was protected by National Marine Nature Reserve Zone.And the shell height(length)of the dominant species was also relatively the highest in all stations.The resources of the 1st station were meager due to excessive catch.

    • Cloning and sequence analysis of common carp(Cyprinus carpio L.)beta-thymosin

      2010, 34(11):1673-1680. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2010.07041

      Abstract (2664) HTML (0) PDF 1.22 M (2228) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The thymosinβ(Tβ)gene was cloned from the carp peripheral blood leucocytes by fluorescence differential display reverse transcriptase chain reaction(fluoroDDRT-PCR).The full-length thymosinβ cDNA was 528 bp with the open reading frame located from 40 bp to 178 bp,encoding 46 amino acid residues.Its 5′untranslated region(UTR)is 39 bp and 3′ UTR is 348 bp which contains poly(A)signal(AATAAA)and poly(A)tail.Its GenBank Accession Number is AY457946.The deduced amino acid sequences of the carp Tβ possessed 84%,84%,and 84% similarity with the Tβ a of Cyprinus carpio,Tβ a of Danio rerio and beta thymosin-like protein 2 of Danio rerio.The carp Tβ were clustered with Tβ a of Cyprinus carpio,Tβ a of Danio rerio,Tβ a of Esox lucius,Tβ a of Salmo salar and beta thymosin-like protein 2 of Danio rerio.It is essential for a complete understanding of the mechanisms of thymosinβ in immune response of fish.

    • The allelopathic effects of Ulva linza on Isochrysis galbana

      2010, 34(11):1776-1782. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2010.06752

      Abstract (3191) HTML (0) PDF 1.17 M (2675) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The excessive growth of some species from green algae,such as, Ulva,Chaetomorpha and Cladophora,has been reported in the formation of macroalgal blooms or greentide events in many parts of the world including Europe,North America,South America,Japan and Australia.In June 2008 the world’s largest greentide ever covering about 600 km2 occurred along the coast of the Yellow Sea.Over one million tonnes of green algae were removed from the beach and coast,which caused huge economic loss to the local government.The cause,origin tracked and threatening to the marine environment of the greentide and the possibility of recurrence have greatly concerned government officials and scientists.During the period of green algal bloom,macroalgae could inhibit the growth of phytoplankton,which could modify the trophic mode of marine ecosystem.Ulva linza was a popular species of green tides that occurred along the coast of the Yellow Sea.This paper studies the allelopathic effects of the macroalgae U.linza on the microalgae I.galbana,in order to provide some theoretical proof for evaluating the effects of green algal bloom on the marine environment.Allelopathic effects of fresh tissue,dry powder,macroalgae culture medium filtrate and aqueous extracts of U.linza on I.galbanawere studied in the laboratory using coexistence culture system.Different initial inoculation concentrations(0,0.5,1.0,2.0 and 5.0 gwet/L)of U.linza fresh tissue,(0,0.2,0.4,0.6 and 1.2 gdry/L)of U.linza dry powder and(0,0.1,0.2,0.5 and 1.0 g/L)of U.linza aqueous extracts were used in coexistence culture systems.The results of the coexistence assays showed that the growth of I.galbana was strongly inhibited by fresh tissue,by dry powder and by aqueous extracts of U.linza.When the inoculation concentration of fresh tissue,dry powder and aqueous extracts was 5.0 gwet/L,1.2 gdry/L and 1.0 g/L,respectively,the cells of I.galbana could not grow normally or died completely within six to seven days.The effects of the U.linza culture medium filtrate on the I.galbana were also investigated to confirm the existence of allelochemicals.The growth of I.galbana was not significantly(P>0.05)lowered by macroalgae culture medium filtrate under initial filtrate addition for long time.On the contrary,the growth of I.galbana was strongly inhibited by U.linza culture medium filtrate under semicontinuous filtrate addition.It was speculated that continuous addition of allelochemicals was important to effectively control the growth of I.galbana. I.galbana was not inhibited when inoculated in the U.linza culture filtrate which was boiled at the high temperature and high pressure,which suggested that allelochemicals from the fresh tissue of U.linza were unstable and degradable at the high temperature.These tests prove that U.linza has allelopathic effects on I.galbana.These results not only provide insight into the cause and mechanism of green algal bloom,but a1so lead us to speculate and evaluate the effects of freefloating green macroalgae on the marine environment.

