• Volume 30,Issue 5,2006 Table of Contents
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    • >PAPERS
    • Effects of cooling temperature stress on hematology and serum chemistry values of Cyprinus carpio

      2006, 30(5):701-706. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.00001

      Abstract (2797) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2766) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A total of 85 interspecific hybrid F2 (Cyprinus carpiovar. wuyuanensis×Cyprinus pellegrini pellegrini) were cooled to specific temperatures and held at those temperatures over a maximum of 4 days in a waterrecycled and temperaturecontrolled aquarium inside. As a result, the blood homeostasis of experimental fish changed violently as acute temperature changed from 16 ℃ to 10 ℃ and 4 ℃ at a rate of 1 ℃·h-1 according to the data we collected. Whole blood pH, also called extracellular pH (pHe) were very sensitive to temperature changes, where the re was a significant difference between 10 ℃ (7.41) and 16 ℃ (7.17) (P <0.01), compared to other values of hematology and serum chemistry. When the water temperature was continually decreased to an extreme temperature of 4℃, the content of Na+ of serum decreased remarkably in comparison with that of 10 ℃ and 16 ℃, which was 85.2 mmol·L-1, 113.3 mmol·L-1 and 118.7 mmol·L-1, respectively. The values of hematology and serum chemistry also altered in gentle temperature changes of (10±2) ℃ and (4±2) ℃. Most values of serum chemistry and pH changed significantly, whereas the values of blood plasma changed slightly. pH was up slowly in 4 days at (10±2) ℃ and down slowly in 3 days at (4±2) ℃. A variety of values of serum chemistry changed remarkably both at (10±2) ℃ and (10±2) ℃, but the values of TP, TG and ALB only changed significantly at (4±2) ℃. These results distinguished at least two mechanisms involved in coldinduced stress in hybrid F2. Coldinduced pH changes resulted in other values altered. What's more, pH correlated negatively with water temperature above 10 ℃, and the content of Na+. We also found that gentle te mperature changes will be physiologically compensated for on day one at (10±2) ℃ and on day 2 at (4±2) ℃ in hybrid F2.

    • Changes of fatty acid composition in muscle and muscle cell membrane of Scylla serrata under low temperature adaptation

      2006, 30(5):603-610. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (2553) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2623) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Mud crab, Scylla serrata, is an important commercial crustacean living in estuarine waters. Studies on fatty acids composition changes in muscle and cell membrane of S. serrata under low temperature adaptation play an important role in understanding physiological adaptation at low temperature. In this study, S. serrata were forced to experience 3week adaptation at different low temperatures. Biochemistry methods were used to determine the content of various fatty acids in muscle as well as cell membrane. For muscle, compared with 27 ℃, C16:0 decreased gradually with the decrease of temperature, and decreased significantly at 5 ℃ (P<0.05); while C18:0 increased significantly at 5 ℃(P<0.05);C20:5 increased gradually with the decrease of temperature, and was significantly higher at 5 ℃ and 10 ℃(P<0.05).∑C16 decreased gradually with the decrease of temperature, and decreased significantly at 5 ℃(P<0.01);∑C20 increased gradually with the decrease of temperature, and increased significantly at 5 ℃ and 10 ℃(P<0.05). EPA+DHA increased gradually with the increase of temperature, and increased significantly at 5 ℃ and 10 ℃ (P<0.05), while EPA/DHA increased significantly only at 5 ℃(P<0.01). For cell membrane of muscle, compared with 27 ℃, C18:2 increased significantly under low temperature adaptation (P<0.01,P<0.05), and decreased gradually with the decrease of temperature. C18:1 decreased at low temperature, and decreased significantly at 5 ℃(P<0.05). C18:0 decreased significantly under low temperature adaptation (P<0.01); C20:5 increased under low temperature adaptation, and increased significantly only at 15 ℃(P<0.05). C22:6 decreased at low temperature, and decreased significantly at 5 ℃ and 10 ℃ (P<0.05). C20:1, C20:4 and C20:3 increased under low temperature adaptation, and significantly increased at 5 ℃(P<0.01 or P<0.05). ∑C18 decreased at low temperature; while ∑C20 increased significantly at 5 ℃ (P<0.01). However, ∑C22 decreased at low temperature and only decreased significantly at 10 ℃(P<0.05). Under low temperature adaptation, ∑SFA decreased significantly (P<0.05,P<0.01), while ∑UFA increased significantly(P<0.05,P<0.01), thus ∑SFA/∑UFA decreased significantly (P<0.05,P0.01). Increase of ∑UFA was due to increase of ∑PUFAω6. EPA+DHA had no significant change (P>0.05), but EPA/DHA increased significantly only at 5 ℃ (P<0.05). In conclusion, changes of fatty acid composition in muscle and muscle cell membrane of S. serrata are dynamic during low temperature adaptation, in which desaturation, lengthening and transformation happened continuously in short chain fatty acids. Compared with muscle tissue, fatty acids changes in cell membrane are much more, and its saturated index decreased significantly at low temperature. Changes of fatty acids in cell membrane indicated that cell membrane played an important role in maintaining the physiological homostasis under low temperature condition.

    • Genetic diversity of the five species of Epinephelus spp.

      2006, 30(5):707-712. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.00001

      Abstract (2649) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2424) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, genetic diversity of intraspecies, and genetic relationship of interspecies in Epinephelus spp. (E. merra, E. fario, E. awoara, E. akaara and E. septemfasciatus) were assessed by using mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms (mtDNA RFLPs).The samples were collected from the coastal area of Zhanjiang,Guangdong province. MtDNA was extracted from the fresh liver tissue by applying a difference centrifugation procedures. Using 17 restriction enzymes with 5-or 6-bp recognition sites, the purified mtDNA was cleaved by single enzymes. These enzymes included BamH Ⅰ,Bgl Ⅰ,Bgl Ⅱ,Dra Ⅰ,EcoR Ⅰ,EcoR Ⅴ,Hind Ⅲ,Kpn Ⅰ,Mlu Ⅰ,Pst Ⅰ,Pvu Ⅱ,Sal Ⅰ,Sca Ⅰ,Sma Ⅰ,Sty Ⅰ,Xba Ⅰ and Xho Ⅰ. The phylogenetic analysis was done using the Neighbor joining(NJ) method and Unweighted pairgroup method with arithmetic mean(UPGMA) method. Genetic diversity indices such as haplotype diversity (h), average genetic distance between haplotypes (P) and nucleotide diversity (π) were calculated using Nei and Li's segment method to quantify the genetic diversity within species. There were 8, 5, 8, 5 and 2 haplotypes detected within E. merra, E. fario, E.awoara, E.akaara and E. septemfasciatus, respectively. The haplotype diversity (h) was 0.8943, 0.6186, 0.9242, 0.6927 and 0.1820,respectively. The average genetic distance between haplotypes (P) was 0.62%±0.31%, 0.64%±0.37%, 1.12%±0.55%,0.72%±0.42% and 0.45%, respectively. And the nucleotide diversity (π) was 0.22%, 0.13%, 0.46%, 0.17% and 0.04%, respectively. The wild groupers in the Zhanjiang Coastal Area exhibited a relative higher level of genetic diversity. The net genetic distance between species (Pnet) was 0.0694(E. merra - E. fario),0.1337(E. merra - E. awoara),0.1090 E. merra -E. akaara), 0.1286(E. merra - E. septemfasciatus),0.1590(E. fario -E. awoara),0.0825(E. fario -E. akaara),0.1153(E. fario - E. septemfasciatus),0.1131 E. awoara - E. akaara),0.0724(E. awoara -E. septemfasciatus) and 0.1336(E. akaara - E. septemfasciatus). Both NJ and UPGMA methods yielded an identical phylogenetic tree for the five species. The E. merra and E. fario first clustered together, then joined with E. akaara, and finally clustered with E. awoara and E. septemfasciatus.

    • Microstructure and ultrastructure of spermatozoa of Anguilla japonica artificially induced by extraneous hormone