    • Cloning and analysis of full length cDNA of intracellular fatty-acid-binding protein in Litopenaeus vannamei

      2010, 34(11):1681-1688. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2010.06993

      Abstract (3310) HTML (0) PDF 1.25 M (2575) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Full-length cDNA sequence of fatty acidbinding protein was isolated from hepatopancreas of Litopenaeus vannamei.The full-length cDNA sequence of fatty acidbinding protein is 1 042 bp,which contains a 113 bp 5′UTR(untranslated region),518 bp 3′UTR(untranslated region),and 411 bp open reading frame(ORF)that encodes 136 amino acid residues.There are typical fatty acidbinding protein domains between 4-26 and 63-79 amino acids residues of Litopenaeus vannamei FABP(LvFABP),and these sequences highly conserve in L.vannamei,Metapenaeus ensis,Italian bee,zebra fish,Atlantic salmon,chicken,swine,human.The phylogenetic analysis based on amino acid sequence shows that LvFABP has the highest similarity(98%)with black tiger shrimp FABP,and has 88%,57%,50%,49%,51%,50%,50% identity with cellular retinoic acidbinding proteins(CRABP)of Metapenaeus ensis,FABP of Italian bee,zebra fish,Atlantic salmon,chicken,swine,human,respectively.The expression of the gene in different tissues was analyzed by semi-quantitative reverse transcription PCR(RT-PCR),the result shows that the expression of the gene was higher in intestinal,gastric,hepatopancreas,muscle tissues,and the expression was decreased in myocardium,and undetectable in eyestalk of normal shrimp tissue.Comparing the expression of the gene in myocardium,hepatopancreas,intestinal,gastric,eyestalk,muscle of IHHNVresistant shrimp to IHHNVinfected shrimp,there was no obvious difference in myocardium,intestinal,gastric and muscle tissues between two kinds of shrimps,but the expression of FABP in hepatopancreas of IHHNVresistant shrimp is higher than IHHNVinfected shrimp,which showed FABP involves in the immune process inhibiting shrimp from being infected by IHHNV.

    • Cultivation of Alexandrium catenella and extraction and detection of paralytic shellfish poisoning(PSP)

      2010, 34(11):1783-1788. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2010.07036

      Abstract (3098) HTML (0) PDF 1.16 M (2931) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to accumulate the basic data and the raw material for future research,paralytic shellfish poisoning(PSP)of Alexandrium catenellacultured in the laboratory was studied.Firstly,in the logarithmic phase the algae cells were inoculated,the cell growth rate kept higher in initial 8 days.After it attained the highest density of cell(2.4×104 cells/mL),the algae were collected by filtration,the crude toxin was extracted by 0.05 mol/L acetic acid.Combined with the mice bioassay,the crude toxin was identified.The result showed that the major toxic component from A. catenella were C1/2,GTX4,GTX5 and NEO by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)and the concentrations of them were about 0.045 50,0.252 6,0.339 2,0.827 5,0.126 6 μmol/L respectively.The crude toxin was purified via SephadexG15 column chromatography and detected by fluorescence spectroscopy and the mice bioassay,and the result showed that the impurities can be effectively excluded by Sephadex-G15 column chromatography.