      2006, 30(5):611-617. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (3071) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3008) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The microstructure and ultrastructure of the spermatozoa of Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica, (n=10) artificially induced by extraneous hormone were studied. By means of light microscopy, two types (type I and type II) of spermic shapes could be observed. The spermic head of type I was almost round in shape, and similar to the shape of strawberry. The size of type I spermatozoa was smaller, with (2.57±0.62) μm of the long diameter of the karyon, (2.11±0.59) μm of the short diameter of the karyon, and (38.35±7.71) μm of the flagellum length. The spermic head shape of type II was similar with the shape of eyebrow or crescent. This size of type II spermatozoa was much bigger, with 7.66±1.09 μm of the long diameter of the karyon, (2.54±0.46) μm of the short diameter of the karyon, and (38.35±9.02) μm of the flagellum length. By means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), different ultrastructures of two types of spermatozoa could be observed. For type I spermatozoa (round spermatozoa), there was no acrosome on the forefront of the spermic head. Implantation fossa was located in the middle of the spermic head bottom, and it is in the shape of a channel along the long axis of spermatozoa. The centriolar complex was inside implantation fossa. Two to three pieces of mitochondria were under karyon. The head of basal body was co lumniform in shape, and consisted of electron density substance. The end part of basal body was separated into 9 strips. Spermic flagellum prolongated from the sleeve, and the initial part of axoneme linked up the end part of basal body. The microtubule was electron dense. The axoneme formed a typical 9+2 pattern. Type I spermatozoa might be normal spermatozoa that reached to maturity. For type II spermatozoa (eyebrowlike spermatozoa), the karyon was curving in shape, and there was a globoid object in the curving area. There were mitochondria and centriolar complex inside the globoid object. The axoneme formed a 9+0 pattern. Type II spermatozoa might be immature or abnormally developed spermatozoa.

    • Molecular verification of fertilization between bay scallop individuals

      2006, 30(5):713-719. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.00001

      Abstract (2536) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2668) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Hybrid family of Argopecten irradians irradians was created by fertilization between two northern bay scallop individuals. Two families were analyzed in this study. The first family, Pa-Pb, is a pair mating between two scallops named Pa and Pb, while the second one crossed by individuals of Y1 and P0. Marker inheritance and segregation were studied in the 10 progenies of each family by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. 102 RAPD primers were first screened by parental animals of both families. Only the primers with polymorphisms between the two parental animals in each family were select ed for further analysis. In both families, parents and 10 progeny were nalyzed with selected primers. In family Pa-Pb, a total of 122 bands generated from 12 selected primers. 37 of them were polymorphic between two parents. The maternal Pa of this family had 17 molecular markers while paternal Pb had 20 markers. In Y1-P0,95 bands were produced by 10 selected primers. 32 bands were polymorphic between maternal Y1 and paternal P0, who had 17 and 15 molecular markers respectively. In both families, each progeny analyzed in this study had at least 8 maternal markers and 5 paternal markers. Based on segregation patterns at all markers analyzed, we concluded that none of the progeny analyzed were from self-fertilization, and oneway hybridization between two individuals was successful in both of the two bay scallop families.

    • Morphology and histology of digestive tract in Oplegnathus fasciatus

      2006, 30(5):618-626. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.00001

      Abstract (3054) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3647) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Oplegnathus fasciatus,a marine fish, is of commercial value. With the development of marine aquaculture,the potential culture prospect of Oplegnathus fasciatus is becoming more and more optimistic. And thus it is essential to get appropriate feeds for it. So as a theoretical reference, the morphology and histology of the digestive tract in Oplegnathus fasciatus were studied by optical microscopes.The digestive tract in Oplegnathus fasciatus consists of the buccal pharynx cavity with welldeveloped mandibular teeth, oesophagus, stomach, intestine and rectum. The oesophagus shows two portions,cranial with pavement epitheliums and caudal with simple columnar epitheliums,and there are many goblet cells and mucous secretory cells in the epitheliums of oesophagus.The Vshaped stomach has a singlelayered columnar epithelium under which,in the cardiac and fundic portion,welldeveloped gastric glands are present. The intestine epithelium is composed of simple columnar cells with a distinct microvillus brush border, in which intestinal glands are distributed, while no muscularis mucosa is detected in the rectum. There are many goblet cells in the epithelium of the intestine and rectum. Meanwhile the average intestinal coefficient of Oplegnathus fasciatus was calculated, which came to about 0.78. Four types of goblet cell were also found in the whole digestive tract. In this paper, the microscopic structure of the digestive tract was studied,and it was proved that the histological and anatomical features of its digestive tract were consistent with the omnivorous habits of Oplegnathus fasciatus. It was expected that greater efforts should be made to have a further study on histochemistry of the digestive tract in Oplegnathus fasciatus.

    • Growth and mortality of Psenopsis anomala and evaluation on resource utilization in the East China Sea

      2006, 30(5):622-668. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.00001

      Abstract (2750) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2690) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on survey and biological data of butter fish collected in bottom trawl survey in continental shelf sea area located between north latitude 26.5 and 32.5 degree, outside of forbidden fishing line and up to depth 200 m area in the East China Sea, in the period from 2001 to 2005, growth and mortality parameters were estimated by using ELEFAN I technology based lengthfrequency data, von Bertalanffy growth equation was analogized, and we estimated the resource utilizing status of butter fish by BevertonHolt dynamic pool model. The results indicate that the growth parameters of von Bertalanffy growth equation is L=267.8 mm;K=0.45 /a;t0=-0.63 a. The growth process is not invariable. The growth at the young stage is very rapid. However, the growth rate decreases when a length of about 178.5 mm in fork length is reached. The age of growth inflection point is 1.81 a. Natural mortality coefficient (M) is 0.81 from Paluy equation and Zhan Bingyi linearity regression equation. Total mortality coefficient (Z) is 3.87, got from length converted catch curve with biology data by using the FiSAT,BevertonHolt dynamic pool model and CPUE. The fishing mortality coefficient (F) is equal to 3.06.According to the curve of equal catch using the BevertonHolt model, the present fishery point at F=3.06 and tc=1.10 a locates inside of optimal yield section. The result of assessment indicates that the stock of butter fish has been exploited rationally at present and yield is close to maximum yield. Taking into account economic requirement and feasibility, this paper suggests that keeping the present fishing effort (F=3.06) and the fork length at first capture as 145 mm would get stable yields and protect stock of butter fish. The catch of butter fish kept steady and increased slowly in recent years although the commercial stocks of the East China Seahave been declined because the age of butter fish at the first capture is close to optimal age, i.e. the size of mesh is right to butter fish. So it can be used for reference in the management and protection of the main commercial stocks of the East China Sea.

    • Construction of cDNA library of gills from Pagrus major with the cloning of hepcidin

      2006, 30(5):627-632. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (2633) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2614) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the layers of mucus and nonspecific immune defenses, the fish gill is exposed to the external environment and forms the initial barrier to invasio n by pathogens. As one of the mucosaassociated lymphoid tissues in teleost fishes, gill contains populations of leucocytes. In order to probe the immunerelated genes in red seabream (Pagrus major), the cDNA library of gill s was constructed from the red seabream inoculated with several species of pathogenic bacteria. The total RNA was extracted by TRIZOL and mRNA was isolated by biotinoligo (dT). Then, cDNA was synthesized from 5 μg mRNA. Through running gel electrophoresis of doublestrand cDNA, the fragments of 500-4000 bp were harvested, concentrated, ligated with λZAP vector and packaged in vitro. The primary cDNA library contained 1.75 ×105 recombinants. The titer of amplified library was tested up to 1×109 pfu·mL-1, and the insert size of random picked phagemid was between 500-2000 bp. PCR with specific primers of hepcidin was performed to cloning of the homologous genes from cDNA library and a fragment of hepcidin cDNA sequence was amplified. The identity was above 85% in comparison with the hepcidin cDNA isolated from the liver of also red seabream. Therefore, the construction of cDNA library provides the basis for screening immunerelated genes from red seabream.

    • Major histocompatibility complex class ⅡB allele polymorphism and its association with resistance/susceptibility to Vibrio anguillarumin Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus

      2006, 30(5):633-639. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (2563) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3063) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:13 different MHC class ⅡB alleles which encoded 13 different amino acid seq uences were identified among 411 clones from 42 resistant Japanese flounder individuals and 42 susceptible Japanese flounder individuals using the primer pairs of fmhcN1 and fmhcC1. Among the PCR products of 280 (268) nucleotides, 32 (11.4%) nucleotide positions were variable. Among the putative 61 amino acid sequence, 13 amino acid positions were polymorphic and 6 (46.15%) positions occurred in PBR region. Comparison of the ratio of nonsynonymous substitutions and synonymous substitutions (dN/dS) in the PBR (23.091) and in the NonPBR (0.523) indicated that the selection for amino acid replacement occurred mainly at the PBR region. Phylogenetic analysis using MEGA2.0 software showed that the putative 13 MHC class II B amino acid sequences of Japanese flounder assembled together as a cluster firstly. The phylogenetic relationship with the corresponding sequence of striped sea bass was relatively near, and the phylogenetic relationship with that of mammalian, such as with mouse and human, was relatively distant. With analysis of the occurrence percentages about the 13 different alleles in resistant and sus ceptible stock, most alleles such as Paolallele*aPaolallele*f, Paolallel e*j, Paolallele*k, Paolallele*i, Paolallele*m were commonly found in oth stocks. Using Chisquare Test, Paolallele*d was significantly more prevalent in individuals from susceptible stock than in individuals from resistant stock, and their percentages were 23.80% and 7.14%, respectively. In addition, the Paolallele*g and Paolallele*h only occurred in 13 individuals from 42 resistant individuals, and their percentages were 21.4% and 9.52%, respectively. While Paolallele*l was only found from 42 susceptible individuals, its percentage is 19.05%.