    • Preliminary study of gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor (GnRH receptor) in the optic ganglion of the female swimming crab (Portunus trituberculatus)by using immunohistochemical technique

      2010, 34(11):1689-1697. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2010.07058

      Abstract (2981) HTML (0) PDF 1.40 M (2675) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Gonadotropinreleasing hormone(GnRH)is a kind of very important and crucial hormone in neuroregulation and reproduction.In order to elucidate whether the GnRH receptor exists or not,and to investigate its locations in the crustaceanpeculiar optic ganglion as well,the immunohistochemical technique of MaxVisionTM method was used in this study.The locations of immunoreactive substances in the optic ganglion of the female swimming crabs, Portunus trituberculatus were found out in different vitellogenesis stages.The results reveal that:the immunoreactive substances of GnRH receptor were widely detected in many parts of the optic ganglion of the female crabs,lamina ganglionaris(LG),medulla externa(ME),medulla interna(MI),medulla terminalis(MT)and X organ as well.And they were more strongly marked in the neurosecretory cells of ME,MI and X organ.In the optic ganglion of the female crabs in different vitellogenesis stages,the locations of immunoreactive substances of GnRH receptor were nearly the same,and there were also differences in the intensity of the immunoreaction.The results of this study,show that the immunoreactive substances of GnRH receptor existing in the optic ganglion of P. trituberculatus,can provide morphologic evidence for GnRH participating in the neuroendocrine regulation of the optic ganglion.

    • Artificial propagation of Platypharodon extremus

      2010, 34(11):1698-1703. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231.2010.07009

      Abstract (3497) HTML (0) PDF 1.25 M (2633) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Platypharodon extremus,an endemic fish belongs to Platypharodon of Schizothoracinae,Cyprinidae,and lives only in the upstream area of the Yellow River,the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,which was a small population size,narrow distribution,threatened species in China.It was included in the “China’s Red Book of Endangered Species of AnimalsFish”,Vulnerable(V).As the QinghaiTibet Plateau’s unique geographical location,P.extremus has adapted in the long-term evolution of the high altitude,strong radiation,low water temperature and other special environments,which also show the remarkably adaptable characteristics.With the intensification of human activities in recent years,the habitat changes and fragmentation,habitat barriers,water pollution,overfishing,the short growing seasons,slow growth rate,late age of sexual maturity and other factors,the populations of the species development were greatly limited.At present,the main distribution area has been gradually reduced to the upstream area of the Yellow River.At present,the population structure changed,the resource declined,the age structure turns into an extent status,the population of three investigation points where aboundance in the last time had disappeared today.However,the artificial propagation of this fish did not succeed.To explore the complete artificial propagation and in order to lay the groundwork for its resources enhancement.In this paper, P.extremus were captured from the Maqu at upper reaches of Yellow River and studies on techniques of artificial propagation and breeding were carried out in Linxia National Salmons Fishery Farm in Gansu province from 2007 to 2009.When reared for one year in pond in Linxia,some of the fish become mature.And,behaviours of propagation of the fish in nature could be controlled by adjusting the ecologic condition of environment they lived in.With the experimentation of artificial propagation for several years,some data of propagation and characteristics of P.extremus have been obtained.Under the artificial breeding conditions,their breeding season is from May to June.Individual females lay their eggs in the 30cm or more in length and weighing more than 750 g,and male body length of mature individuals is more than 30 cm and weighing more than 700 g.Both male and female reached the sexual mature at six years olds,the female mature coefficient ranged from 18.19% to 23.02%,male fish mature coefficient was 7.13%-8.34%; Mature eggs diameter was (2.1±0.1)mm,and the number of eggs per gram was 134.9.And absolute fecundity of grain for 12 630-40 470,and relative fecundity to 12.6-28.78 grains/gram·weight.Two-year cumulative hatching of 140 000 eggs were fertilized using the dry method and average fertilization rate was 87.5%,77.5% eyed rate,floating rate of 72% under the incubation temperature 10-14 ℃ conditions.And all the development of the average accumulated temperature of 6 321.5 ℃·h.Then use the Artemia salina as a weaning food,using formaldehyde solution disinfection.The artificial propagation of P.extremus was fulfilled first in China,which will contribute to its protection and resource proliferation releasing.

Volume 34, No. 11

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