    • Analysis of genetic diversity of Nibea albiflora by AFLP markers

      2006, 30(5):640-646. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (3187) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3476) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Nibea albiflora is a commercially important marine fish species, which is widely distributed in Chinese, Japanese and Korean waters. Nibea albiflora has been intensively studied in China, including its basic biological characteristics and artificial reproduction. However, very few studies on N. albiflora were focused on genetic diversity, which has become an obstacle to further researches on the protection, management, rational exploitation and sustainable utilization of N. albiflora resources. The yield of N. albiflora has declined quickly due to increased efficiency of capture techniques and the leap of catch intensity. The information of genetic diversities of different populations will give us theoretical guidance in breeding and genetic improvement. In this study, a new molecular techonology, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was used to analyze the genetic diversity and variation of two populations of N. albiflora from Qingdao and Xiamen sea areas. Procedures of AFLP analysis were essentially based on Vose et al. and Wang et al. A total of 47 individuals were studied using five primer combinations (E-AAC/M-CAG, E-AGG/M-CTT, E-AGG/M-CAG, E-AGC/M-CAT, E-AGC/M-CAG). AFLP bands were scored for presence (1) or absence (0) and transformed into 0/1 binary character matrix. AMOVA and mismatch distribution analysis were performed in Arlequin, Nei genetic diversity and Shannon genetic diversity index were calculated in POPGEN. A total of 461 loci ranging in size from 60 bp to 550 bp were detected from 47 individuals, of which 265 were polymorphic. The number of bands per primer combination varied from 66 to 126 and the percentage of polymorphic bands per primer combination ranged from 52.58% to 62.70%. The proportion of polymorphic loci, the Neigenetic diversity and Shannon genetic diversity index of Qingdao and Xiamen populations were 51.70% and 51.99%, 0.1022 and 0.0996, 0.1643 and 0.1622, respectively. The results showed that the genetic diversity of these two populations was at the same level. Gst value, Shannon genetic diversity index and AMOVA analysis indicated that the genetic variation mainly came from individuals within populations and there was no significant genetic differentiation between populations. The UPGMA tree based on AFLP data supported this result and no distinct clade was detectd. Mismatch distribution analysis and dominant gene frequency revealed that these two populations have the same genetic population structure. The results of AFLP analysis indicated that there is no significant genetic differentiation between two populations due to frequent gene flow. At present, the natural populations of marine fish, including N. albiflora, have been destroyed due to over exploitation and increasing marine pollution which caused the number of parent fish to be extremely diminished. These results provide information on the geneticst ructure of N. albiflora, which can be utilized to make informed mana gement decisions. However, AFLP markers are inherited as dominant markers, further studies utilizing codominant markers are needed for a better understanding of the genetic diversity of this fish.

    • Comparison of reproductive characteristics between Pampus argenteus and Pampus cinereuc in Zhoushan fishing ground

      2006, 30(5):647-653. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.00001

      Abstract (3659) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3250) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Pampus argenteus and Pampus cinereu are two of the most important commercial species of inshore waters in China. The reproductive characteristics of the two species were discussed by means of biological investigation and histological slides analysis with optic microscope. The samples of these two species had been collected continually all year by fishing vessels at sea. The results indicated that the two species had same sex ratio(1∶1) during the spawning season. There was little variation in their gonad and oocyte development. The egg diameter of oocyte at the 5phase was 700-870 μm with one oil globule at 260-400 μm diameter, and the thickness of primary egg membrane was 12-19 μm. They spawn several batchs during one reproductive season. Average fork lengths of female Pampusargenteus and P. cinereu in their reproductive season were 22.5 cm and 29.0 cm, respectively, and the fork length of male Pampus argenteus and P. cinereu in their dominant population was 14.0-17.0 cm and 23.0-25.5 cm, respectively. The reproductive season of Pampus argenteus was from early April to early June and the ovary gonadosomatic index (GSI) went up to its peak from middle of April to middle of May with the maximum 25%. However the reproductive season of P. cinereu was from early June to middle of August and its maximal ovary maximal GSI was 12.6% from late June to late July. In addition, the water temperature in reproductive period for Pampus argenteus and P. cinereu was 18-24℃ and 24-28℃, respectively. The effect of environmental factors on amount of spawning population was also discussed in this paper.

    • Feeding habit of Erisphex potti from Changjiang Estuary and adjacent sea in spring

      2006, 30(5):654-661. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.00001

      Abstract (3420) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2835) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to assess the relative trophic importance of the spotted velvetfish in Changjiang Estuary and adjacent sea in summer, carbon(δ13C) and nitrogen(δ15N) stable isotope ratios were determined in spotted velvetfish and its potential food sources. Based on an organism's stable isotope ratios are an integration of the isotopic signatures of food sources that have been assimilated through time. The δ13C and δ15N values showed that the spotted velvetfish's food sources were composed of plankton >900 μm, Leptochela gracilis, common squid, Lantern cuttlefish, Beka squid, Common Japanese squid, larvae and juvenile and Japanese sand shrimp. plankton >900 μm was the most important food source, accounting for 69%-75% of the total food by weight. Food proportion of the spotted velvetfish varied among different classes of sizes. Cluster analysis dived the body lengths of the spotted velvetfish into two groups according to stable isotope ratios, >60 mm and <60 mm, respectively. The food proportion of the plankton >900 μm was 68%-87% to 75%-88% for the > 60 mm to <60 mm, while the proportions of larvae and juvenile,mollusk,Crusta ceans to the larger group have a degree of increasing. The proportions of all food sources showed that plankton >900 μm was the most important prey, while others were eaten occasionally by the spotted velvetfish. If the production of plankton >900 μm decrease in some cases, the spotted velvetfish would increase the other food proportion, sharing the large size food with other org anisms,which would decrease the production of high trophic level organisms or s horten the length of food chain.

    • A marine remote sensing based preliminary analysis on the fishing ground of purple flying squid Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis

      2006, 30(5):669-675. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (3291) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2872) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A trip of productionpossibility frontier on exploring purple flying squid (Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis) has been made by Chinese squid jigging fleet in the northwestern Indian Ocean during September and November in 2003. It aimed to estimate the resources biomass of squid and its distribution. During the investigation period, the main fishing ground was found in the waters near 16°N, 61°E , where the averaged catch per day was more than 5 tons. But the fishing ground disappeared suddenly 10 days later. The situation of fishing ground changing and disappearing have been discussed based on the marine environmental data from the trip and satellite data from website. The upwelling might occur in the area along the coast of Oman. The upwelling might bring the oxygenpoor seawater from deeper layer, which might result that fish gather in pockets of relative oxygenrich water, at the same time fish tend to gather around areas where there is ample food, areas where there is high sea surface chlorophyll-α(Chl-a)) and lower sea surface temperature (SST). The fishing ground had been found at the area with high SST and Chl-a gradient. From the surface winds direction and speed data, it is showed that the appearance of lower cyclone will change the SST and Chla distribution, and plays a very important role in the forming of squid fishing ground.

    • Effect of dietary choline on the growth, tissue lipid content and activities of digestive enzymes of Monopterus albus

      2006, 30(5):676-682. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.00001

      Abstract (3189) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3014) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to solve the problem of which food conversion ratio was higher and how nutritional disease such as fat liver occurred, when Monopterus albus fed formulated diet, this paper studied the effects of supplement of choline to the diets on the growth, food conversion ratio, lipid content in muscle and liver, hepatosmatic index and activities of 4 digestive enzymes of Monopterus albus. By adding choline of different content to the diets at 9 levels: 0.0%, 0.1%, 0.3%, 0.5%, 0.8%, 1.0%, 1.2%, 1.5% and 2.0%, cultivating M. albus for 90 d. Then the study measured and compared 9 levels of choline to the diets on the growth, food conversion ratio, lipid content in muscle and liver, hepatosmatic index and activities of 4 digestive enzymes of M. albus. The results show that when M. albus feed on diets with different content of choline, the growth rate, food conversion ratio, lipid content in muscle and liver, hepatosmatic index, activities of 4 digestive enzymes are different. Between 0.0% to 2.0% of supplement of choline to the diets, with the increase of choline content in the diets, its growth rate increases, the activities of protease, trypsin, amylase and lipase in foregut, hindgut and liver increase, and food conversion ratio,lipid content in muscle and liver and hepatoamatic index decrease. When the choline content in the diets increases from 0.0% to 0.8%-1.0%, these changes are significant. This suggests that the suitable supplement of choline in the diets is 0.8%-1.0%.

    • Masculinization of female Eriocheir sinensis by injecting the extract of androgenic gland of E. sinensis and Scylla paramamosain

      2006, 30(5):577-585. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (2860) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3096) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This is the first report of sex reversal induced by injection of androgenic gland (AG) extract in brachyuran crabs. In the present study, the extract of AG from the mud crab Scylla paramamosain and the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis was injected into newly developed female (i.e. just after sex differentiation) crabs E. sinensis. Masculinization was observed in the injection with E. sinensis as well as S. paramamosain. AG cross activity might exist between the two species. Sex reversal could be achieved at a low dosage of 0.14 (E. sinensis) or 0.06 (S. paramamosain) AG equivalent.

    • Immunologic enhancement of Flavobacterium columnare exopolysaccharide in grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idellus

      2006, 30(5):683-689. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.00001

      Abstract (3112) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2830) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The immunologic enhancement of Flavobacterium columnare exopolysacchar ide (EPS) was examined by semi-quantitative RT-PCR in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) immunized with intraperitoneal injection of EPS. The total RNA was extracted from liver, spleen, trunk and head kidney of EPS and saline injected fish and reversetranscribed into cDNA, respectively. Five immune genes, i.e. CRP, IL-1, MHC-I, IgM and IFN were then amplified through polymerase chain reaction and semiquantified by comparing brightness of electrophoresis band of the gene PCR product with that of β-actin, respectively. The gene expression of CRP in liver of immunized fish increased significantly, and gene expression of MHC-I in spleen and trunk kidney of immunized fish decreased significantly in comparison with control fish. No significant change was observed in the gene expression of IL-1 between immunized and control fish, and the gene expression of IFN was weakly detected in tissues of both immunized and control fish with no significant difference observed. However, the gene expression of IgM in four tissues of immunized fish increased significantly when compared with control fish. It is thus indicated that the innate and specific humoral immunity of grass carp are effectively activated by immunization with EPS of F. columnare.

    • Effects of polychlorinated biphenyls(PCB1254) on testosterone and estradiol of serum and culture ovary in allogynogenetic silver crucian carp

      2006, 30(5):586-590. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (2581) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2795) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Environmental hormones and endocrinedisrupting chemicals, are outside factors, which can interfere in the normal function of natural hormone, suc h as production, release, transport, metabolism, link, effect or exclusion. These polluters disordering estrogen and reproduction could link with estrogen receptor and even produce estrogen effects. As a typical kind of environmental hormones, polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs) are a class of chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds with high chemical stabilities and toxicity, and often extant in environment and bioaccumulated in food chains, leading to a ubiquitous contamination in nature and man. In laboratory studies, technical PCB mixtures have been shown to cause reproductive disorders in fish. But the interferential mechanism of PCB was not found, the aim of the present study was to provide the research of the mechanism with the effects of PCB1254 on testosterone and estradiol of serum and culture ovary in allogynogenetic silver crucian carp. The effects of PCB1254 on sex steroids in allogynogenetic silver crucian carp were investigated by using in vitro injection of PCB1254 0.5, 5, 50 μg·kg-1body weight. In injection groups, the levels of testosterone in the serum decreased with time and concentration of PCB1254. Meanwhile, the levels of estradiol in the serum changed in the opposite trend. In the groups of incubated ovarian fragments in vitro with PCB1254, the levels of estradiol secretion from ovary increased with time and concentration of PCB1254 treatments.

    • Construction the cDNA library of expression profiles of penaeid shrimp WSSV and immune genes of crayfish with suppression subtractive hybridization and cDNA chip

      2006, 30(5):690-694. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.00001

      Abstract (2889) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3683) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The cDNA of crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) infected with white spot syn drome virus(WSSV) were used as tester and that of the control as driver to construct a forward subtraction.A reverse subtraction was performed by used tester as driver and driver as tester at the same time.The subtracted products were cloned into the PinPointTM Xa-1 T-Vector.Then the recombinated plasmid was transformated into DH5α.A forward subtracted cDNA library including 1620 clone and a reverse subtracted cDNA library including 400 clone were constructed respectively. Using sequences flanking the cloning site as primers,1514 clones were amplified from the 2020 clones constructed by suppression subtractive hybridization.1221 clones of these were got from forward subtraction library and 293 clones from reverse subtraction library. After concentration and degeneration the PCR fragments were robotically printed onto nylon membrane to make a cDNA chip. In the end, 255 positive clones from forward subtraction library and 23 positive clones from reverse subtraction library were detected by cDNA chip.

    • Effect of danofloxacin on antioxidant function and micronucleus formation of erythrocyte in Acipenser schrencki

      2006, 30(5):591-596. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (2737) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2602) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The effects of danofloxacin by oral administration for 20 days at dosage of 20,50 and 100 mg·kg-1 on the toxicity of Acipenser schrencki were studied. The activity of superoxide dismutase(SOD) ,catalase(CAT),Na+,K+ATPase,glutathioneStransferase(GSHPX),glutathione peroxidase(GST) and Maleic Dialdehyde(MDA) content were investigated by kit, so as to appraise security of danofloxacin used in Acipenser schrencki. Meanwhile blood smears were prepared to investi gated the micronucleus and nuclear anomalies rate. The results showed:the SOD activity in erythrocyte remains higher level than that of control group;CAT activity in erythrocyte is higher than control group obviously;The activity of Na+, K+ATPase in erythrocyte is not significant compared with control group;The GSHPX activity in erythrocyte of 100 mg·kg-1 is higher than other test groups(P<0.05);the MDA concentration in erythrocyte remains unchanged;the activity of GST inerythrocyte is not affected by danofloxacin;The erythrocyte micronucleu s remained stable, but nuclear anomalies in test group rose markedly compared with control group. The result showed that the nuclear anomalies are the highest at 10th day, then began to decrease but still is higher obviously than control group. The result showed that danlfloxacin affected SOD,CAT,GSHPX activity, does not changed the Na+, K+ATPase,GST activity and MDA content. The nuclear anomalies rate of test fish is higher than control group.

    • Study on the tripolyphosphatase (TPPase) of myofibrils from Aristichthys nobilis muscle

      2006, 30(5):695-700. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1231

      Abstract (2469) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2655) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The hydrolysis of sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) in the fresh Aristichthys nobilis minced meat and myofibrils (Mf) were studied by using ion chromatog raphy (IC). The results showed that STPP was hydrolyzed to pyrophosphate(PP)and orthophosphate(Pi), whereas pyrophosphate was further hydrolyzed to orthophosphate in Aristichthys nobilis minced meat. In the case of myofibrils, STPP was also hydrolyzed to pyrophosphate and orthophosphate. Myofibrils from Aristichthys nobilis muscle had the activity of tripolyphosphatase (TPPase). The optimum temperature and pH for the TPPase activity of myofibrils from Aristichthys nobilis muscle were 25 ℃,pH 5.5.The TPPase activity of myofibrils was activated at the condition of below 5 mmol·L-1 Mg2+, but was inhibited when the content of Mg2+ over 5 mmol·L-1. At the condition of 0.3 mol·L-1 KCl, the strongest activity was determined at 5 mmol·L-1 Mg2+. The TPPase activity of myofibrils from Aristichthys nobilis was also affected by KCl. The optimum consistence of KCl for the TPPase was 0.3 mmol·L-1 at the condition of 5 mmol·L-1 Mg2+. EDTA-Na2 could inhibit activity of TPPase.

    • Induction of larval settlement and metamorphosis of Coelomactra antiquata using some chemicals

      2006, 30(5):597-602. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.00001

      Abstract (2790) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2929) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The method of adding chemical compounds in the induction of settlement and metamorphosis of eyespot larvae of Coelomactra antiquata was adopted in this paper. The aim is to research the induction of epinephrine, γ-aminobutyric acid(GABA),LDOBA and Ca2+ on the settlement and metamorphosis of C. antiquata larvae,and to assess optimum induction concentrations of four chemicals. The results indicated that exposure to 10-4 mol·L-1 epinephrine induced significant levels of both settlement and metamorphosis in larvae of C. antiquata, and settlement, metamorphosis and survival rates were 88.3%, 92.8% and 98.14% respectively. Larval settlement and metamorphosis rates of C. antiquata were 86.9% and 87.6% respectively, in the presence of GABA at the concentration of 10-5 mol·L-1. L-DOPA could induce the metamorphosis of eyespot larvae of C. antiquata. Maximum metamorphosis rate of 73.3% and settlement rate of 84.9% were achieved after exposure to 10-6 mol·L-1 L-DOPA. The results also showed that the settlement and metamorphosis rates were 86.1% and 42.8% respectively, and the survival rate of the larvae was 87.4% when induced by 20 mmol·L-1Ca2+. When the larvae were induced by exposure to the optimal concentrations of above four kinds of chemicals respectively, the settlement and metamorphosis rates of the larvae were observed significantly higher than those in controls.It was discussed that the induction technique of using Ca2+ could apply to the artificial breed of C. antiquata in large scale production.

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